Dems SWEAR that under their tax hike, no FAMILY making under $400k will pay a penny more in taxes...but what about mileage tax and VAT?

It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
Brilliant. By parking it, he'd pay no more current gas taxes nor any mileage tax, thus helping no one.

Try again.
He'd not be getting 4 MPG.
He would pollute less.
Streets would be safer.

Parking it helps lots of people.

You try again!

How do you know what his milage is?
Why would streets be safer?
Seems to me he could keep himself safe by running over all of you brown shirts trying to attack him.
I'm certainly glad I drive a lifted truck so you shits dont get me high centered when I run your dumbasses over.
Does my truck offend you? I certainly hope so.
View attachment 474045
$55k piece of crap.
GEEZ they just get dumber and dumber!

Fewer vehicles = safer roads

I mean, DAMN!

Yeah you're a dumbfuck.
You obviously have no idea of the mods dont to my my truck.

So you paid more than that for your truck and your calling him the dumbfuck?

What the fuck does that even mean?
Are you jealous of my income?
No, he's laughing at the stupidity of investing that much money in a depreciating asset. You know what your truck looks like while sitting on the inside? No? Then this big splash of cash you're so proud of was only so other people could see how much you got.

Consider both the financial waste and the reason.

So you're it.
You'd really hate to hear what my house cost and the new 50 acre property we're looking at.

.....oh,and there's a reason I own truck. I'd tell you why but it would only be rubbing it in your face even more.
Poor? Doubt it.
I'm not stupid enough to spend my money on stupid shit.
So, money I got.
You on the other hand? You got bills.
Is the sonofabitch talking about VAT now? That is a terrible tax and it will be on top of everything else and it will grow and grow just like it did in Eurocommieland. It will increase the price of everything.

Anybody that voted for Joe Dufus and then ignored the fact he stole the election is a fucking moron.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
Brilliant. By parking it, he'd pay no more current gas taxes nor any mileage tax, thus helping no one.

Try again.
He'd not be getting 4 MPG.
He would pollute less.
Streets would be safer.

Parking it helps lots of people.

You try again!
LOL! You don't get to dictate how people live their lives, kid. Get used to your impotence.
Hey dumber than me!
I gave advice on helping the poor.
Geez! Wot a maroon!
I'm sure that fantasy comforts you. Your emotions may rule your life, but no one else has any obligation to change the way they live to suit you.
In 100 years we'll both be dead but I'll still be right.
You will do what I'm saying. Just a matter of time.
What are you, 12?

An electric vehicle is simply not practical where I live. I won't ever buy one.

Looks like you need to buy 2 then.
Was a time when tiny minds thought a truck was not practical where they lived. I mean, they had donkeys mules, and wagons.
They and you are both wrong.
Do you live here?


Then you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You know little brick-brain...
I don't need to live on Everest to know it's cold and white.
You know, like your ex wives.
So, describe your experience with designing and building electric heavy duty vehicles.
What? You don't have any experience?
Well, it seems "you don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
You don't live in a rural area. But you're a leftist, so you believe you know everything.

Only ever been married once. 30 years in June. It's been awesome.

I have experience operating and maintaining diesel-powered generators in the US Air Force. The MEP-012As were my favorite -- a Cummins KTA-38 12 cylinder, twin-turbo, intercooled engine. The generator is rated for 750 kilowatts, but will put out a megawatt if the phase current is below 120 amps. The hot side of the turbos glow red at night.

Hey, I know! You can replace the engine on a generator with an electric motor! Plug it into itself, and yOU HAVE PERPETUAL MOTION!! Be sure to tell AOC about that idea.

Oh, wait, no...that won't work. Y'know, like all-electric vehicles in rural areas. It's fine for you lemmings in the cities, but they don't have the range -- and in many cases, the power -- for what we need.

So, you buy what you want. Nobody gives a shit. But stop pretending you get to decide what everyone else needs. You'll go through life bitter and disappointed.
Ya know...
Those guys 120 years ago said the same thing about their buggy whips.
You know what happened to them?
Same as will happen to you.
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Still your DADO!
No. But you will always be my Dulcolax
How does it feel to be owned? To know I've always got a room, hell, probably a suite, in your tiny mind? That, when you try to sleep at night, I will be right there keeping you awake. You're welcome.
What does it say about a person that feels joy of owning a nameless entity on a message board?....
Any other reason to be here?
Anyone here ever change their mind based on these "conversations?"
You seriously don't think you're performing some public service?!?!?!
There's three types here. Trolls, me, and then the rest.

I come to be challenged. To know more and learn more.
That rarely happens.
So, while waiting I take pleasure in owning those who try.
Want to see me change my behavior?
Don't be stupid
Don't be dishonest
And don't start the conversation with insults.
Oh, you're definitely challenged.
Around here? Hardly. Half the time here I feel guilty for beating up on the retarded. Like right now.
"Mentally challenged", I meant. Thought it was rather obvious, too. Guess not.
Truly the only thing rather obvious around here is is your single digit IQ.
So go drive your big old truck that quarter mile to the grocery store and load up that quart of milk for your long winter's whining.
You should be asking your dementia addled prez that question.

I'm asking you the question, you fucking pussy. And there you go deflecting, because you're worthless and stupid.

He's the one who can do something about it.
Perhaps your moron and chief could cut the gas tax?

The President of the United States has no pull over the price of oil. Holy shit balls you're dumb as a post. It's like having a political discussion with a chicken.
Once again, the level of your stupidity show itself. Of course, the policies of a president can have profound effects on a myriad of things--oil being one. Go back to school and this time stay in class instead of smoking dope behind the gym.

At least I got an education, short bus. Dumb, fat and living in a single wide is no way to live, Jethro.
LOLOL. I thank God every day I didn't listen to libturdism......A life of a shit job, a shit boss, an ugly beast to fuck, and a waste of a life.LOLOL....................Thanks libturds.
You should be asking your dementia addled prez that question.

I'm asking you the question, you fucking pussy. And there you go deflecting, because you're worthless and stupid.

He's the one who can do something about it.
Perhaps your moron and chief could cut the gas tax?

The President of the United States has no pull over the price of oil. Holy shit balls you're dumb as a post. It's like having a political discussion with a chicken.
Once again, the level of your stupidity show itself. Of course, the policies of a president can have profound effects on a myriad of things--oil being one. Go back to school and this time stay in class instead of smoking dope behind the gym.

At least I got an education, short bus. Dumb, fat and living in a single wide is no way to live, Jethro.
What did you do with it, wipe your ass. You certainly aren't demonstrating that you ever attended class. BTW, I'm 6-1, 190 lbs and I own 20 acres of forest and a 3K sqft. home. My shop is bigger than your shack, Moron.
You should be asking your dementia addled prez that question.

I'm asking you the question, you fucking pussy. And there you go deflecting, because you're worthless and stupid.

He's the one who can do something about it.
Perhaps your moron and chief could cut the gas tax?

The President of the United States has no pull over the price of oil. Holy shit balls you're dumb as a post. It's like having a political discussion with a chicken.
Once again, the level of your stupidity show itself. Of course, the policies of a president can have profound effects on a myriad of things--oil being one. Go back to school and this time stay in class instead of smoking dope behind the gym.

At least I got an education, short bus. Dumb, fat and living in a single wide is no way to live, Jethro.
What did you do with it, wipe your ass. You certainly aren't demonstrating that you ever attended class. BTW, I'm 6-1, 190 lbs and I own 20 acres of forest and a 3K sqft. home. My shop is bigger than your shack, Moron.

:itsok: I'm sure you believe it.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....
Blame yourselves for the prices.
People, fools like you, decided it was OK to not build protections into Texas' grid.
That's Republicans, just like you.
Trump Cheeto suckers JUST LIKE YOU.
So, when the grid failed, as was inevitable, your precious gas and oil wells failed as well creating a shortage.
Being Republicans they saw the opportunity to bleed the country for all they could get and so raised prices as far as they could.
So, young fool, with a big old gas tank and a tiny little brain,
If you're looking for someone to blame, check the side mirror next time you fill up.

The grid failed in a once in a lifetime event.
In all my 55 years in Texas I've had two incedences of frozen pipes that burst that cost me a grand total of $2500 bucks.
And clowns like you claim I should add an extra 20k in construction costs to my home to freeze proof it.
Same goes for our grid.
LOLOL......Dulcolax is still hanging on to the once every 150 yr freeze and blaming it on

If it's a "once in 150 year freeze", why did a similar freeze happen in 2011? And 1989? Three dangerous freezes in less than 50 years, is hardly a "once in 150 year freeze".

Texans were warned in 1989 that the looming climate change crisis would increase these events, but as always, Republicans ignore climate science, because it doesn't fit their agenda, so they pretend it isn't happening.

The last hard freeze was in 89 and it wasnt even close to this one.
I live here,I know.

Sure you do.


That was nothing.
I mean a hard freeze,like single digits that lasted a week.
Those temps never even hit the teens.
Try again.
I've tried twice to tell this libturd basket case to take her meds and lie down. This might be getting serial now.

Could you do it?
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....
Blame yourselves for the prices.
People, fools like you, decided it was OK to not build protections into Texas' grid.
That's Republicans, just like you.
Trump Cheeto suckers JUST LIKE YOU.
So, when the grid failed, as was inevitable, your precious gas and oil wells failed as well creating a shortage.
Being Republicans they saw the opportunity to bleed the country for all they could get and so raised prices as far as they could.
So, young fool, with a big old gas tank and a tiny little brain,
If you're looking for someone to blame, check the side mirror next time you fill up.

The grid failed in a once in a lifetime event.
In all my 55 years in Texas I've had two incedences of frozen pipes that burst that cost me a grand total of $2500 bucks.
And clowns like you claim I should add an extra 20k in construction costs to my home to freeze proof it.
Same goes for our grid.
LOLOL......Dulcolax is still hanging on to the once every 150 yr freeze and blaming it on

If it's a "once in 150 year freeze", why did a similar freeze happen in 2011? And 1989? Three dangerous freezes in less than 50 years, is hardly a "once in 150 year freeze".

Texans were warned in 1989 that the looming climate change crisis would increase these events, but as always, Republicans ignore climate science, because it doesn't fit their agenda, so they pretend it isn't happening.

The last hard freeze was in 89 and it wasnt even close to this one.
I live here,I know.

Sure you do.


That was nothing.
I mean a hard freeze,like single digits that lasted a week.
Those temps never even hit the teens.
Try again.

That goal post ain't moving FuckBoi! And using middle school taunts won't make me go away either.

Texans formed commissions to study what happened in both 2011 and 1989 so stop pretending it wasn't a huge fucking deal. Both reports completed by Texas Republicans said that the current system could not sustain cold weather conditions which were increasing radically due to climate change.

You keep downplaying both of these events simply because they don't fit your narrative, and they reveal you to be both stupid and gullible, but you vote Republican in Texas so those are both givens.

Derpity derp derp.....I lived through every hard freeze in Texas since 65.
Go blow a goat.

Well good for you, but apparently a fairly large number of your fellow Texans have not. But hey, as long as you're OK, fuck the rest of them, right?

STFU and stop making a mountian out of a mole hill.
Texas has a bigger GDP than your entire piss ant country.
We're doing just fine so keep your nose out of my state.

FuckBois all think that everything comes down to money. How much money they have, how much they make, but what it really comes down to is the quality of your life. #1 Best quality of Life rankings two years running. The USA is #15 with a Bullet!!!

We have an excess of power where I live. My power was out for 4 hours this winter - total. Some fool drove his truck into the town's main transformer.

If 40% of your workers are seeing no benefit from all of this money Texas is making, and they're freezing to death in the dark, while Abbott lets the virus run wild, that's not much of a life, no matter how well the corporations are doing.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....
Blame yourselves for the prices.
People, fools like you, decided it was OK to not build protections into Texas' grid.
That's Republicans, just like you.
Trump Cheeto suckers JUST LIKE YOU.
So, when the grid failed, as was inevitable, your precious gas and oil wells failed as well creating a shortage.
Being Republicans they saw the opportunity to bleed the country for all they could get and so raised prices as far as they could.
So, young fool, with a big old gas tank and a tiny little brain,
If you're looking for someone to blame, check the side mirror next time you fill up.

The grid failed in a once in a lifetime event.
In all my 55 years in Texas I've had two incedences of frozen pipes that burst that cost me a grand total of $2500 bucks.
And clowns like you claim I should add an extra 20k in construction costs to my home to freeze proof it.
Same goes for our grid.
LOLOL......Dulcolax is still hanging on to the once every 150 yr freeze and blaming it on

If it's a "once in 150 year freeze", why did a similar freeze happen in 2011? And 1989? Three dangerous freezes in less than 50 years, is hardly a "once in 150 year freeze".

Texans were warned in 1989 that the looming climate change crisis would increase these events, but as always, Republicans ignore climate science, because it doesn't fit their agenda, so they pretend it isn't happening.

The last hard freeze was in 89 and it wasnt even close to this one.
I live here,I know.

Sure you do.


That was nothing.
I mean a hard freeze,like single digits that lasted a week.
Those temps never even hit the teens.
Try again.
I've tried twice to tell this libturd basket case to take her meds and lie down. This might be getting serial now.

Could you do it?
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....
Blame yourselves for the prices.
People, fools like you, decided it was OK to not build protections into Texas' grid.
That's Republicans, just like you.
Trump Cheeto suckers JUST LIKE YOU.
So, when the grid failed, as was inevitable, your precious gas and oil wells failed as well creating a shortage.
Being Republicans they saw the opportunity to bleed the country for all they could get and so raised prices as far as they could.
So, young fool, with a big old gas tank and a tiny little brain,
If you're looking for someone to blame, check the side mirror next time you fill up.

The grid failed in a once in a lifetime event.
In all my 55 years in Texas I've had two incedences of frozen pipes that burst that cost me a grand total of $2500 bucks.
And clowns like you claim I should add an extra 20k in construction costs to my home to freeze proof it.
Same goes for our grid.
LOLOL......Dulcolax is still hanging on to the once every 150 yr freeze and blaming it on

If it's a "once in 150 year freeze", why did a similar freeze happen in 2011? And 1989? Three dangerous freezes in less than 50 years, is hardly a "once in 150 year freeze".

Texans were warned in 1989 that the looming climate change crisis would increase these events, but as always, Republicans ignore climate science, because it doesn't fit their agenda, so they pretend it isn't happening.

The last hard freeze was in 89 and it wasnt even close to this one.
I live here,I know.

Sure you do.


That was nothing.
I mean a hard freeze,like single digits that lasted a week.
Those temps never even hit the teens.
Try again.

That goal post ain't moving FuckBoi! And using middle school taunts won't make me go away either.

Texans formed commissions to study what happened in both 2011 and 1989 so stop pretending it wasn't a huge fucking deal. Both reports completed by Texas Republicans said that the current system could not sustain cold weather conditions which were increasing radically due to climate change.

You keep downplaying both of these events simply because they don't fit your narrative, and they reveal you to be both stupid and gullible, but you vote Republican in Texas so those are both givens.

Derpity derp derp.....I lived through every hard freeze in Texas since 65.
Go blow a goat.

Well good for you, but apparently a fairly large number of your fellow Texans have not. But hey, as long as you're OK, fuck the rest of them, right?

STFU and stop making a mountian out of a mole hill.
Texas has a bigger GDP than your entire piss ant country.
We're doing just fine so keep your nose out of my state.

FuckBois all think that everything comes down to money. How much money they have, how much they make, but what it really comes down to is the quality of your life. #1 Best quality of Life rankings two years running. The USA is #15 with a Bullet!!!

We have an excess of power where I live. My power was out for 4 hours this winter - total. Some fool drove his truck into the town's main transformer.

If 40% of your workers are seeing no benefit from all of this money Texas is making, and they're freezing to death in the dark, while Abbott lets the virus run wild, that's not much of a life, no matter how well the corporations are doing.
JC woman stuff a sock in that mouth of yours already. You are one migranes worth.
VAT tax and completely simplify the income tax system. And retail tax while at it. Even the tax misery around. Somebody needs to pay for this US Baby Boomer Juggernaut of Gluttonous Consumption. Might as well be, Xers, Millennials, and Zers.
Oh, but they don't want to replace the income tax with VAT. No, that'll be an addition.
And as usual, that is what you do. Fixate.

What the fuck do you propose, you fucking genius? Doesn't have to have a lot of detail, just Broad Fucking Paint Brush Strokes.
I propose you eat shit. Is that detailed enough for you?
Eating shit does not need detail. Just ask your ancenstory that left you behind. I mean really, you propose nothing of any merit. Other than eating shit. Fuck Off Moron.
I told the truth about government and taxes. That offended you. Oh, well.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
Brilliant. By parking it, he'd pay no more current gas taxes nor any mileage tax, thus helping no one.

Try again.
He'd not be getting 4 MPG.
He would pollute less.
Streets would be safer.

Parking it helps lots of people.

You try again!
LOL! You don't get to dictate how people live their lives, kid. Get used to your impotence.
Hey dumber than me!
I gave advice on helping the poor.
Geez! Wot a maroon!
I'm sure that fantasy comforts you. Your emotions may rule your life, but no one else has any obligation to change the way they live to suit you.
In 100 years we'll both be dead but I'll still be right.
You will do what I'm saying. Just a matter of time.
What are you, 12?

An electric vehicle is simply not practical where I live. I won't ever buy one.

Looks like you need to buy 2 then.
Was a time when tiny minds thought a truck was not practical where they lived. I mean, they had donkeys mules, and wagons.
They and you are both wrong.
Do you live here?


Then you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You know little brick-brain...
I don't need to live on Everest to know it's cold and white.
You know, like your ex wives.
So, describe your experience with designing and building electric heavy duty vehicles.
What? You don't have any experience?
Well, it seems "you don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
You don't live in a rural area. But you're a leftist, so you believe you know everything.

Only ever been married once. 30 years in June. It's been awesome.

I have experience operating and maintaining diesel-powered generators in the US Air Force. The MEP-012As were my favorite -- a Cummins KTA-38 12 cylinder, twin-turbo, intercooled engine. The generator is rated for 750 kilowatts, but will put out a megawatt if the phase current is below 120 amps. The hot side of the turbos glow red at night.

Hey, I know! You can replace the engine on a generator with an electric motor! Plug it into itself, and yOU HAVE PERPETUAL MOTION!! Be sure to tell AOC about that idea.

Oh, wait, no...that won't work. Y'know, like all-electric vehicles in rural areas. It's fine for you lemmings in the cities, but they don't have the range -- and in many cases, the power -- for what we need.

So, you buy what you want. Nobody gives a shit. But stop pretending you get to decide what everyone else needs. You'll go through life bitter and disappointed.
Ya know...
Those guys 120 years ago said the same thing about their buggy whips.
You know what happened to them?
Same as will happen to you.
I'm sure you think -- sorry, wrong word -- feel that's an adequate refutation, but it boils down to little more than NUH UH.

Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Still your DADO!
No. But you will always be my Dulcolax
How does it feel to be owned? To know I've always got a room, hell, probably a suite, in your tiny mind? That, when you try to sleep at night, I will be right there keeping you awake. You're welcome.
What does it say about a person that feels joy of owning a nameless entity on a message board?....
Any other reason to be here?
Anyone here ever change their mind based on these "conversations?"
You seriously don't think you're performing some public service?!?!?!
There's three types here. Trolls, me, and then the rest.

I come to be challenged. To know more and learn more.
That rarely happens.
So, while waiting I take pleasure in owning those who try.
Want to see me change my behavior?
Don't be stupid
Don't be dishonest
And don't start the conversation with insults.
Oh, you're definitely challenged.
Around here? Hardly. Half the time here I feel guilty for beating up on the retarded. Like right now.
"Mentally challenged", I meant. Thought it was rather obvious, too. Guess not.
Truly the only thing rather obvious around here is is your single digit IQ.
So go drive your big old truck that quarter mile to the grocery store and load up that quart of milk for your long winter's whining.'s April. Spring's here. Moron.

It's hilarious how you believe I need your permission to do anything. :auiqs.jpg:
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....
Blame yourselves for the prices.
People, fools like you, decided it was OK to not build protections into Texas' grid.
That's Republicans, just like you.
Trump Cheeto suckers JUST LIKE YOU.
So, when the grid failed, as was inevitable, your precious gas and oil wells failed as well creating a shortage.
Being Republicans they saw the opportunity to bleed the country for all they could get and so raised prices as far as they could.
So, young fool, with a big old gas tank and a tiny little brain,
If you're looking for someone to blame, check the side mirror next time you fill up.

The grid failed in a once in a lifetime event.
In all my 55 years in Texas I've had two incedences of frozen pipes that burst that cost me a grand total of $2500 bucks.
And clowns like you claim I should add an extra 20k in construction costs to my home to freeze proof it.
Same goes for our grid.
LOLOL......Dulcolax is still hanging on to the once every 150 yr freeze and blaming it on

If it's a "once in 150 year freeze", why did a similar freeze happen in 2011? And 1989? Three dangerous freezes in less than 50 years, is hardly a "once in 150 year freeze".

Texans were warned in 1989 that the looming climate change crisis would increase these events, but as always, Republicans ignore climate science, because it doesn't fit their agenda, so they pretend it isn't happening.

The last hard freeze was in 89 and it wasnt even close to this one.
I live here,I know.

Sure you do.


That was nothing.
I mean a hard freeze,like single digits that lasted a week.
Those temps never even hit the teens.
Try again.
I've tried twice to tell this libturd basket case to take her meds and lie down. This might be getting serial now.

Could you do it?
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....
Blame yourselves for the prices.
People, fools like you, decided it was OK to not build protections into Texas' grid.
That's Republicans, just like you.
Trump Cheeto suckers JUST LIKE YOU.
So, when the grid failed, as was inevitable, your precious gas and oil wells failed as well creating a shortage.
Being Republicans they saw the opportunity to bleed the country for all they could get and so raised prices as far as they could.
So, young fool, with a big old gas tank and a tiny little brain,
If you're looking for someone to blame, check the side mirror next time you fill up.

The grid failed in a once in a lifetime event.
In all my 55 years in Texas I've had two incedences of frozen pipes that burst that cost me a grand total of $2500 bucks.
And clowns like you claim I should add an extra 20k in construction costs to my home to freeze proof it.
Same goes for our grid.
LOLOL......Dulcolax is still hanging on to the once every 150 yr freeze and blaming it on

If it's a "once in 150 year freeze", why did a similar freeze happen in 2011? And 1989? Three dangerous freezes in less than 50 years, is hardly a "once in 150 year freeze".

Texans were warned in 1989 that the looming climate change crisis would increase these events, but as always, Republicans ignore climate science, because it doesn't fit their agenda, so they pretend it isn't happening.

The last hard freeze was in 89 and it wasnt even close to this one.
I live here,I know.

Sure you do.


That was nothing.
I mean a hard freeze,like single digits that lasted a week.
Those temps never even hit the teens.
Try again.

That goal post ain't moving FuckBoi! And using middle school taunts won't make me go away either.

Texans formed commissions to study what happened in both 2011 and 1989 so stop pretending it wasn't a huge fucking deal. Both reports completed by Texas Republicans said that the current system could not sustain cold weather conditions which were increasing radically due to climate change.

You keep downplaying both of these events simply because they don't fit your narrative, and they reveal you to be both stupid and gullible, but you vote Republican in Texas so those are both givens.

Derpity derp derp.....I lived through every hard freeze in Texas since 65.
Go blow a goat.

Well good for you, but apparently a fairly large number of your fellow Texans have not. But hey, as long as you're OK, fuck the rest of them, right?
Hey ninny. This is the first time you probably ever cared about Texas in your life, and ONLY for POITICAL reasons. They could freeze their asses off for what you care

These aren't people to you, their useful objects. You people are off your fucking rockers sugar tits.

If this was a libturd state we wouldn't be able to pull a word from your purple gums.

If, if, if!!! Is that all you've got Short Dick?

Since you haven't been able to refute anything I've posted, you're now implying I don't give a rat's ass about Texans. How many fucks do I have to give before I can comment? I mean you're all over this thread and you already told us you don't care what happened to your fellow Texans at all.

Shouldn't you be disqualified from comments because you've already said you don't care about your fellow Texan? I guess you that's why you're accusing me of just using these people to score political points. Because that's what you're doing.

Not everyone is a heartless asshole like you are Short Dick.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....
Blame yourselves for the prices.
People, fools like you, decided it was OK to not build protections into Texas' grid.
That's Republicans, just like you.
Trump Cheeto suckers JUST LIKE YOU.
So, when the grid failed, as was inevitable, your precious gas and oil wells failed as well creating a shortage.
Being Republicans they saw the opportunity to bleed the country for all they could get and so raised prices as far as they could.
So, young fool, with a big old gas tank and a tiny little brain,
If you're looking for someone to blame, check the side mirror next time you fill up.

The grid failed in a once in a lifetime event.
In all my 55 years in Texas I've had two incedences of frozen pipes that burst that cost me a grand total of $2500 bucks.
And clowns like you claim I should add an extra 20k in construction costs to my home to freeze proof it.
Same goes for our grid.
LOLOL......Dulcolax is still hanging on to the once every 150 yr freeze and blaming it on

If it's a "once in 150 year freeze", why did a similar freeze happen in 2011? And 1989? Three dangerous freezes in less than 50 years, is hardly a "once in 150 year freeze".

Texans were warned in 1989 that the looming climate change crisis would increase these events, but as always, Republicans ignore climate science, because it doesn't fit their agenda, so they pretend it isn't happening.

The last hard freeze was in 89 and it wasnt even close to this one.
I live here,I know.

Sure you do.


That was nothing.
I mean a hard freeze,like single digits that lasted a week.
Those temps never even hit the teens.
Try again.
I've tried twice to tell this libturd basket case to take her meds and lie down. This might be getting serial now.

Could you do it?
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....
Blame yourselves for the prices.
People, fools like you, decided it was OK to not build protections into Texas' grid.
That's Republicans, just like you.
Trump Cheeto suckers JUST LIKE YOU.
So, when the grid failed, as was inevitable, your precious gas and oil wells failed as well creating a shortage.
Being Republicans they saw the opportunity to bleed the country for all they could get and so raised prices as far as they could.
So, young fool, with a big old gas tank and a tiny little brain,
If you're looking for someone to blame, check the side mirror next time you fill up.

The grid failed in a once in a lifetime event.
In all my 55 years in Texas I've had two incedences of frozen pipes that burst that cost me a grand total of $2500 bucks.
And clowns like you claim I should add an extra 20k in construction costs to my home to freeze proof it.
Same goes for our grid.
LOLOL......Dulcolax is still hanging on to the once every 150 yr freeze and blaming it on

If it's a "once in 150 year freeze", why did a similar freeze happen in 2011? And 1989? Three dangerous freezes in less than 50 years, is hardly a "once in 150 year freeze".

Texans were warned in 1989 that the looming climate change crisis would increase these events, but as always, Republicans ignore climate science, because it doesn't fit their agenda, so they pretend it isn't happening.

The last hard freeze was in 89 and it wasnt even close to this one.
I live here,I know.

Sure you do.


That was nothing.
I mean a hard freeze,like single digits that lasted a week.
Those temps never even hit the teens.
Try again.

That goal post ain't moving FuckBoi! And using middle school taunts won't make me go away either.

Texans formed commissions to study what happened in both 2011 and 1989 so stop pretending it wasn't a huge fucking deal. Both reports completed by Texas Republicans said that the current system could not sustain cold weather conditions which were increasing radically due to climate change.

You keep downplaying both of these events simply because they don't fit your narrative, and they reveal you to be both stupid and gullible, but you vote Republican in Texas so those are both givens.

Derpity derp derp.....I lived through every hard freeze in Texas since 65.
Go blow a goat.

Well good for you, but apparently a fairly large number of your fellow Texans have not. But hey, as long as you're OK, fuck the rest of them, right?
Hey ninny. This is the first time you probably ever cared about Texas in your life, and ONLY for POITICAL reasons. They could freeze their asses off for what you care

These aren't people to you, their useful objects. You people are off your fucking rockers sugar tits.

If this was a libturd state we wouldn't be able to pull a word from your purple gums.

If, if, if!!! Is that all you've got Short Dick?

Since you haven't been able to refute anything I've posted, you're now implying I don't give a rat's ass about Texans. How many fucks do I have to give before I can comment? I mean you're all over this thread and you already told us you don't care what happened to your fellow Texans at all.

Shouldn't you be disqualified from comments because you've already said you don't care about your fellow Texan? I guess you that's why you're accusing me of just using these people to score political points. Because that's what you're doing.

Not everyone is a heartless asshole like you are Short Dick.
Fuck Boi and Short Dick. I love your names for me. Can I be a nurse?
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....
Blame yourselves for the prices.
People, fools like you, decided it was OK to not build protections into Texas' grid.
That's Republicans, just like you.
Trump Cheeto suckers JUST LIKE YOU.
So, when the grid failed, as was inevitable, your precious gas and oil wells failed as well creating a shortage.
Being Republicans they saw the opportunity to bleed the country for all they could get and so raised prices as far as they could.
So, young fool, with a big old gas tank and a tiny little brain,
If you're looking for someone to blame, check the side mirror next time you fill up.

The grid failed in a once in a lifetime event.
In all my 55 years in Texas I've had two incedences of frozen pipes that burst that cost me a grand total of $2500 bucks.
And clowns like you claim I should add an extra 20k in construction costs to my home to freeze proof it.
Same goes for our grid.
LOLOL......Dulcolax is still hanging on to the once every 150 yr freeze and blaming it on

If it's a "once in 150 year freeze", why did a similar freeze happen in 2011? And 1989? Three dangerous freezes in less than 50 years, is hardly a "once in 150 year freeze".

Texans were warned in 1989 that the looming climate change crisis would increase these events, but as always, Republicans ignore climate science, because it doesn't fit their agenda, so they pretend it isn't happening.

The last hard freeze was in 89 and it wasnt even close to this one.
I live here,I know.

Sure you do.


That was nothing.
I mean a hard freeze,like single digits that lasted a week.
Those temps never even hit the teens.
Try again.
I've tried twice to tell this libturd basket case to take her meds and lie down. This might be getting serial now.

Could you do it?
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....
Blame yourselves for the prices.
People, fools like you, decided it was OK to not build protections into Texas' grid.
That's Republicans, just like you.
Trump Cheeto suckers JUST LIKE YOU.
So, when the grid failed, as was inevitable, your precious gas and oil wells failed as well creating a shortage.
Being Republicans they saw the opportunity to bleed the country for all they could get and so raised prices as far as they could.
So, young fool, with a big old gas tank and a tiny little brain,
If you're looking for someone to blame, check the side mirror next time you fill up.

The grid failed in a once in a lifetime event.
In all my 55 years in Texas I've had two incedences of frozen pipes that burst that cost me a grand total of $2500 bucks.
And clowns like you claim I should add an extra 20k in construction costs to my home to freeze proof it.
Same goes for our grid.
LOLOL......Dulcolax is still hanging on to the once every 150 yr freeze and blaming it on

If it's a "once in 150 year freeze", why did a similar freeze happen in 2011? And 1989? Three dangerous freezes in less than 50 years, is hardly a "once in 150 year freeze".

Texans were warned in 1989 that the looming climate change crisis would increase these events, but as always, Republicans ignore climate science, because it doesn't fit their agenda, so they pretend it isn't happening.

The last hard freeze was in 89 and it wasnt even close to this one.
I live here,I know.

Sure you do.


That was nothing.
I mean a hard freeze,like single digits that lasted a week.
Those temps never even hit the teens.
Try again.

That goal post ain't moving FuckBoi! And using middle school taunts won't make me go away either.

Texans formed commissions to study what happened in both 2011 and 1989 so stop pretending it wasn't a huge fucking deal. Both reports completed by Texas Republicans said that the current system could not sustain cold weather conditions which were increasing radically due to climate change.

You keep downplaying both of these events simply because they don't fit your narrative, and they reveal you to be both stupid and gullible, but you vote Republican in Texas so those are both givens.

Derpity derp derp.....I lived through every hard freeze in Texas since 65.
Go blow a goat.

Well good for you, but apparently a fairly large number of your fellow Texans have not. But hey, as long as you're OK, fuck the rest of them, right?
Hey ninny. This is the first time you probably ever cared about Texas in your life, and ONLY for POITICAL reasons. They could freeze their asses off for what you care

These aren't people to you, their useful objects. You people are off your fucking rockers sugar tits.

If this was a libturd state we wouldn't be able to pull a word from your purple gums.

If, if, if!!! Is that all you've got Short Dick?

Since you haven't been able to refute anything I've posted, you're now implying I don't give a rat's ass about Texans. How many fucks do I have to give before I can comment? I mean you're all over this thread and you already told us you don't care what happened to your fellow Texans at all.

Shouldn't you be disqualified from comments because you've already said you don't care about your fellow Texan? I guess you that's why you're accusing me of just using these people to score political points. Because that's what you're doing.

Not everyone is a heartless asshole like you are Short Dick.

Than shut your fucken molasses hole.
We dont care about your poor ass country.
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Still your DADO!
No. But you will always be my Dulcolax
How does it feel to be owned? To know I've always got a room, hell, probably a suite, in your tiny mind? That, when you try to sleep at night, I will be right there keeping you awake. You're welcome.
What does it say about a person that feels joy of owning a nameless entity on a message board?....
Any other reason to be here?
Anyone here ever change their mind based on these "conversations?"
You seriously don't think you're performing some public service?!?!?!
There's three types here. Trolls, me, and then the rest.

I come to be challenged. To know more and learn more.
That rarely happens.
So, while waiting I take pleasure in owning those who try.
Want to see me change my behavior?
Don't be stupid
Don't be dishonest
And don't start the conversation with insults.
Oh, you're definitely challenged.
Around here? Hardly. Half the time here I feel guilty for beating up on the retarded. Like right now.
"Mentally challenged", I meant. Thought it was rather obvious, too. Guess not.
Truly the only thing rather obvious around here is is your single digit IQ.
So go drive your big old truck that quarter mile to the grocery store and load up that quart of milk for your long winter's whining.
What's VERY obvious is that HE is much more intelligent than YOU based on the content of your respective posts.

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