Dems Risk Losing Suburban Women with Kavanaugh Attacks

If Kavanaugh had simply denied the accusation and behaved like a judge ought to behave in that hearing, he’d be on the court by now.

He lied under oath about fairly trivial matters regarding his youth. Devil’s Triangle is not a fucking drinking game. He flat out lied under oath there.

That is what tripped him up. That is what led to the delay and the pretense of an FBI probe.

He may still be confirmed because the GOP is possibly willing to allow a person who demonstrably lied under oath to become a SC Justice.

It is what it is.
How do you know what they called the "devils triangle" at that HS 35 years ago? It is what he said it is unless you have other witnesses ? Besides, what matters are his qualifications, 1st in his class, a good record on the courts, etc. The dems are trying to pick nits and its not working.
It’s beyond the risk stage.

Thinking women have husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, and other males in their orbits who could also be victims someday if 100% totally unsubstantiated claims with zero proof are allowed to damage the names and reputations of innocent men, or anyone else. It’s garbage and many women don’t like the stink but will be able to apply the air freshener in about a month.
Thinking women also have daughters. And it seems I am apparently not alone in thinking Kavanaugh's demeanor is the key to his future judicial decisions more than Ford's testimony.

100,000 U.S. Christian Churches Demand Withdrawal of Kavanaugh's Supreme Court Nomination

BTW, withdrawing Kav's nomination is inappropriate. Getting the Senators ON RECORD as to whether they think Judge Kavanaugh is a gang raping , heavy drinking son of a bitch who should be in the dock of the SCOTUS instead of on the bench is what we need to do.

Letting the senators weasel out of making a decision is just plain wrong..

And should the Senators do the wrong thing and succeed in denying Kav the seat, he will be free to travel to West Virginia, Indiana and other key states where the senators voted against him to hold the senators accountable to the voters
How will you make them accountable?
We are just over four weeks away from the Mid-Term Elections and we all know Donald Trump will say something stupid between now and then to ruin the momentum gained by the stupidity of Democrats.

As long as Donald Trump doesn't go all stupid, Republicans will be ok and pick up seats in both the House and Senate, but the attention span of the American people last for about a week. Once Kavanaugh is confirmed, it will no longer be a story by next Saturday and the Democrats will move on to the next great lie.

Republicans must set the narrative between now and election day but that's very hard to do when Democrats control most of the information that comes out.
How do you know what they called the "devils triangle" at that HS 35 years ago? It is what he said it is unless you have other witnesses ? Besides, what matters are his qualifications, 1st in his class, a good record on the courts, etc. The dems are trying to pick nits and its not working.

Dude. There has never been a drinking game called the Devil’s Triangle.

He was first in his class where?

You don’t know his record on the courts any more than I do.

He acted the partisan fool in that hearing. He lied.

You don’t care. I know.

So eat shit. You just don’t care.
How do you know what they called the "devils triangle" at that HS 35 years ago?


Liberals pulled out obscure gay lingo to attack "tea bagging" to a particular sex act- yet I spoke with older Homoamericans who had no idea that was what "tea bagging" meant until the story broke.
We are just over four weeks away from the Mid-Term Elections and we all know Donald Trump will say something stupid between now and then to ruin the momentum gained by the stupidity of Democrats.

As long as Donald Trump doesn't go all stupid, Republicans will be ok and pick up seats in both the House and Senate, but the attention span of the American people last for about a week. Once Kavanaugh is confirmed, it will no longer be a story by next Saturday and the Democrats will move on to the next great lie.

Republicans must set the narrative between now and election day but that's very hard to do when Democrats control most of the information that comes out.

That’s awesome.
How do you know what they called the "devils triangle" at that HS 35 years ago?


Liberals pulled out obscure gay lingo to attack "tea bagging" to a particular sex act- yet I spoke with older Homoamericans who had no idea that was what "tea bagging" meant until the story broke.

You just lied.

It’s so easy for you fuckers. You don’t hesitate for a second.
How do you know what they called the "devils triangle" at that HS 35 years ago? It is what he said it is unless you have other witnesses ? Besides, what matters are his qualifications, 1st in his class, a good record on the courts, etc. The dems are trying to pick nits and its not working.

Dude. There has never been a drinking game called the Devil’s Triangle.

He was first in his class where?

You don’t know his record on the courts any more than I do.

He acted the partisan fool in that hearing. He lied.

You don’t care. I know.

So eat shit. You just don’t care.

1. You don't know what they called any drinking game 35 years ago. Why would Kav lie about it? He knew he was under a microscope
2. OK, Trump was exaggerating a little, but he was near the top of his class at Yale and Law School
3. See below for a summary of his record on the court, very similar to Kennedy
4. What lie(s)? Lied about what? Don't just say "he lied"

Judge Kavanaugh’s record in criminal cases - SCOTUSblog see the conclusion at the bottom
Although Kavanaugh cannot overall be described as a criminal-law “liberal,” one might call him a “Kennedy-esque” moderate. In sum, Kavanaugh’s writings in traditional criminal-law cases seem unlikely to draw critical fire from any political direction.
How do you know what they called the "devils triangle" at that HS 35 years ago? It is what he said it is unless you have other witnesses ? Besides, what matters are his qualifications, 1st in his class, a good record on the courts, etc. The dems are trying to pick nits and its not working.

Dude. There has never been a drinking game called the Devil’s Triangle.

He was first in his class where?

You don’t know his record on the courts any more than I do.

He acted the partisan fool in that hearing. He lied.

You don’t care. I know.

So eat shit. You just don’t care.

1. You don't know what they called any drinking game 35 years ago. Why would Kav lie about it? He knew he was under a microscope
2. OK, Trump was exaggerating a little, but he was near the top of his class at Yale and Law School
3. See below for a summary of his record on the court, very similar to Kennedy
4. What lie(s)? Lied about what? Don't just say "he lied"

Judge Kavanaugh’s record in criminal cases - SCOTUSblog see the conclusion at the bottom
Although Kavanaugh cannot overall be described as a criminal-law “liberal,” one might call him a “Kennedy-esque” moderate. In sum, Kavanaugh’s writings in traditional criminal-law cases seem unlikely to draw critical fire from any political direction.

So boring.


Devil’s Triangle.



Didn’t watch Ford.

Didn’t know Ramirez.

No Yale connections.

Clinton revenge.

All lies.

We are done. You can’t discuss honestly.
Kavanaugh will be voted on the USSC soon, so what do those "points" mean? <nothing>
Kavanaugh will be voted on the USSC soon, so what do those "points" mean? <nothing>

I agree 100%. The liberals in Red States don't want to see Kav on the campaign trail next week.

The move to have the vote to this week was brilliant.

The Dems were hoping to stall this until after the election when the voters can no longer hold them accountable this year.

I think the Dims have overplayed their hands. It’s not that women don’t grieve for victims of sexual assault but that they also find unfounded attacks on families abhorrent.

A bungled political assassination attempt on Brett Kavanaugh will cost the Democrats more than a seat on the Supreme Court: The party might also have killed its edge with suburban women just weeks before the pivotal midterm elections. The near-unanimous reaction to this travesty among my fellow suburban moms is unlike anything I’ve seen in the Trump era.

Until now, Democrats have been confident that women living in the suburbs would propel the much-vaunted “blue wave” this fall because President Trump remains unpopular with this traditionally Republican constituency. Polling conducted over the summer indicated suburban women had a strong preference for Democratic candidates over their Republican opponents. Several vulnerable Republican-held congressional districts are located in suburban area

Much more @ Dems Risk Losing Suburban Women with Kavanaugh Attacks

With the Kavanaugh Fight, Political Warfare Escalates @ With the Kavanaugh Fight, Political Warfare Escalates

Feinstein Wants to Seal FBI Investigation @ Huge Development: Feinstein Moves To Seal FBI Investigation as Case Collapses

Fine to show the world when it goes her way.

Cory Booker: It doesn’t matter if Kavanaugh is "innocent or guilty” @ Booker Makes Shock Kavanaugh Admission, Abandons Due Process in Bizarre Rant
I was stuck trying to figure out just what was really going on with the whole hearing and goals of both sides. My sister Jo Jo had to explain it, (head hanging me) She said the Demo can not allow the loss of a seat on the High Court because of the support they get from the Court. They need to get more, women, and Blacks to vote for the, they are losing control. The need full control of the gov, from the courts to the White House to further what they want to do to the Nation. They are using every dirty trick from lies to suggestions to gain this goal.(s). They have the Support of the 527 Foundations, Soros, Clinton, Koch, Sovel, Gates, to put money to the the payoff site, Fundme. It all fits together from what she said so if true there should be a site. View attachment 220068
Sheesh! poor victim! BTW, where were you when Franken was under fire?

There were actual PICTURES documenting Al Franken's perversions, showing the senator molesting a broad while she slept. Frankel agreed to VOLUNTARILY resign in disgrace. Now if the liberals would show pictures of the Rape Train parties and young Master Kavanaugh's leadership in organizing the event, we'd love to see it and it would be a game changer.
Read the tear-stained calendar.

I think the Dims have overplayed their hands. It’s not that women don’t grieve for victims of sexual assault but that they also find unfounded attacks on families abhorrent.

A bungled political assassination attempt on Brett Kavanaugh will cost the Democrats more than a seat on the Supreme Court: The party might also have killed its edge with suburban women just weeks before the pivotal midterm elections. The near-unanimous reaction to this travesty among my fellow suburban moms is unlike anything I’ve seen in the Trump era.

Until now, Democrats have been confident that women living in the suburbs would propel the much-vaunted “blue wave” this fall because President Trump remains unpopular with this traditionally Republican constituency. Polling conducted over the summer indicated suburban women had a strong preference for Democratic candidates over their Republican opponents. Several vulnerable Republican-held congressional districts are located in suburban area

Much more @ Dems Risk Losing Suburban Women with Kavanaugh Attacks

With the Kavanaugh Fight, Political Warfare Escalates @ With the Kavanaugh Fight, Political Warfare Escalates

Feinstein Wants to Seal FBI Investigation @ Huge Development: Feinstein Moves To Seal FBI Investigation as Case Collapses

Fine to show the world when it goes her way.

Cory Booker: It doesn’t matter if Kavanaugh is "innocent or guilty” @ Booker Makes Shock Kavanaugh Admission, Abandons Due Process in Bizarre Rant
I was stuck trying to figure out just what was really going on with the whole hearing and goals of both sides. My sister Jo Jo had to explain it, (head hanging me) She said the Demo can not allow the loss of a seat on the High Court because of the support they get from the Court. They need to get more, women, and Blacks to vote for the, they are losing control. The need full control of the gov, from the courts to the White House to further what they want to do to the Nation. They are using every dirty trick from lies to suggestions to gain this goal.(s). They have the Support of the 527 Foundations, Soros, Clinton, Koch, Sovel, Gates, to put money to the the payoff site, Fundme. It all fits together from what she said so if true there should be a site. View attachment 220068
Sheesh! poor victim! BTW, where were you when Franken was under fire?

There were actual PICTURES documenting Al Franken's perversions, showing the senator molesting a broad while she slept. Frankel agreed to VOLUNTARILY resign in disgrace. Now if the liberals would show pictures of the Rape Train parties and young Master Kavanaugh's leadership in organizing the event, we'd love to see it and it would be a game changer.
Read the tear-stained calendar.

Maybe Kav will read the calendar himself next week to the crowds in Erie if the man is found guilty.

Let the People decide is all I'm saying. And the key to letting the people decide is for the Senate to make their determination this week.
It’s beyond the risk stage.

Thinking women have husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, and other males in their orbits who could also be victims someday if 100% totally unsubstantiated claims with zero proof are allowed to damage the names and reputations of innocent men, or anyone else. It’s garbage and many women don’t like the stink but will be able to apply the air freshener in about a month.
Thinking women also have daughters. And it seems I am apparently not alone in thinking Kavanaugh's demeanor is the key to his future judicial decisions more than Ford's testimony.

100,000 U.S. Christian Churches Demand Withdrawal of Kavanaugh's Supreme Court Nomination

A fake news story, bull. A fake headline- actually it was only 1 outfit,the National Council of Churches that made the ruling against Kav. The 100,000 churches didn't speak and I'm sure that many of these churches disagree with this dictum.
My prince, you probably know I wouldn't go to a church that tells me how to vote. My point is that it is Kavanaugh's demeanor, his get-even threats based on a phantom conspiracy straight out of an Alex Jones type mill, his victimhood, his whole attitude is not just MY opinion. However, the National Council of Churches is only one outfit like the Catholic Church is only one outfit. And the headline ain't fake, ole buddy.

Sadly, no matter what happens, this nomination is only dividing us further and I am so sorry about that. Allow me a moment of self-pity.... I fear we are lost, fragmented, shattered, too broken to repair and I think I am glad my days are numbered. I watched us rise to world power and now I watch us sink into a squabbling nation that hates fellow Americans more than any enemy. And I remember that Hitler won power on 33% because of a fragmented country. And we have a handful of scapegoats to blame instead of ourselves, like MS13, Muslims, Mexicans.. So in 10 years, look around and think of me. If I am wrong I'll play you a song on my harp.
My prince, you probably know I wouldn't go to a church that tells me how to vote. My point is that it is Kavanaugh's demeanor, his get-even threats based on a phantom conspiracy straight out of an Alex Jones type mill, his victimhood, his whole attitude is not just MY opinion. However, the National Council of Churches is only one outfit like the Catholic Church is only one outfit. And the headline ain't fake, ole buddy.

The headline is fake, IMHO, because it makes it seem like 100,000 churches all made a decision to petition the President to withdraw Kav's name, instead of just seeing this nomination through to a verdict.

If the AAA came against an increase in gas tax, would a headline that" 58 Million Motorists Oppose Increase in Levy" be accurate?

Let's just see this play out, and if our liberal friends win this. we can see Kav in Erie tomorrow with his President rallying for Louis Barletta.
It’s beyond the risk stage.

Thinking women have husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, and other males in their orbits who could also be victims someday if 100% totally unsubstantiated claims with zero proof are allowed to damage the names and reputations of innocent men, or anyone else. It’s garbage and many women don’t like the stink but will be able to apply the air freshener in about a month.
Innocent men you say?
The central park five.


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