Dems still violent KKK bigots

Today's Republican Party is no friend to non-white Americans and would re-institute slavery if it could.

Today's Republican Party is virtually all-white and filled with racism and violent morons.

What absolute wussies you clowns are .. all huffy and fake ass mean .. until someone slaps you back .. then you run for mommy with the quickness. :0)

Cowardly assholes.
Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.

Moronic to the nth degree .. but quite expected from something like you.

Let me get this straight .. you're depending on DEMOCRATS to get Trump elected ??? :lol::lol:

Romney got 60% and still lost .. and Romney is more popular and welcomed by the Republican establishment then Trump will ever be.
The GOP is not only voting for Trump, he is winning like Bush with independents and Hillary haters. Many voters don't like Hillary and will stay at home on election day allowing Trump to win by default like they did with Bush and John Kerry. Dems don't always win

Is Bills balls in that box yet?
people are just allowed to be racist now. here's a thought, keep telling white people how evil they are, remind them of all the evil things they've done, and then think about it, are they people that you really want to have pissed off at you?
So it's racist when a white rich person hates a poor white person?
Today's Republican Party is no friend to non-white Americans and would re-institute slavery if it could.

Today's Republican Party is virtually all-white and filled with racism and violent morons.

What absolute wussies you clowns are .. all huffy and fake ass mean .. until someone slaps you back .. then you run for mommy with the quickness. :0)

Cowardly assholes.
Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.
The Bush's and Reagan won and Blacks and democrats hated them.
Bush Jr. barely won and Reagan ran when whites were still the vast majority of California.

The only way for Republicans to win is becoming an openly pro-white, American nationalist party.
Tin foil hat straw man fallacy. Just face it and stop making excuses for your DEMOCRATS losing, California is not an significant state to win out of 50. As for Bush, you can't barely win twice, but your DEMOCRATS can be sore losers.
The democrats claimed they changed their violent Nazi bigot party, but it was just a matter of time until they exposed their true colors. Seems like their coming out of the closet again. Reliving dems history. Neither Bernie Communist or Hitlery Clinton will speak against their supporters, but condone this by saying nothing. A true non violent leader which they say they are, steps up and tell them to cease. King spoke against violence and Bernie says he marched with King but is a hypocrite not to speak against it.








Today's Republican Party is no friend to non-white Americans and would re-institute slavery if it could.

Today's Republican Party is virtually all-white and filled with racism and violent morons.

What absolute wussies you clowns are .. all huffy and fake ass mean .. until someone slaps you back .. then you run for mommy with the quickness. :0)

Cowardly assholes.
Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.
The Bush's and Reagan won and Blacks and democrats hated them.
I voted for Reagan in 1981, served under him in the Army, so I should suck his cock?
Moronic to the nth degree .. but quite expected from something like you.

Let me get this straight .. you're depending on DEMOCRATS to get Trump elected ??? :lol::lol:

Romney got 60% and still lost .. and Romney is more popular and welcomed by the Republican establishment then Trump will ever be.
The Republican establishment has no power other than a couple hundred votes.

In order to get 80% of the white vote Trump would need quite a few Democrats moron.

You're the moron dickhead if you think Trump will get 80% of the white vote.

I repeat .. you're depending on DEMOCRATS to elect your Great White Hope. :lol:lol:lol::lol:
Why is Bernie winning the white vote handily when he never had a chance to get the nomination?

Why are white Democrat voters rejecting the core message of today's Democrat party?

How many times has Bernie talked about "white privilege"?

Trump is not the typical Republican, so the usual partisan bullshit won't work on the vast majority of white Democrats.

You're a fucking clown. You don't know shit about democrats or much of anything else. You don't even know much about white people .. many of whom find you and your filthy party just as disgusting as I do.

In your desperation, you're counting on democrats to save your sorry as rapidly declining party that has become the joke of planet earth. :0)
You are an idiot if you think the Bernie/Hillary divide in the Democrat party is anything like the Obama/Hillary divide. Bernie supporters are literally calling Hillary "crooked Hillary" in California.

Hillary represents the cultural Marxism that Democrats have stood for since the 70s, and Bernie represents the economic Marxism that leftists in Europe used to stand for before the 70s.

Young people want economic Marxism and the Democrats can't survive without cultural Marxism.

As for how the world views Trump:

Asia likes Trump.

.... and Europe is irrelevant after cuckolding itself to the Middle East and Africa for decades.

:lol: Lie much?

Trump polls miserably among Asian Americans

Donald Trump is wildly unpopular among Asian-American voters, who are flocking to the Democratic Party, according to a new survey.

Only 19 percent of Asian Americans hold a favorable view of the presumptive Republican nominee, according to a survey of more than 1,000 registered Asian Americans conducted by three Asian-American NGOs, while 61 percent view him unfavorably.
Trump polls miserably among Asian Americans

Poll: Asian-Americans View Hillary Clinton Much More Favorably Than Donald Trump
The majority of Asian-American voters have an unfavorable view of Donald Trump

Likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has a strong advantage over presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump among Asian-American voters, the fastest-growing multicultural segment in the U.S., according to a new poll.

The survey, published Monday by Asian Americans Advancing Justice, found that Clinton and President Barack Obama are both more highly rated among Asian-American voters than they are among the general public. Trump, however, was less seen favorably among Asian Americans than among the general public.
Asian-Americans View Hillary Clinton Much More Favorably Than Donald Trump

Asian-Americans Like Clinton, Don’t Like Trump

One of the more surprising exit-poll findings of the 2012 presidential election was that Asian-Americans voted for Barack Obama in higher percentages (73-26) than did Latinos (71-27), despite having (on average) much higher socioeconomic status and less of a pro-Democratic partisan tradition. And that's why a 2014 exit poll finding that Asian-Americans were divided evenly between the two parties was hotly disputed.

Whatever did and didn't happen in 2012 and 2014, there's fresh evidence that the often-forgotten (until California votes!) Asian-American community, which is growing rapidly, is in the current environment tilting pretty strongly away from Donald Trump's GOP.
Asian-Americans Like Clinton, Don’t Like Trump

Why Asian Americans don’t vote Republican
Why Asian Americans don’t vote Republican

You're a lying piece of shit.

Neither democrats, Asians, Blacks. Hispanics are going to vote for Trump in large numbers.

Stop lying .. you're not good at it .. just too easy. :0)
The democrats claimed they changed their violent Nazi bigot party, but it was just a matter of time until they exposed their true colors. Seems like their coming out of the closet again. Reliving dems history. Neither Bernie Communist or Hitlery Clinton will speak against their supporters, but condone this by saying nothing. A true non violent leader which they say they are, steps up and tell them to cease. King spoke against violence and Bernie says he marched with King but is a hypocrite not to speak against it.








Today's Republican Party is no friend to non-white Americans and would re-institute slavery if it could.

Today's Republican Party is virtually all-white and filled with racism and violent morons.

What absolute wussies you clowns are .. all huffy and fake ass mean .. until someone slaps you back .. then you run for mommy with the quickness. :0)

Cowardly assholes.
Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.

There is no reason to believe any of your wishful thinking. 90% of the white vote is not going to vote for Trump. There is absolutely not a single shred of evidence that is going to happen.
I have already laid out everything in detail.

It would actually be much harder for you to prove I am wrong, given my reasoning and the current events.
The democrats claimed they changed their violent Nazi bigot party, but it was just a matter of time until they exposed their true colors. Seems like their coming out of the closet again. Reliving dems history. Neither Bernie Communist or Hitlery Clinton will speak against their supporters, but condone this by saying nothing. A true non violent leader which they say they are, steps up and tell them to cease. King spoke against violence and Bernie says he marched with King but is a hypocrite not to speak against it.








Today's Republican Party is no friend to non-white Americans and would re-institute slavery if it could.

Today's Republican Party is virtually all-white and filled with racism and violent morons.

What absolute wussies you clowns are .. all huffy and fake ass mean .. until someone slaps you back .. then you run for mommy with the quickness. :0)

Cowardly assholes.
Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.

There is no reason to believe any of your wishful thinking. 90% of the white vote is not going to vote for Trump. There is absolutely not a single shred of evidence that is going to happen.
Reagan and Bush didn't need the white votes, they just needed independents and pissed off democrats who hated the incomptence of Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton. DEMOCRATS are not loyal to their party just their candidate.
The Republican establishment has no power other than a couple hundred votes.

In order to get 80% of the white vote Trump would need quite a few Democrats moron.

You're the moron dickhead if you think Trump will get 80% of the white vote.

I repeat .. you're depending on DEMOCRATS to elect your Great White Hope. :lol:lol:lol::lol:
Why is Bernie winning the white vote handily when he never had a chance to get the nomination?

Why are white Democrat voters rejecting the core message of today's Democrat party?

How many times has Bernie talked about "white privilege"?

Trump is not the typical Republican, so the usual partisan bullshit won't work on the vast majority of white Democrats.

You're a fucking clown. You don't know shit about democrats or much of anything else. You don't even know much about white people .. many of whom find you and your filthy party just as disgusting as I do.

In your desperation, you're counting on democrats to save your sorry as rapidly declining party that has become the joke of planet earth. :0)
You are an idiot if you think the Bernie/Hillary divide in the Democrat party is anything like the Obama/Hillary divide. Bernie supporters are literally calling Hillary "crooked Hillary" in California.

Hillary represents the cultural Marxism that Democrats have stood for since the 70s, and Bernie represents the economic Marxism that leftists in Europe used to stand for before the 70s.

Young people want economic Marxism and the Democrats can't survive without cultural Marxism.

As for how the world views Trump:

Asia likes Trump.

.... and Europe is irrelevant after cuckolding itself to the Middle East and Africa for decades.

:lol: Lie much?

Trump polls miserably among Asian Americans

Donald Trump is wildly unpopular among Asian-American voters, who are flocking to the Democratic Party, according to a new survey.

Only 19 percent of Asian Americans hold a favorable view of the presumptive Republican nominee, according to a survey of more than 1,000 registered Asian Americans conducted by three Asian-American NGOs, while 61 percent view him unfavorably.
Trump polls miserably among Asian Americans

Poll: Asian-Americans View Hillary Clinton Much More Favorably Than Donald Trump
The majority of Asian-American voters have an unfavorable view of Donald Trump

Likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has a strong advantage over presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump among Asian-American voters, the fastest-growing multicultural segment in the U.S., according to a new poll.

The survey, published Monday by Asian Americans Advancing Justice, found that Clinton and President Barack Obama are both more highly rated among Asian-American voters than they are among the general public. Trump, however, was less seen favorably among Asian Americans than among the general public.
Asian-Americans View Hillary Clinton Much More Favorably Than Donald Trump

Asian-Americans Like Clinton, Don’t Like Trump

One of the more surprising exit-poll findings of the 2012 presidential election was that Asian-Americans voted for Barack Obama in higher percentages (73-26) than did Latinos (71-27), despite having (on average) much higher socioeconomic status and less of a pro-Democratic partisan tradition. And that's why a 2014 exit poll finding that Asian-Americans were divided evenly between the two parties was hotly disputed.

Whatever did and didn't happen in 2012 and 2014, there's fresh evidence that the often-forgotten (until California votes!) Asian-American community, which is growing rapidly, is in the current environment tilting pretty strongly away from Donald Trump's GOP.
Asian-Americans Like Clinton, Don’t Like Trump

Why Asian Americans don’t vote Republican
Why Asian Americans don’t vote Republican

You're a lying piece of shit.

Neither democrats, Asians, Blacks. Hispanics are going to vote for Trump in large numbers.

Stop lying .. you're not good at it .. just too easy. :0)
Asia dipshit, not retarded Asian Americans joining the "hate whitey" bandwagon.
Today's Republican Party is no friend to non-white Americans and would re-institute slavery if it could.

Today's Republican Party is virtually all-white and filled with racism and violent morons.

What absolute wussies you clowns are .. all huffy and fake ass mean .. until someone slaps you back .. then you run for mommy with the quickness. :0)

Cowardly assholes.
Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.

There is no reason to believe any of your wishful thinking. 90% of the white vote is not going to vote for Trump. There is absolutely not a single shred of evidence that is going to happen.
I have already laid out everything in detail.

It would actually be much harder for you to prove I am wrong, given my reasoning and the current events.

:0) You're a fucking idiot .. and liar.

You're as easy as a two-dollar whore.
You're the moron dickhead if you think Trump will get 80% of the white vote.

I repeat .. you're depending on DEMOCRATS to elect your Great White Hope. :lol:lol:lol::lol:
Why is Bernie winning the white vote handily when he never had a chance to get the nomination?

Why are white Democrat voters rejecting the core message of today's Democrat party?

How many times has Bernie talked about "white privilege"?

Trump is not the typical Republican, so the usual partisan bullshit won't work on the vast majority of white Democrats.

You're a fucking clown. You don't know shit about democrats or much of anything else. You don't even know much about white people .. many of whom find you and your filthy party just as disgusting as I do.

In your desperation, you're counting on democrats to save your sorry as rapidly declining party that has become the joke of planet earth. :0)
You are an idiot if you think the Bernie/Hillary divide in the Democrat party is anything like the Obama/Hillary divide. Bernie supporters are literally calling Hillary "crooked Hillary" in California.

Hillary represents the cultural Marxism that Democrats have stood for since the 70s, and Bernie represents the economic Marxism that leftists in Europe used to stand for before the 70s.

Young people want economic Marxism and the Democrats can't survive without cultural Marxism.

As for how the world views Trump:

Asia likes Trump.

.... and Europe is irrelevant after cuckolding itself to the Middle East and Africa for decades.

:lol: Lie much?

Trump polls miserably among Asian Americans

Donald Trump is wildly unpopular among Asian-American voters, who are flocking to the Democratic Party, according to a new survey.

Only 19 percent of Asian Americans hold a favorable view of the presumptive Republican nominee, according to a survey of more than 1,000 registered Asian Americans conducted by three Asian-American NGOs, while 61 percent view him unfavorably.
Trump polls miserably among Asian Americans

Poll: Asian-Americans View Hillary Clinton Much More Favorably Than Donald Trump
The majority of Asian-American voters have an unfavorable view of Donald Trump

Likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has a strong advantage over presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump among Asian-American voters, the fastest-growing multicultural segment in the U.S., according to a new poll.

The survey, published Monday by Asian Americans Advancing Justice, found that Clinton and President Barack Obama are both more highly rated among Asian-American voters than they are among the general public. Trump, however, was less seen favorably among Asian Americans than among the general public.
Asian-Americans View Hillary Clinton Much More Favorably Than Donald Trump

Asian-Americans Like Clinton, Don’t Like Trump

One of the more surprising exit-poll findings of the 2012 presidential election was that Asian-Americans voted for Barack Obama in higher percentages (73-26) than did Latinos (71-27), despite having (on average) much higher socioeconomic status and less of a pro-Democratic partisan tradition. And that's why a 2014 exit poll finding that Asian-Americans were divided evenly between the two parties was hotly disputed.

Whatever did and didn't happen in 2012 and 2014, there's fresh evidence that the often-forgotten (until California votes!) Asian-American community, which is growing rapidly, is in the current environment tilting pretty strongly away from Donald Trump's GOP.
Asian-Americans Like Clinton, Don’t Like Trump

Why Asian Americans don’t vote Republican
Why Asian Americans don’t vote Republican

You're a lying piece of shit.

Neither democrats, Asians, Blacks. Hispanics are going to vote for Trump in large numbers.

Stop lying .. you're not good at it .. just too easy. :0)
Asia dipshit, not retarded Asian Americans joining the "hate whitey" bandwagon.

Asia can't vote asshole .. but Asian-Americans can .. and they don't like Trump.
Today's Republican Party is no friend to non-white Americans and would re-institute slavery if it could.

Today's Republican Party is virtually all-white and filled with racism and violent morons.

What absolute wussies you clowns are .. all huffy and fake ass mean .. until someone slaps you back .. then you run for mommy with the quickness. :0)

Cowardly assholes.
Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.

There is no reason to believe any of your wishful thinking. 90% of the white vote is not going to vote for Trump. There is absolutely not a single shred of evidence that is going to happen.
Reagan and Bush didn't need the white votes, they just needed independents and pissed off democrats who hated the incomptence of Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton. DEMOCRATS are not loyal to their party just their candidate.
Trump is more of a liberal democrat than Hillary..
Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.

There is no reason to believe any of your wishful thinking. 90% of the white vote is not going to vote for Trump. There is absolutely not a single shred of evidence that is going to happen.
I have already laid out everything in detail.

It would actually be much harder for you to prove I am wrong, given my reasoning and the current events.

:0) You're a fucking idiot .. and liar.

You're as easy as a two-dollar whore.
Where can yoou still get a two dollar ho these days?
Today's Republican Party is no friend to non-white Americans and would re-institute slavery if it could.

Today's Republican Party is virtually all-white and filled with racism and violent morons.

What absolute wussies you clowns are .. all huffy and fake ass mean .. until someone slaps you back .. then you run for mommy with the quickness. :0)

Cowardly assholes.
Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.

There is no reason to believe any of your wishful thinking. 90% of the white vote is not going to vote for Trump. There is absolutely not a single shred of evidence that is going to happen.
Reagan and Bush didn't need the white votes, they just needed independents and pissed off democrats who hated the incomptence of Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton. DEMOCRATS are not loyal to their party just their candidate.
The Independents and disaffected Democrats WERE WHITE.

Reagan Democrats became Republicans a long time ago. Trump is appealing to white Democrats who hate cultural Marxism and see that Bernie has never once uttered the words "white privilege".
Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.

There is no reason to believe any of your wishful thinking. 90% of the white vote is not going to vote for Trump. There is absolutely not a single shred of evidence that is going to happen.
Reagan and Bush didn't need the white votes, they just needed independents and pissed off democrats who hated the incomptence of Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton. DEMOCRATS are not loyal to their party just their candidate.
Trump is more of a liberal democrat than Hillary..

But that can only help Trump.
Today's Republican Party is no friend to non-white Americans and would re-institute slavery if it could.

Today's Republican Party is virtually all-white and filled with racism and violent morons.

What absolute wussies you clowns are .. all huffy and fake ass mean .. until someone slaps you back .. then you run for mommy with the quickness. :0)

Cowardly assholes.
Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.

There is no reason to believe any of your wishful thinking. 90% of the white vote is not going to vote for Trump. There is absolutely not a single shred of evidence that is going to happen.
Reagan and Bush didn't need the white votes, they just needed independents and pissed off democrats who hated the incomptence of Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton. DEMOCRATS are not loyal to their party just their candidate.

Democrats hate Donald Trump.

Quite telling that you nutsacks are counting on people who hate you to win.

Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.
The Bush's and Reagan won and Blacks and democrats hated them.
Bush Jr. barely won and Reagan ran when whites were still the vast majority of California.

The only way for Republicans to win is becoming an openly pro-white, American nationalist party.
Tin foil hat straw man fallacy. Just face it and stop making excuses for your DEMOCRATS losing, California is not an significant state to win out of 50. As for Bush, you can't barely win twice, but your DEMOCRATS can be sore losers.
I am a Republican....
Today's Republican Party is no friend to non-white Americans and would re-institute slavery if it could.

Today's Republican Party is virtually all-white and filled with racism and violent morons.

What absolute wussies you clowns are .. all huffy and fake ass mean .. until someone slaps you back .. then you run for mommy with the quickness. :0)

Cowardly assholes.
Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.
The Bush's and Reagan won and Blacks and democrats hated them.
I voted for Reagan in 1981, served under him in the Army, so I should suck his cock?
No, because you already sucked Bill Cosby Clinton cock like a good Monica Lewinsky follower. Go suck Hiltlery dick
Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.
The Bush's and Reagan won and Blacks and democrats hated them.
I voted for Reagan in 1981, served under him in the Army, so I should suck his cock?
No, because you already sucked Bill Cosby Clinton cock like a good Monica Lewinsky follower. Go suck Hiltlery dick
So you are into being a dominatrix?
Why is Bernie winning the white vote handily when he never had a chance to get the nomination?

Why are white Democrat voters rejecting the core message of today's Democrat party?

How many times has Bernie talked about "white privilege"?

Trump is not the typical Republican, so the usual partisan bullshit won't work on the vast majority of white Democrats.

You're a fucking clown. You don't know shit about democrats or much of anything else. You don't even know much about white people .. many of whom find you and your filthy party just as disgusting as I do.

In your desperation, you're counting on democrats to save your sorry as rapidly declining party that has become the joke of planet earth. :0)
You are an idiot if you think the Bernie/Hillary divide in the Democrat party is anything like the Obama/Hillary divide. Bernie supporters are literally calling Hillary "crooked Hillary" in California.

Hillary represents the cultural Marxism that Democrats have stood for since the 70s, and Bernie represents the economic Marxism that leftists in Europe used to stand for before the 70s.

Young people want economic Marxism and the Democrats can't survive without cultural Marxism.

As for how the world views Trump:

Asia likes Trump.

.... and Europe is irrelevant after cuckolding itself to the Middle East and Africa for decades.

:lol: Lie much?

Trump polls miserably among Asian Americans

Donald Trump is wildly unpopular among Asian-American voters, who are flocking to the Democratic Party, according to a new survey.

Only 19 percent of Asian Americans hold a favorable view of the presumptive Republican nominee, according to a survey of more than 1,000 registered Asian Americans conducted by three Asian-American NGOs, while 61 percent view him unfavorably.
Trump polls miserably among Asian Americans

Poll: Asian-Americans View Hillary Clinton Much More Favorably Than Donald Trump
The majority of Asian-American voters have an unfavorable view of Donald Trump

Likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has a strong advantage over presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump among Asian-American voters, the fastest-growing multicultural segment in the U.S., according to a new poll.

The survey, published Monday by Asian Americans Advancing Justice, found that Clinton and President Barack Obama are both more highly rated among Asian-American voters than they are among the general public. Trump, however, was less seen favorably among Asian Americans than among the general public.
Asian-Americans View Hillary Clinton Much More Favorably Than Donald Trump

Asian-Americans Like Clinton, Don’t Like Trump

One of the more surprising exit-poll findings of the 2012 presidential election was that Asian-Americans voted for Barack Obama in higher percentages (73-26) than did Latinos (71-27), despite having (on average) much higher socioeconomic status and less of a pro-Democratic partisan tradition. And that's why a 2014 exit poll finding that Asian-Americans were divided evenly between the two parties was hotly disputed.

Whatever did and didn't happen in 2012 and 2014, there's fresh evidence that the often-forgotten (until California votes!) Asian-American community, which is growing rapidly, is in the current environment tilting pretty strongly away from Donald Trump's GOP.
Asian-Americans Like Clinton, Don’t Like Trump

Why Asian Americans don’t vote Republican
Why Asian Americans don’t vote Republican

You're a lying piece of shit.

Neither democrats, Asians, Blacks. Hispanics are going to vote for Trump in large numbers.

Stop lying .. you're not good at it .. just too easy. :0)
Asia dipshit, not retarded Asian Americans joining the "hate whitey" bandwagon.

Asia can't vote asshole .. but Asian-Americans can .. and they don't like Trump.
You are the dumbass who said the world hates Trump.

I proved you were a dumbass for making that statement by bringing up the biggest and most populous continent in the world.

Asia sees Trump as literally the only kind of candidate to lead a nation, a NATIONalist.
Trump is slapping the shit out of your fascist party.

Dude, Trump is getting bitch slapped by his own party. :0)

Are you under any illusion that Trump will come up with 80% of the white vote?

No one with brains does.
Romney already had 60%

Throw in a lot of the white Bernie supporters and quite a few white Hillary supporters who will vote for Trump after the debates(like Devon/Roo)and you have closer to 90% of the white vote with increased white turnout.

This election has the possibility of making white Democrats as insignificant to white America as a whole as black Republicans are to black Democrats.

There is no reason to believe any of your wishful thinking. 90% of the white vote is not going to vote for Trump. There is absolutely not a single shred of evidence that is going to happen.
Reagan and Bush didn't need the white votes, they just needed independents and pissed off democrats who hated the incomptence of Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton. DEMOCRATS are not loyal to their party just their candidate.

Democrats hate Donald Trump.

Quite telling that you nutsacks are counting on people who hate you to win.

You really are an idiot.

Democrats hate Republicans. Cultural Marxists hate Trump.

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