Dems SWEAR that under their tax hike, no FAMILY making under $400k will pay a penny more in taxes...but what about mileage tax and VAT?

Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Still your DADO!
No. But you will always be my Dulcolax
How does it feel to be owned? To know I've always got a room, hell, probably a suite, in your tiny mind? That, when you try to sleep at night, I will be right there keeping you awake. You're welcome.
What does it say about a person that feels joy of owning a nameless entity on a message board?....
Any other reason to be here?
Anyone here ever change their mind based on these "conversations?"
You seriously don't think you're performing some public service?!?!?!
There's three types here. Trolls, me, and then the rest.

I come to be challenged. To know more and learn more.
That rarely happens.
So, while waiting I take pleasure in owning those who try.
Want to see me change my behavior?
Don't be stupid
Don't be dishonest
And don't start the conversation with insults.
Oh, you're definitely challenged.
Around here? Hardly. Half the time here I feel guilty for beating up on the retarded. Like right now.
"Mentally challenged", I meant. Thought it was rather obvious, too. Guess not.
Truly the only thing rather obvious around here is is your single digit IQ.
So go drive your big old truck that quarter mile to the grocery store and load up that quart of milk for your long winter's whining.'s April. Spring's here. Moron.

It's hilarious how you believe I need your permission to do anything. :auiqs.jpg:
You have my permission to be as stupid as you want.

Spring means what? An arbitrary designation having nothing to do with weather and everything to do with the earth's position relative to the sun.

Obviously weather is yet another subject that confuses you right down to your skid marks.
Uh huh. The Vernal Equinox, or Spring Equinox, was on March 20th. So its officially spring. per both the weather and the Earth's orbit.

Now go shake your fist at the sky some more.
Would it matter if we called it REHARDSOR? How about any other collection of syllables?
Would the date change?
Would the weather change?
As noted, AN ARBITRARY DESIGNATION with no real meaning.

Any more attempts at "appearing" smart?
You fucked up, kid. Grow up and own it.
Sure. Why don't I do that at LUNCHTIME!
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.


You got a link to that legislation proposal?

Explain how no one earning under $400k will pay a VAT?
I was asked HOW it could happen.
I answered.
Obviously the answer was too much for you.

If you want an answer go back to my response and actually read it.

How will a VAT only affect those earning over $400k?
Geez. Asked and answered. But, for the very dumb:

Refundable tax credits on VAT taxes for those earning under 400k.
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.


You got a link to that legislation proposal?

Explain how no one earning under $400k will pay a VAT?
I was asked HOW it could happen.
I answered.
Obviously the answer was too much for you.

If you want an answer go back to my response and actually read it.

How will a VAT only affect those earning over $400k?
Geez. Asked and answered. But, for the very dumb:

Refundable tax credits on VAT taxes for those earning under 400k.

You dont know what a VAT is. Thats ok.

Is your pipe dream in the bill? Show us?
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.


You got a link to that legislation proposal?

Explain how no one earning under $400k will pay a VAT?
I was asked HOW it could happen.
I answered.
Obviously the answer was too much for you.

If you want an answer go back to my response and actually read it.

How will a VAT only affect those earning over $400k?
Geez. Asked and answered. But, for the very dumb:

Refundable tax credits on VAT taxes for those earning under 400k.

You dont know what a VAT is. Thats ok.

Is your pipe dream in the bill? Show us?
I'm sorry you cannot make the link between a tax and a refundable tax credit. I suppose maybe they'll teach that in 6th grade Jethro.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
Brilliant. By parking it, he'd pay no more current gas taxes nor any mileage tax, thus helping no one.

Try again.
He'd not be getting 4 MPG.
He would pollute less.
Streets would be safer.

Parking it helps lots of people.

You try again!
LOL! You don't get to dictate how people live their lives, kid. Get used to your impotence.
Hey dumber than me!
I gave advice on helping the poor.
Geez! Wot a maroon!
I'm sure that fantasy comforts you. Your emotions may rule your life, but no one else has any obligation to change the way they live to suit you.
In 100 years we'll both be dead but I'll still be right.
You will do what I'm saying. Just a matter of time.
What are you, 12?

An electric vehicle is simply not practical where I live. I won't ever buy one.

Looks like you need to buy 2 then.
Was a time when tiny minds thought a truck was not practical where they lived. I mean, they had donkeys mules, and wagons.
They and you are both wrong.
Do you live here?


Then you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You know little brick-brain...
I don't need to live on Everest to know it's cold and white.
You know, like your ex wives.
So, describe your experience with designing and building electric heavy duty vehicles.
What? You don't have any experience?
Well, it seems "you don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
You don't live in a rural area. But you're a leftist, so you believe you know everything.

Only ever been married once. 30 years in June. It's been awesome.

I have experience operating and maintaining diesel-powered generators in the US Air Force. The MEP-012As were my favorite -- a Cummins KTA-38 12 cylinder, twin-turbo, intercooled engine. The generator is rated for 750 kilowatts, but will put out a megawatt if the phase current is below 120 amps. The hot side of the turbos glow red at night.

Hey, I know! You can replace the engine on a generator with an electric motor! Plug it into itself, and yOU HAVE PERPETUAL MOTION!! Be sure to tell AOC about that idea.

Oh, wait, no...that won't work. Y'know, like all-electric vehicles in rural areas. It's fine for you lemmings in the cities, but they don't have the range -- and in many cases, the power -- for what we need.

So, you buy what you want. Nobody gives a shit. But stop pretending you get to decide what everyone else needs. You'll go through life bitter and disappointed.
Ya know...
Those guys 120 years ago said the same thing about their buggy whips.
You know what happened to them?
Same as will happen to you.
I'm sure you think -- sorry, wrong word -- feel that's an adequate refutation, but it boils down to little more than NUH UH.

Those who ignore history are just dumb as shit.
Each and every excuse you give for your boy toy is just that. Excuses.
Because, unless you're standing here admitting to being dumb as a stack of dirty underwear, and smelling as good, then two things are know:
Smart people don't invest that money in expensive toys and
Dumb people do.

You're either a dumbass liar
Or just a dumbass.

Either way you still got a big old anchor around your neck and all those beautiful payments
While smart people like me have money to spend.
Those who ignore history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Meanwhile, you can't even keep track of who you're whining at. I don't have a "boy toy", as you refer to it in your unmerited arrogance.

And no amount of your imagined superiority changes the fact you don't get to tell people how to live their lives.
Do what you will.
But you will do as I say.
Do it now and save time, money, aggravation.
Do it later and enjoy the aggravation and extra expense.

In either case your choice to be stupid affects my life not one little bit.

now don't you have some boy-toy payments to catch up on?
"But you will do as I say."

Nope. You can eat shit.

And if my choices don't affect your life, why are you so emotional about making me do what you want?

Fucking retard.
Me? Make you?????
I'll not "make" you "do" anything.
You'll choose to.
It may be sooner when it is a clear benefit
It may be later when there's few choices

Several automakers have announced EV only lineups by 2035.
Can't stop the future.
Then I'll buy used gas-burners. I said electric vehicles are not practical where I live, your foot-stamping notwithstanding.
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Still your DADO!
No. But you will always be my Dulcolax
How does it feel to be owned? To know I've always got a room, hell, probably a suite, in your tiny mind? That, when you try to sleep at night, I will be right there keeping you awake. You're welcome.
What does it say about a person that feels joy of owning a nameless entity on a message board?....
Any other reason to be here?
Anyone here ever change their mind based on these "conversations?"
You seriously don't think you're performing some public service?!?!?!
There's three types here. Trolls, me, and then the rest.

I come to be challenged. To know more and learn more.
That rarely happens.
So, while waiting I take pleasure in owning those who try.
Want to see me change my behavior?
Don't be stupid
Don't be dishonest
And don't start the conversation with insults.
Oh, you're definitely challenged.
Around here? Hardly. Half the time here I feel guilty for beating up on the retarded. Like right now.
"Mentally challenged", I meant. Thought it was rather obvious, too. Guess not.
Truly the only thing rather obvious around here is is your single digit IQ.
So go drive your big old truck that quarter mile to the grocery store and load up that quart of milk for your long winter's whining.'s April. Spring's here. Moron.

It's hilarious how you believe I need your permission to do anything. :auiqs.jpg:
You have my permission to be as stupid as you want.

Spring means what? An arbitrary designation having nothing to do with weather and everything to do with the earth's position relative to the sun.

Obviously weather is yet another subject that confuses you right down to your skid marks.
Uh huh. The Vernal Equinox, or Spring Equinox, was on March 20th. So its officially spring. per both the weather and the Earth's orbit.

Now go shake your fist at the sky some more.
Would it matter if we called it REHARDSOR? How about any other collection of syllables?
Would the date change?
Would the weather change?
As noted, AN ARBITRARY DESIGNATION with no real meaning.

Any more attempts at "appearing" smart?
You fucked up, kid. Grow up and own it.
Sure. Why don't I do that at LUNCHTIME!
Really, I didn't expect you to take responsibility for your mistake. You just keep trying to blame me for it.
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.


You got a link to that legislation proposal?

Explain how no one earning under $400k will pay a VAT?
I was asked HOW it could happen.
I answered.
Obviously the answer was too much for you.

If you want an answer go back to my response and actually read it.

How will a VAT only affect those earning over $400k?
Geez. Asked and answered. But, for the very dumb:

Refundable tax credits on VAT taxes for those earning under 400k.
And they have to cough it up up front. Good job.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
Brilliant. By parking it, he'd pay no more current gas taxes nor any mileage tax, thus helping no one.

Try again.
He'd not be getting 4 MPG.
He would pollute less.
Streets would be safer.

Parking it helps lots of people.

You try again!
LOL! You don't get to dictate how people live their lives, kid. Get used to your impotence.
Hey dumber than me!
I gave advice on helping the poor.
Geez! Wot a maroon!
I'm sure that fantasy comforts you. Your emotions may rule your life, but no one else has any obligation to change the way they live to suit you.
In 100 years we'll both be dead but I'll still be right.
You will do what I'm saying. Just a matter of time.
What are you, 12?

An electric vehicle is simply not practical where I live. I won't ever buy one.

Looks like you need to buy 2 then.
Was a time when tiny minds thought a truck was not practical where they lived. I mean, they had donkeys mules, and wagons.
They and you are both wrong.
Do you live here?


Then you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You know little brick-brain...
I don't need to live on Everest to know it's cold and white.
You know, like your ex wives.
So, describe your experience with designing and building electric heavy duty vehicles.
What? You don't have any experience?
Well, it seems "you don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
You don't live in a rural area. But you're a leftist, so you believe you know everything.

Only ever been married once. 30 years in June. It's been awesome.

I have experience operating and maintaining diesel-powered generators in the US Air Force. The MEP-012As were my favorite -- a Cummins KTA-38 12 cylinder, twin-turbo, intercooled engine. The generator is rated for 750 kilowatts, but will put out a megawatt if the phase current is below 120 amps. The hot side of the turbos glow red at night.

Hey, I know! You can replace the engine on a generator with an electric motor! Plug it into itself, and yOU HAVE PERPETUAL MOTION!! Be sure to tell AOC about that idea.

Oh, wait, no...that won't work. Y'know, like all-electric vehicles in rural areas. It's fine for you lemmings in the cities, but they don't have the range -- and in many cases, the power -- for what we need.

So, you buy what you want. Nobody gives a shit. But stop pretending you get to decide what everyone else needs. You'll go through life bitter and disappointed.
Ya know...
Those guys 120 years ago said the same thing about their buggy whips.
You know what happened to them?
Same as will happen to you.
I'm sure you think -- sorry, wrong word -- feel that's an adequate refutation, but it boils down to little more than NUH UH.

Those who ignore history are just dumb as shit.
Each and every excuse you give for your boy toy is just that. Excuses.
Because, unless you're standing here admitting to being dumb as a stack of dirty underwear, and smelling as good, then two things are know:
Smart people don't invest that money in expensive toys and
Dumb people do.

You're either a dumbass liar
Or just a dumbass.

Either way you still got a big old anchor around your neck and all those beautiful payments
While smart people like me have money to spend.
Those who ignore history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Meanwhile, you can't even keep track of who you're whining at. I don't have a "boy toy", as you refer to it in your unmerited arrogance.

And no amount of your imagined superiority changes the fact you don't get to tell people how to live their lives.
Do what you will.
But you will do as I say.
Do it now and save time, money, aggravation.
Do it later and enjoy the aggravation and extra expense.

In either case your choice to be stupid affects my life not one little bit.

now don't you have some boy-toy payments to catch up on?
"But you will do as I say."

Nope. You can eat shit.

And if my choices don't affect your life, why are you so emotional about making me do what you want?

Fucking retard.
Me? Make you?????
I'll not "make" you "do" anything.
You'll choose to.
It may be sooner when it is a clear benefit
It may be later when there's few choices

Several automakers have announced EV only lineups by 2035.
Can't stop the future.
Then I'll buy used gas-burners. I said electric vehicles are not practical where I live, your foot-stamping notwithstanding.
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Still your DADO!
No. But you will always be my Dulcolax
How does it feel to be owned? To know I've always got a room, hell, probably a suite, in your tiny mind? That, when you try to sleep at night, I will be right there keeping you awake. You're welcome.
What does it say about a person that feels joy of owning a nameless entity on a message board?....
Any other reason to be here?
Anyone here ever change their mind based on these "conversations?"
You seriously don't think you're performing some public service?!?!?!
There's three types here. Trolls, me, and then the rest.

I come to be challenged. To know more and learn more.
That rarely happens.
So, while waiting I take pleasure in owning those who try.
Want to see me change my behavior?
Don't be stupid
Don't be dishonest
And don't start the conversation with insults.
Oh, you're definitely challenged.
Around here? Hardly. Half the time here I feel guilty for beating up on the retarded. Like right now.
"Mentally challenged", I meant. Thought it was rather obvious, too. Guess not.
Truly the only thing rather obvious around here is is your single digit IQ.
So go drive your big old truck that quarter mile to the grocery store and load up that quart of milk for your long winter's whining.'s April. Spring's here. Moron.

It's hilarious how you believe I need your permission to do anything. :auiqs.jpg:
You have my permission to be as stupid as you want.

Spring means what? An arbitrary designation having nothing to do with weather and everything to do with the earth's position relative to the sun.

Obviously weather is yet another subject that confuses you right down to your skid marks.
Uh huh. The Vernal Equinox, or Spring Equinox, was on March 20th. So its officially spring. per both the weather and the Earth's orbit.

Now go shake your fist at the sky some more.
Would it matter if we called it REHARDSOR? How about any other collection of syllables?
Would the date change?
Would the weather change?
As noted, AN ARBITRARY DESIGNATION with no real meaning.

Any more attempts at "appearing" smart?
You fucked up, kid. Grow up and own it.
Sure. Why don't I do that at LUNCHTIME!
Really, I didn't expect you to take responsibility for your mistake. You just keep trying to blame me for it.
Well maybe we can talk about it TOMORROW!!!!!

Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.


You got a link to that legislation proposal?

Explain how no one earning under $400k will pay a VAT?
I was asked HOW it could happen.
I answered.
Obviously the answer was too much for you.

If you want an answer go back to my response and actually read it.

How will a VAT only affect those earning over $400k?
Geez. Asked and answered. But, for the very dumb:

Refundable tax credits on VAT taxes for those earning under 400k.
And they have to cough it up up front. Good job.
Checked out the sales tax deduction lately?
How about that sales tax on larges purchases deduction?
Property tax deduction?
Car Registration deduction?

It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
Brilliant. By parking it, he'd pay no more current gas taxes nor any mileage tax, thus helping no one.

Try again.
He'd not be getting 4 MPG.
He would pollute less.
Streets would be safer.

Parking it helps lots of people.

You try again!
LOL! You don't get to dictate how people live their lives, kid. Get used to your impotence.
Hey dumber than me!
I gave advice on helping the poor.
Geez! Wot a maroon!
I'm sure that fantasy comforts you. Your emotions may rule your life, but no one else has any obligation to change the way they live to suit you.
In 100 years we'll both be dead but I'll still be right.
You will do what I'm saying. Just a matter of time.
What are you, 12?

An electric vehicle is simply not practical where I live. I won't ever buy one.

Looks like you need to buy 2 then.
Was a time when tiny minds thought a truck was not practical where they lived. I mean, they had donkeys mules, and wagons.
They and you are both wrong.
Do you live here?


Then you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You know little brick-brain...
I don't need to live on Everest to know it's cold and white.
You know, like your ex wives.
So, describe your experience with designing and building electric heavy duty vehicles.
What? You don't have any experience?
Well, it seems "you don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
You don't live in a rural area. But you're a leftist, so you believe you know everything.

Only ever been married once. 30 years in June. It's been awesome.

I have experience operating and maintaining diesel-powered generators in the US Air Force. The MEP-012As were my favorite -- a Cummins KTA-38 12 cylinder, twin-turbo, intercooled engine. The generator is rated for 750 kilowatts, but will put out a megawatt if the phase current is below 120 amps. The hot side of the turbos glow red at night.

Hey, I know! You can replace the engine on a generator with an electric motor! Plug it into itself, and yOU HAVE PERPETUAL MOTION!! Be sure to tell AOC about that idea.

Oh, wait, no...that won't work. Y'know, like all-electric vehicles in rural areas. It's fine for you lemmings in the cities, but they don't have the range -- and in many cases, the power -- for what we need.

So, you buy what you want. Nobody gives a shit. But stop pretending you get to decide what everyone else needs. You'll go through life bitter and disappointed.
Ya know...
Those guys 120 years ago said the same thing about their buggy whips.
You know what happened to them?
Same as will happen to you.
I'm sure you think -- sorry, wrong word -- feel that's an adequate refutation, but it boils down to little more than NUH UH.

Those who ignore history are just dumb as shit.
Each and every excuse you give for your boy toy is just that. Excuses.
Because, unless you're standing here admitting to being dumb as a stack of dirty underwear, and smelling as good, then two things are know:
Smart people don't invest that money in expensive toys and
Dumb people do.

You're either a dumbass liar
Or just a dumbass.

Either way you still got a big old anchor around your neck and all those beautiful payments
While smart people like me have money to spend.
Those who ignore history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Meanwhile, you can't even keep track of who you're whining at. I don't have a "boy toy", as you refer to it in your unmerited arrogance.

And no amount of your imagined superiority changes the fact you don't get to tell people how to live their lives.
Do what you will.
But you will do as I say.
Do it now and save time, money, aggravation.
Do it later and enjoy the aggravation and extra expense.

In either case your choice to be stupid affects my life not one little bit.

now don't you have some boy-toy payments to catch up on?
"But you will do as I say."

Nope. You can eat shit.

And if my choices don't affect your life, why are you so emotional about making me do what you want?

Fucking retard.
Me? Make you?????
I'll not "make" you "do" anything.
You'll choose to.
It may be sooner when it is a clear benefit
It may be later when there's few choices

Several automakers have announced EV only lineups by 2035.
Can't stop the future.
Then I'll buy used gas-burners. I said electric vehicles are not practical where I live, your foot-stamping notwithstanding.
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Not interested. I have no obligation to assuage your butthurt.
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Still your DADO!
No. But you will always be my Dulcolax
How does it feel to be owned? To know I've always got a room, hell, probably a suite, in your tiny mind? That, when you try to sleep at night, I will be right there keeping you awake. You're welcome.
What does it say about a person that feels joy of owning a nameless entity on a message board?....
Any other reason to be here?
Anyone here ever change their mind based on these "conversations?"
You seriously don't think you're performing some public service?!?!?!
There's three types here. Trolls, me, and then the rest.

I come to be challenged. To know more and learn more.
That rarely happens.
So, while waiting I take pleasure in owning those who try.
Want to see me change my behavior?
Don't be stupid
Don't be dishonest
And don't start the conversation with insults.
Oh, you're definitely challenged.
Around here? Hardly. Half the time here I feel guilty for beating up on the retarded. Like right now.
"Mentally challenged", I meant. Thought it was rather obvious, too. Guess not.
Truly the only thing rather obvious around here is is your single digit IQ.
So go drive your big old truck that quarter mile to the grocery store and load up that quart of milk for your long winter's whining.'s April. Spring's here. Moron.

It's hilarious how you believe I need your permission to do anything. :auiqs.jpg:
You have my permission to be as stupid as you want.

Spring means what? An arbitrary designation having nothing to do with weather and everything to do with the earth's position relative to the sun.

Obviously weather is yet another subject that confuses you right down to your skid marks.
Uh huh. The Vernal Equinox, or Spring Equinox, was on March 20th. So its officially spring. per both the weather and the Earth's orbit.

Now go shake your fist at the sky some more.
Would it matter if we called it REHARDSOR? How about any other collection of syllables?
Would the date change?
Would the weather change?
As noted, AN ARBITRARY DESIGNATION with no real meaning.

Any more attempts at "appearing" smart?
You fucked up, kid. Grow up and own it.
Sure. Why don't I do that at LUNCHTIME!
Really, I didn't expect you to take responsibility for your mistake. You just keep trying to blame me for it.
Well maybe we can talk about it TOMORROW!!!!!

No point. You fucked up, and you're never going to acknowledge it.
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.


You got a link to that legislation proposal?

Explain how no one earning under $400k will pay a VAT?
I was asked HOW it could happen.
I answered.
Obviously the answer was too much for you.

If you want an answer go back to my response and actually read it.

How will a VAT only affect those earning over $400k?
Geez. Asked and answered. But, for the very dumb:

Refundable tax credits on VAT taxes for those earning under 400k.
And they have to cough it up up front. Good job.
Checked out the sales tax deduction lately?
How about that sales tax on larges purchases deduction?
Property tax deduction?
Car Registration deduction?

In all those cases, the taxpayer has to come up with those expenses at the time of purchase.

You just keep fucking over the working class and pretending it's the moral thing to do.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
Brilliant. By parking it, he'd pay no more current gas taxes nor any mileage tax, thus helping no one.

Try again.
He'd not be getting 4 MPG.
He would pollute less.
Streets would be safer.

Parking it helps lots of people.

You try again!
LOL! You don't get to dictate how people live their lives, kid. Get used to your impotence.
Hey dumber than me!
I gave advice on helping the poor.
Geez! Wot a maroon!
I'm sure that fantasy comforts you. Your emotions may rule your life, but no one else has any obligation to change the way they live to suit you.
In 100 years we'll both be dead but I'll still be right.
You will do what I'm saying. Just a matter of time.
What are you, 12?

An electric vehicle is simply not practical where I live. I won't ever buy one.

Looks like you need to buy 2 then.
Was a time when tiny minds thought a truck was not practical where they lived. I mean, they had donkeys mules, and wagons.
They and you are both wrong.
Do you live here?


Then you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You know little brick-brain...
I don't need to live on Everest to know it's cold and white.
You know, like your ex wives.
So, describe your experience with designing and building electric heavy duty vehicles.
What? You don't have any experience?
Well, it seems "you don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
You don't live in a rural area. But you're a leftist, so you believe you know everything.

Only ever been married once. 30 years in June. It's been awesome.

I have experience operating and maintaining diesel-powered generators in the US Air Force. The MEP-012As were my favorite -- a Cummins KTA-38 12 cylinder, twin-turbo, intercooled engine. The generator is rated for 750 kilowatts, but will put out a megawatt if the phase current is below 120 amps. The hot side of the turbos glow red at night.

Hey, I know! You can replace the engine on a generator with an electric motor! Plug it into itself, and yOU HAVE PERPETUAL MOTION!! Be sure to tell AOC about that idea.

Oh, wait, no...that won't work. Y'know, like all-electric vehicles in rural areas. It's fine for you lemmings in the cities, but they don't have the range -- and in many cases, the power -- for what we need.

So, you buy what you want. Nobody gives a shit. But stop pretending you get to decide what everyone else needs. You'll go through life bitter and disappointed.
Ya know...
Those guys 120 years ago said the same thing about their buggy whips.
You know what happened to them?
Same as will happen to you.
I'm sure you think -- sorry, wrong word -- feel that's an adequate refutation, but it boils down to little more than NUH UH.

Those who ignore history are just dumb as shit.
Each and every excuse you give for your boy toy is just that. Excuses.
Because, unless you're standing here admitting to being dumb as a stack of dirty underwear, and smelling as good, then two things are know:
Smart people don't invest that money in expensive toys and
Dumb people do.

You're either a dumbass liar
Or just a dumbass.

Either way you still got a big old anchor around your neck and all those beautiful payments
While smart people like me have money to spend.
Those who ignore history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Meanwhile, you can't even keep track of who you're whining at. I don't have a "boy toy", as you refer to it in your unmerited arrogance.

And no amount of your imagined superiority changes the fact you don't get to tell people how to live their lives.
Do what you will.
But you will do as I say.
Do it now and save time, money, aggravation.
Do it later and enjoy the aggravation and extra expense.

In either case your choice to be stupid affects my life not one little bit.

now don't you have some boy-toy payments to catch up on?
"But you will do as I say."

Nope. You can eat shit.

And if my choices don't affect your life, why are you so emotional about making me do what you want?

Fucking retard.
Me? Make you?????
I'll not "make" you "do" anything.
You'll choose to.
It may be sooner when it is a clear benefit
It may be later when there's few choices

Several automakers have announced EV only lineups by 2035.
Can't stop the future.
Then I'll buy used gas-burners. I said electric vehicles are not practical where I live, your foot-stamping notwithstanding.
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Not interested. I have no obligation to assuage your butthurt.
Irrational, non-responsive, and just plain stupid. Oh! Of course.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
Brilliant. By parking it, he'd pay no more current gas taxes nor any mileage tax, thus helping no one.

Try again.
He'd not be getting 4 MPG.
He would pollute less.
Streets would be safer.

Parking it helps lots of people.

You try again!
LOL! You don't get to dictate how people live their lives, kid. Get used to your impotence.
Hey dumber than me!
I gave advice on helping the poor.
Geez! Wot a maroon!
I'm sure that fantasy comforts you. Your emotions may rule your life, but no one else has any obligation to change the way they live to suit you.
In 100 years we'll both be dead but I'll still be right.
You will do what I'm saying. Just a matter of time.
What are you, 12?

An electric vehicle is simply not practical where I live. I won't ever buy one.

Looks like you need to buy 2 then.
Was a time when tiny minds thought a truck was not practical where they lived. I mean, they had donkeys mules, and wagons.
They and you are both wrong.
Do you live here?


Then you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You know little brick-brain...
I don't need to live on Everest to know it's cold and white.
You know, like your ex wives.
So, describe your experience with designing and building electric heavy duty vehicles.
What? You don't have any experience?
Well, it seems "you don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
You don't live in a rural area. But you're a leftist, so you believe you know everything.

Only ever been married once. 30 years in June. It's been awesome.

I have experience operating and maintaining diesel-powered generators in the US Air Force. The MEP-012As were my favorite -- a Cummins KTA-38 12 cylinder, twin-turbo, intercooled engine. The generator is rated for 750 kilowatts, but will put out a megawatt if the phase current is below 120 amps. The hot side of the turbos glow red at night.

Hey, I know! You can replace the engine on a generator with an electric motor! Plug it into itself, and yOU HAVE PERPETUAL MOTION!! Be sure to tell AOC about that idea.

Oh, wait, no...that won't work. Y'know, like all-electric vehicles in rural areas. It's fine for you lemmings in the cities, but they don't have the range -- and in many cases, the power -- for what we need.

So, you buy what you want. Nobody gives a shit. But stop pretending you get to decide what everyone else needs. You'll go through life bitter and disappointed.
Ya know...
Those guys 120 years ago said the same thing about their buggy whips.
You know what happened to them?
Same as will happen to you.
I'm sure you think -- sorry, wrong word -- feel that's an adequate refutation, but it boils down to little more than NUH UH.

Those who ignore history are just dumb as shit.
Each and every excuse you give for your boy toy is just that. Excuses.
Because, unless you're standing here admitting to being dumb as a stack of dirty underwear, and smelling as good, then two things are know:
Smart people don't invest that money in expensive toys and
Dumb people do.

You're either a dumbass liar
Or just a dumbass.

Either way you still got a big old anchor around your neck and all those beautiful payments
While smart people like me have money to spend.
Those who ignore history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Meanwhile, you can't even keep track of who you're whining at. I don't have a "boy toy", as you refer to it in your unmerited arrogance.

And no amount of your imagined superiority changes the fact you don't get to tell people how to live their lives.
Do what you will.
But you will do as I say.
Do it now and save time, money, aggravation.
Do it later and enjoy the aggravation and extra expense.

In either case your choice to be stupid affects my life not one little bit.

now don't you have some boy-toy payments to catch up on?
"But you will do as I say."

Nope. You can eat shit.

And if my choices don't affect your life, why are you so emotional about making me do what you want?

Fucking retard.
Me? Make you?????
I'll not "make" you "do" anything.
You'll choose to.
It may be sooner when it is a clear benefit
It may be later when there's few choices

Several automakers have announced EV only lineups by 2035.
Can't stop the future.
Then I'll buy used gas-burners. I said electric vehicles are not practical where I live, your foot-stamping notwithstanding.
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Not interested. I have no obligation to assuage your butthurt.
Irrational, non-responsive, and just plain stupid. Oh! Of course.
What's the season in the northern hemisphere? There is only one right answer.

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