Dems Think They Can Create Another Obama By Featuring Hakeem Jefferies In A Speech Last Night

Yeah, sure. Have you read your signature lines? I do have one question, are you a Trumpanzee?***

***Trumpanzee, is an irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized {hannitized magatized} to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon.
/——/ Thanks for your opinion.
Don't know, it must be your throat is sore coming from Faux News.
Don't watch much of that crap anymore.
Ever since Chris Wallace, Brett Baer, and Megan Kelly tried to set Trump up....I stopped watching them, except "The Five" and "Gutfeld". Hannity has exposed himself as a sell-out to the establishment.
All of their good anchors went over to NEWSMAX.
Don't watch much of that crap anymore.
Ever since Chris Wallace, Brett Baer, and Megan Kelly tried to set Trump up....I stopped watching them, except "The Five" and "Gutfeld". Hannity has exposed himself as a sell-out to the establishment.
All of their good anchors went over to NEWSMAX.
Do you pay for being brainwashed?
Last night, during his speech, I kept getting the impression that Hakeem Jefferies was trying to sound like Barack Obama.:disbelief:

CNN claims the speech was historic. 'Look.....the Democrats have come up with another clean and articulate black man to run their party.'
After 15 ballots, Jefferies kept getting 212 Democrat votes.....and they think this show of solidarity proves the Democrats can work together.....and they like black people too... :113:

"Conservatives panned the first floor speech from Democratic Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., who delivered what some called "partisan" and "rambling" remarks early Satruday morning after the House elected Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., to be the next speaker.
On the other side, progressives lauded Jeffries' address, which honored Speaker emerita Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., touted Democratic legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act, which passed on a party-line vote, and took shots at former Republican President Donald Trump.
"We will never compromise on our principles," Jeffries said, before launching into an A through Z rundown of what Democrats support in contrast to what the left accuses Republicans of standing for. The election-denying Democrat said his party believes in "maturity over Mar-a-Lago" and "quality of life over QAnon," digging at Trump and elements of the far-right."

Another Jeffries thread. He really makes you MAGAts nervous, doesn't he? :heehee:
Do you pay for being brainwashed?
We're all paying for the brainwashing that's going on in the media.
It creates idiots that have a bone to pick with specific groups, classes, and political parties, and makes them feel that murder is justified in some cases.
It all depends on your sex, race, vaccination status, or if you're a MAGA supporter.
All of these folks (who don't go along with what is considered Politically-Correct) can and will be murdered in cold-blood, and people like you will cheer it like you just scored a one-timer in hockey.
We're all paying for the brainwashing that's going on in the media.
It creates idiots that have a bone to pick with specific groups, classes, and political parties, and makes them feel that murder is justified in some cases.
It all depends on your sex, race, vaccination status, or if you're a MAGA supporter.
All of these folks (who don't go along with what is considered Politically-Correct) can and will be murdered in cold-blood, and people like you will cheer it like you just scored a one-timer in hockey.
My ATT & Dish Network & Cricket Wireless & Epoc Times subscription say yes
Last night, during his speech, I kept getting the impression that Hakeem Jefferies was trying to sound like Barack Obama.:disbelief:

CNN claims the speech was historic. 'Look.....the Democrats have come up with another clean and articulate black man to run their party.'
After 15 ballots, Jefferies kept getting 212 Democrat votes.....and they think this show of solidarity proves the Democrats can work together.....and they like black people too... :113:

"Conservatives panned the first floor speech from Democratic Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., who delivered what some called "partisan" and "rambling" remarks early Satruday morning after the House elected Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., to be the next speaker.
On the other side, progressives lauded Jeffries' address, which honored Speaker emerita Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., touted Democratic legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act, which passed on a party-line vote, and took shots at former Republican President Donald Trump.
"We will never compromise on our principles," Jeffries said, before launching into an A through Z rundown of what Democrats support in contrast to what the left accuses Republicans of standing for. The election-denying Democrat said his party believes in "maturity over Mar-a-Lago" and "quality of life over QAnon," digging at Trump and elements of the far-right."

Wow, didn't take long for Qwatter fuckups to run scared.

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