Dems: ‘Trump has ruined America’...Will they talk about who/what has ruined California, NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis...etc.

Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
There’s a lot of harm to the country when you work to detach people from reality as Trump has done. It makes them easily manipulated.

Meanwhile the aforementioned cities and states remain in chaotic disarray....who/what is to blame? Let’s talk about it.
They’re not in chaotic disarray.
The murder and violent crime rates in St Louis, Baltimore, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles...the anarchy and “autonomous zones” in the Pacific just pretend it’s all normal? Well shit, no wonder you don’t talk about it....haha
Shawnee, Oklahoma has almost one thousand percent higher rating for crime than the national average.. It is a red state and a red county...Why do you leave them out of this?
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
You put a troll thread into politics for what reason?
It takes two to tango and both parties have failed the US.....We got where we are by the work of previous generations and we still do okay yet the world is not gonna set by and let us have it all for ourselves...
Not at all a "troll thread".
It's intended to be thought provoking....Are you scared to discuss America's issues that are perpetuated by political posturing and policy?
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
You put a troll thread into politics for what reason?
It takes two to tango and both parties have failed the US.....We got where we are by the work of previous generations and we still do okay yet the world is not gonna set by and let us have it all for ourselves...
Not at all a "troll thread".
It's intended to be thought provoking....Are you scared to discuss America's issues that are perpetuated by political posturing and policy?
It's not just a political problem old bean...
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
There’s a lot of harm to the country when you work to detach people from reality as Trump has done. It makes them easily manipulated.

Meanwhile the aforementioned cities and states remain in chaotic disarray....who/what is to blame? Let’s talk about it.
They’re not in chaotic disarray.
The murder and violent crime rates in St Louis, Baltimore, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles...the anarchy and “autonomous zones” in the Pacific just pretend it’s all normal? Well shit, no wonder you don’t talk about it....haha
Shawnee, Oklahoma has almost one thousand percent higher rating for crime than the national average.. It is a red state and a red county...Why do you leave them out of this?

Actually Shawnee's violent crime rate is 8% lower than national average.

I googled it, you should have
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
There’s a lot of harm to the country when you work to detach people from reality as Trump has done. It makes them easily manipulated.
ROFL! What could be more ironic than Trump hating morons whining about detaching people from reality and manipulating them?
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
There’s a lot of harm to the country when you work to detach people from reality as Trump has done. It makes them easily manipulated.

Meanwhile the aforementioned cities and states remain in chaotic disarray....who/what is to blame? Let’s talk about it.
They’re not in chaotic disarray.
The murder and violent crime rates in St Louis, Baltimore, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles...the anarchy and “autonomous zones” in the Pacific just pretend it’s all normal? Well shit, no wonder you don’t talk about it....haha
Shawnee, Oklahoma has almost one thousand percent higher rating for crime than the national average.. It is a red state and a red county...Why do you leave them out of this?

Actually Shawnee's violent crime rate is 8% lower than national average.

I googled it, you should have
"But, but, but....lots of people run stop signs in Shawnee."
Ain't that right Moonglow
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
There’s a lot of harm to the country when you work to detach people from reality as Trump has done. It makes them easily manipulated.

Meanwhile the aforementioned cities and states remain in chaotic disarray....who/what is to blame? Let’s talk about it.
They’re not in chaotic disarray.
The murder and violent crime rates in St Louis, Baltimore, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles...the anarchy and “autonomous zones” in the Pacific just pretend it’s all normal? Well shit, no wonder you don’t talk about it....haha
Shawnee, Oklahoma has almost one thousand percent higher rating for crime than the national average.. It is a red state and a red county...Why do you leave them out of this?

Actually Shawnee's violent crime rate is 8% lower than national average.

I googled it, you should have
"But, but, but....lots of people run stop signs in Shawnee."
Ain't that right Moonglow
I have no idea I have not been there in thirty years. I do have cousins there yet they are the church types. I grew up in Moore and Southside OKC and there was never any shortages of violence or hard times economically...Just like every big city experiences no matter who is running them.
so what?....what good is that mighty economy doing for all those who are homeless or out of work or struggling to make ends meet? is it helping those who had to move because they could no longer afford to live there like many retirees who helped make the state what it was?.....the quality of life for many in the state has gone down hill over the years.....the problems California has now were hardly even noticed 40 years ago....

None of that means California is ruined.
tell that to those i just mentioned....i lived there for 50 years and watched the place go down long have you lived there?..
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
False comparison fallacy.
How are either concerned about issues plaguing America or you're not, you either seek to resolve issues or you don't.
Is this really all that complicated for you?
its ok jones we know you wont answer....
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
You put a troll thread into politics for what reason?
It takes two to tango and both parties have failed the US.....We got where we are by the work of previous generations and we still do okay yet the world is not gonna set by and let us have it all for ourselves...
Not at all a "troll thread".
It's intended to be thought provoking....Are you scared to discuss America's issues that are perpetuated by political posturing and policy?
It's not just a political problem old bean...

Than whats causing all the problems?
RE: The thread title question

1. No, the Dems will not touch the answer with a ten-foot pole.

2. In all fairness, no one else will, either. Even President Trump did not dare directly answer that question.

3. There are simply some answers that are too hurtful to mention in public.

4. Besides, some answers are not allowed to be posted on the Web.

5. We all see the elephant in the room, but polite people pretend that they do not see it.

6. Maybe that's for the best.

a. A famous Mexican singer (who was gay) was once directly asked whether he was gay. He calmly answered something like this: "Don't ask a question about something that is obvious."
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
You put a troll thread into politics for what reason?
It takes two to tango and both parties have failed the US.....We got where we are by the work of previous generations and we still do okay yet the world is not gonna set by and let us have it all for ourselves...
Not at all a "troll thread".
It's intended to be thought provoking....Are you scared to discuss America's issues that are perpetuated by political posturing and policy?
It's not just a political problem old bean...

Than whats causing all the problems?
RE: The thread title question

1. No, the Dems will not touch the answer with a ten-foot pole.

2. In all fairness, no one else will, either. Even President Trump did not dare directly answer that question.

3. There are simply some answers that are too hurtful to mention in public.

4. Besides, some answers are not allowed to be posted on the Web.

5. We all see the elephant in the room, but polite people pretend that they do not see it.

6. Maybe that's for the best.

a. A famous Mexican singer (who was gay) was once directly asked whether he was gay. He calmly answered something like this: "Don't ask a question about something that is obvious."

How did we get here and where are we headed?
The most advanced society of intellectual beings on the globe, an absolute right to free speech and somehow someway people have agreed to play stupid and oblivious to the most obvious of things. How....WHY?
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Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
You put a troll thread into politics for what reason?
It takes two to tango and both parties have failed the US.....We got where we are by the work of previous generations and we still do okay yet the world is not gonna set by and let us have it all for ourselves...
Not at all a "troll thread".
It's intended to be thought provoking....Are you scared to discuss America's issues that are perpetuated by political posturing and policy?
It's not just a political problem old bean...

Than whats causing all the problems?

So when you Lefties say "Trump" you really mean humans?
Just confirming your credibility and all...ya know?
RE: The thread title question

1. No, the Dems will not touch the answer with a ten-foot pole.

2. In all fairness, no one else will, either. Even President Trump did not dare directly answer that question.

3. There are simply some answers that are too hurtful to mention in public.

4. Besides, some answers are not allowed to be posted on the Web.

5. We all see the elephant in the room, but polite people pretend that they do not see it.

6. Maybe that's for the best.

a. A famous Mexican singer (who was gay) was once directly asked whether he was gay. He calmly answered something like this: "Don't ask a question about something that is obvious."

How did we get here and where are we headed?
The most advanced society of intellectual beings on the globe, an absolute right to free speech and somehow someway people have agreed to play stupid and oblivious to the most obvious of things. How....WHY?

For the sake of domestic tranquility, we all have to "play stupid" when it comes to certain hurtful topics.

Starting on January 20, we all have to become really good "actors" and pretend that we do not see what we see.

That's just how the cookie crumbles in this changing nation.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
You put a troll thread into politics for what reason?
It takes two to tango and both parties have failed the US.....We got where we are by the work of previous generations and we still do okay yet the world is not gonna set by and let us have it all for ourselves...
Not at all a "troll thread".
It's intended to be thought provoking....Are you scared to discuss America's issues that are perpetuated by political posturing and policy?
It's not just a political problem old bean...

Than whats causing all the problems?

So when you Lefties say "Trump" you really mean humans?
Just confirming your credibility and all...ya know?
Since when is Trump not a human?
RE: The thread title question

1. No, the Dems will not touch the answer with a ten-foot pole.

2. In all fairness, no one else will, either. Even President Trump did not dare directly answer that question.

3. There are simply some answers that are too hurtful to mention in public.

4. Besides, some answers are not allowed to be posted on the Web.

5. We all see the elephant in the room, but polite people pretend that they do not see it.

6. Maybe that's for the best.

a. A famous Mexican singer (who was gay) was once directly asked whether he was gay. He calmly answered something like this: "Don't ask a question about something that is obvious."

How did we get here and where are we headed?
The most advanced society of intellectual beings on the globe, an absolute right to free speech and somehow someway people have agreed to play stupid and oblivious to the most obvious of things. How....WHY?

For the sake of domestic tranquility, we all have to "play stupid" when it comes to certain hurtful topics.

Starting on January 20, we all have to become really good "actors" and pretend that we do not see what we see.

That's just how the cookie crumbles in this changing nation.

This nation is in deep shit when we stop discussing facts because they may be considered hurtful to those at the root of said facts.
I've never once seen a solution without discussion.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
You put a troll thread into politics for what reason?
It takes two to tango and both parties have failed the US.....We got where we are by the work of previous generations and we still do okay yet the world is not gonna set by and let us have it all for ourselves...
Not at all a "troll thread".
It's intended to be thought provoking....Are you scared to discuss America's issues that are perpetuated by political posturing and policy?
It's not just a political problem old bean...

Than whats causing all the problems?

So when you Lefties say "Trump" you really mean humans?
Just confirming your credibility and all...ya know?
Since when is Trump not a human?

No time for word games...don't be scared.
So "humans", and not specific humans manifest and foster the problems in the cities we've been discussing and a "human", not Trump has caused the problems in the White House that Lefties have cried about for four years...That's what you're asserting...right?
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
You put a troll thread into politics for what reason?
It takes two to tango and both parties have failed the US.....We got where we are by the work of previous generations and we still do okay yet the world is not gonna set by and let us have it all for ourselves...
Not at all a "troll thread".
It's intended to be thought provoking....Are you scared to discuss America's issues that are perpetuated by political posturing and policy?
It's not just a political problem old bean...

Than whats causing all the problems?

So when you Lefties say "Trump" you really mean humans?
Just confirming your credibility and all...ya know?
Since when is Trump not a human?

No time for word games...don't be scared.
So "humans", and not specific humans manifest and foster the problems in the cities we've been discussing and a "human", not Trump has caused the problems in the White House that Lefties have cried about for four years...That's what you're asserting...right?

President Trump @realDonaldTrump is a genuinely good man,” Wood wrote. “He does not really like to fire people. I bet he dislikes putting people in jail, especially ‘Republicans.’ He gave @BrianKempGA & @GaSecofState every chance to get it right. They refused. They will soon be going to jail.”

The tweet included photos of Kemp and Raffensperger doctored to show them wearing face masks emblazoned with China’s flag.

You tell me it's not my fault you can't understand what is written.

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