Dems reject stopping IS members from getting back in the country

We have one hell of problem on our horizon TNH. Many terror groups from around the world have pledged alliance to ISIS. And we are talking Chechens,Nigeria's Boko Haram or the Philippines' Abu Sayyaf and more. Now up to 42 established terror organizations.

Obama can just shut the fuck up about us being concerned about widows and orphans. He's a raging wanker at this point.

These jihadists are kick ass terrorists. These are professional killers who really enjoy it. Now they are rebranding themselves under allegiance to ISIS or in support of ISIS.

So now that we've let ISIS grow globally, what the heck are we going to do now? Because Syrian or Chechen fighters could come in from the Phillipines for example. Ditto those American jihadists could come back home from Nigeria.
Just an FYI for those who care.

Check this out. Ruh roh.


How ISIS is recruiting terror groups from across the planet
These terrorists are not cave dwellers. They've been brilliant and we better recognize how damn excellent these mother truckers in ISIS are.

They're a freaking brand for heaven's sakes!

'It offers these groups global recognition that they are part of one of the most effective terrorist organisations in the world. It's just the idea that they're part of a greater social movement.'

Using methods Dr Liang said were akin to a successful start-up company, ISIS has created its own markets - such as its illicit oil trade - while also spreading itself further to tap into other revenue.

Dr Liang said she feared ISIS and its vast array of affiliates would soon extend beyond their symbolic and ideological ties to start operating like a multinational company.

She explained: 'It's kind of like a mafia organisation. Everyone has their own business and if they co-operate more I can see them extending their businesses to one another - so it could enrich them even further.

'I think of ISIS as always looking for new markets. They may not necessarily get into the [other groups'] market, but will take a piece of the cut.'

How ISIS is recruiting terror groups from across the planet
I dunno what the dems were thinking, but I'd like for the DOJ to get their hands on these bastards and put them in very unpleasant jails.
Can they do anything considering they are joining non-state enemies?
Remember a while back when the Dems sat on a bill that would stop letting people that left the country to join IS, back in the USA?
Text - S.2779 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Expatriate Terrorists Act
And in all reality, it was just an extension of what we already have. It just applied to non-state enemies.
Why don't the dems attack their own with things like this?
Because it violated due process. You can't strip someone's citizenship without due process.
Ex parte Quirin?
No. Do you know why? They would be considered unlawful combatants according to the laws of war :thup:
IS doesn't follow international humanitarian laws.
Remember a while back when the Dems sat on a bill that would stop letting people that left the country to join IS, back in the USA?
Text - S.2779 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Expatriate Terrorists Act
And in all reality, it was just an extension of what we already have. It just applied to non-state enemies.
Why don't the dems attack their own with things like this?
Because it violated due process. You can't strip someone's citizenship without due process.
Ex parte Quirin?
No. Do you know why? They would be considered unlawful combatants according to the laws of war :thup:
IS doesn't follow international humanitarian laws.
I answered your question, not my problem that you didn't like the answer. Even traitors get trials.
Remember a while back when the Dems sat on a bill that would stop letting people that left the country to join IS, back in the USA?
Text - S.2779 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Expatriate Terrorists Act
And in all reality, it was just an extension of what we already have. It just applied to non-state enemies.
Why don't the dems attack their own with things like this?
Because it violated due process. You can't strip someone's citizenship without due process.
Ex parte Quirin?
No. Do you know why? They would be considered unlawful combatants according to the laws of war :thup:
IS doesn't follow international humanitarian laws.
I answered your question, not my problem that you didn't like the answer. Even traitors get trials.
I just gave you FACT and LAW you fuckin moron.
I gave you a reference. YOU do the math. I cant force you to not be a dumbfuck.
Unlawful combatants don't get shit!
Its cute how ravi thinks IS is all humanitarian and "junk" ;)
The dems would be here but they are too busy using fear tactics to accomplish their agenda :ack-1:
Will someone help me gather up all the crickets so I can feed them to my bearded dragon?
Dems only consider Republicans the enemy, ISIS and the Illegals are their friends
That's what im seeing.
A white man is the devil if he says a woman should cook his meal. A muslim is OK when he chops off a females clit.. I don't get it man.. I really don't..
I would you even know? Are they wearing "I'm with Isys T-shirts"?
Is this another example of the conservative love of the constitution ?

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