Dems Scream in FL

sky screamer 2.jpg
I don't know about you. .. .but when the GOP occupies a legislative house. . . to stop proceedings, I believe, they call that, an "insurrection," don't they?

Some of the comments from CBS Miami noted. . .it was an, "INSURRECTION"

. . . I tell you, if the authoritarians in the nation didn't have double standards, they would have none at all. . .
After Republicans do this for another 75 years or so, they will have caught up with the Democrats. Payback is a bitch. Shut your fucking hole.'s that secession working out for you Texas "patriots"? You got a site up and running that I can donate to? :auiqs.jpg:

Republicans gerrymander because they can't win on ideas. Just division pimping.
Gerrymandering at the point of legislation.
Only partisans use the word gerrymandering. . . if it were democrats doing it? You would just be calling it redistricting.


DeSantis proposes new Florida congressional map that could wipe out Democratic redistricting gains​

The 9th district of OH.....The Snake By The Lake:


Maryland's 'Praying Mantis' District


The first map above shows a district which Ohio Republicans created in 2011 to coral overwhelming white liberal Democrats and some black areas together so that these voters’ electoral power would be neutralized and not threaten nearby Republican voting districts. The second map is a Maryland district further gerrymandered by a Democratic majority after the 2010 census to maintain it for an incumbent Democratic Congressman who might otherwise have lost his position. At least that is my understanding of the history …

In short gerrymandering is done by both political parties for various complex reasons, reflecting both narrow party partisan and inner party factional interests. It is not usually done simply for racial purposes, though lawsuits about this issue arise often enough. Indeed, frequently black activists end up opposing Democratic Party redistributing plans where they result in diminishing black representation opportunities — often in favor of more mainstream or well-connected incumbents. In some areas it may work the other way around. There is little new under the sun.

One radical way to make gerrymandering truly irrelevant and useless in Congressional Elections, and to have fairer and more inclusive elections is proposed by the bipartisan group. It advocates “Ranked Choice Proportional Voting” in larger combined Congressional districts: Proportional Ranked Choice Voting - FairVote


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