Dems: Sparks will fly over Trump SCOTUS pick


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
U.S. Senate Democrats plan to hammer President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on his views on abortion and presidential power in hearings starting on Tuesday but the conservative judge looks likely to be confirmed.

Dems: ‘Sparks Will Fly’ Over Trump SCOTUS Pick

That's because satan lovers , and clintons cult followers want nothign to do with having a nation brought up on morals and values.

They want to be able ot throw anyone into prison for anything the HItlers children desire so in others words join the cult or enjoy prison for your home.

Democrats are fkn retarded morons and selfish pigs.
U.S. Senate Democrats plan to hammer President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on his views on abortion and presidential power in hearings starting on Tuesday but the conservative judge looks likely to be confirmed.

Dems: ‘Sparks Will Fly’ Over Trump SCOTUS Pick

That's because satan lovers , and clintons cult followers want nothign to do with having a nation brought up on morals and values.

They want to be able ot throw anyone into prison for anything the HItlers children desire so in others words join the cult or enjoy prison for your home.

Democrats are fkn retarded morons and selfish pigs.

In 1993 and 1994, McCain voted to confirm President Clinton's nominees Stephen Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg whom he considered to be qualified for the U.S. Supreme Court. He later explained that "under our Constitution, it is the president's call to make." Clearly, this Kavanaugh guy is imminently qualified. Is anyone going to say he isn't but Elaine Kagen is? In the shadows of their calls to the greatness and vision of McCain, the democrats are NOTHING like him, do NOT feel it is the president's call, will NEVER exercise the grace they just spent a week praising McCain for, and will fight this new appointment to the death.

Democrats: the eternal hypocrites.
Did you hear the toxic feminity from the protesters ?
Those high pitched shrieks could have broken glass as well as ear drums.
Did you hear the toxic feminity from the protesters ?
Those high pitched shrieks could have broken glass as well as ear drums.


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