Dems Think They Can Create Another Obama By Featuring Hakeem Jefferies In A Speech Last Night

So everything is not about race. The fact that I hate pieces of crap like Obama and this Jeffies has everything to do with ideology, not race. I would hate them just as much if they were white.

Do you have a problem with that, white boy?
So everything is not about race. The fact that I hate pieces of crap like Obama and this Jeffies has everything to do with ideology, not race. I would hate them just as much if they were white.

Do you have a problem with that, boy?

It's quite sad that you are so full of hate. It's why the world isn't exactly a great place.

Last night, during his speech, I kept getting the impression that Hakeem Jefferies was trying to sound like Barack Obama.:disbelief:

CNN claims the speech was historic. 'Look.....the Democrats have come up with another clean and articulate black man to run their party.'
After 15 ballots, Jefferies kept getting 212 Democrat votes.....and they think this show of solidarity proves the Democrats can work together.....and they like black people too... :113:

"Conservatives panned the first floor speech from Democratic Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., who delivered what some called "partisan" and "rambling" remarks early Satruday morning after the House elected Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., to be the next speaker.
On the other side, progressives lauded Jeffries' address, which honored Speaker emerita Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., touted Democratic legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act, which passed on a party-line vote, and took shots at former Republican President Donald Trump.
"We will never compromise on our principles," Jeffries said, before launching into an A through Z rundown of what Democrats support in contrast to what the left accuses Republicans of standing for. The election-denying Democrat said his party believes in "maturity over Mar-a-Lago" and "quality of life over QAnon," digging at Trump and elements of the far-right."

That guy sounded like such an idiot. Long winded partisan speech.
Discount Barry.

Well there's the rub.....because I've been watching Jefferies for years.....and I know what he's like.
But I hate to break this to you....the Democrats love solidarity and stifling free-speech....while the GOP loves Democracy and the ability to voice different opinions in public.
McCarthy needed to know that selling us out to the Globalists isn't going to be accepted anymore.
Jefferies is just an empty suit taking up a space who would sell us out for a bucket of spit. His wife works for SEIU (Obama's Socialist/Domestic Terrorist Organization) which means Obama had something to do with his current position.
He's a communist....and an evil POS.
Well, he's not my guy and indeed the problem of the Republicans, hopefully not to affect me, but it is of course possible. Like I said, when Trump was elected, maybe he will grow into it, but of course, Donny never did and he is a Donny supporter, but without the money, charisma and chutzpah.

We will see, what we will see, but here we go.
He's also the nephew of the infamous racist Leonard Jeffries...

"The black professor, Dr. Leonard Jeffries Jr., the chairman of the black studies department, centers many of his classes on the idea that people of European ancestry -''the ice people,'' as he calls them - are fundamentally materialistic, greedy, and intent on domination, while people of African descent - ''the sun people'' - are essentially humanistic and communal. He has passed out booklets to his students that argue that an abundance of the skin pigment melanin gives blacks intellectual and physical advantages over whites."

Professors' Theories on Race Stir Turmoil at City College (Published 1990)
Yea, I know about Leonard Jefferies's very racist sun people vs ice people theory.
He is also a dumb radical racist.
The Democrats have a huge hate problem that is never allowed to be discussed about.
Hakeem said that everyone who voted for Trump is a racist without anything to back it up.
But Hakeem is not bothered by Joe Biden's many racist and segregationist remarks.
Hakeem has a low credibility problem.
He's also the nephew of the infamous racist Leonard Jeffries...

"The black professor, Dr. Leonard Jeffries Jr., the chairman of the black studies department, centers many of his classes on the idea that people of European ancestry -''the ice people,'' as he calls them - are fundamentally materialistic, greedy, and intent on domination, while people of African descent - ''the sun people'' - are essentially humanistic and communal. He has passed out booklets to his students that argue that an abundance of the skin pigment melanin gives blacks intellectual and physical advantages over whites."

Professors' Theories on Race Stir Turmoil at City College (Published 1990)
Lol like that black bitch in the doj. We waz sun 🌞 people n cheit
White people can literally build a first world 🌍 in Iceland. Blacks can't build one anywhere.
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Hakeem is like a dumbass low IQ Barack except without a fake birth certificate and a transsexual husband.
Great speech by Jeffries

He will be a power broker for years to come
It sounded good....mainly because we're forced to listen to Biden all of the time, so being able to put together two words without mumbling is a step up for sure.
Course if you listen to the rubbish he was was nothing but a load of crap.

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They do and I have commented on that in the past. But that makes your hate OK? Like I said............
/——/ I don’t hate the individuals, just their destructive policies. I was raised Catholic and taught to love the sinner, and hate the sin.
Another circle jerk by jerks, racists and Trumpanzees. The same clowns have nothing to do but to attack the character of individuals without any facts, and yet echoing each clown feeding on the others.
Another circle jerk by jerks, racists and Trumpanzees. The same clowns have nothing to do but to attack the character of individuals without any facts, and yet echoing each clown feeding on the others.
/——-/ You can’t be serious. Who attacked Trump and Republicans for the last 6 years? Little Sisters of the Poor?
/——-/ You can’t be serious. Who attacked Trump and Republicans for the last 6 years? Little Sisters of the Poor?
Yeah, sure. Have you read your signature lines? I do have one question, are you a Trumpanzee?***

***Trumpanzee, is an irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized {hannitized magatized} to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon.
Yeah, sure. Have you read your signature lines? I do have one question, are you a Trumpanzee?***

***Trumpanzee, is an irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized {hannitized magatized} to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon.
What do they call a person that believes every hoax the media pushes down your throat?

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