Dems want Laws changed after Rittenhouse shootings. Are vigilantes the answer? (Poll)

Do you support vigilantes policing neighborhoods when the police are unavailable?

  • Yes, people have the right to protect their lives and property

    Votes: 66 95.7%
  • No, criminals have every right to burn, steal, and kill.

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
Do You have an actual argument or are you just stupid? We could end this in the United States if everyone would get vaccinated. No matter what you are brainwashed into thinking... But we have to really vaccinate the whole damn planet. Of course no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot rich from paying their fair share...
Vaccination doesn’t seem to stop virus’, they mutate. Otherwise we wouldn’t need flu shots every year.
Having their insurance up to date is all any property owner needs to do. Hiring a goon squad has far more potential liability than most sensible business owners are willing to risk.
Insurance up to date? You want the stores to pay to be looted? You need to seek mental help!
Vaccination doesn’t seem to stop virus’, they mutate. Otherwise we wouldn’t need flu shots every year.
Not entirely true. We need flu shots every year based on the most prevalent strain of influenza expected during the flu season. There is no way to immunize against all the influenza strains out there.
Private policing seems inevitable. Rich people will be fine. Poor people will not. Typical result of liberal policies.
Different demographics. The horse is out of the barn. Over 100mil guns out there. Confiscation would be impossible. Europeans and Japanese also have fewer car accidents. Stats may be misleading.

Arguments sound better when you use whole sentences........ this should have been explained to you at an early age.

We don't have to confiscate all the guns... we just have to make new guns a lot harder to get. Then it's just a matter of wearing them out by attrition.
Different altogether yet 45mil are on a waiting list to come here. We must be doing something right? The transit system in MA is solid.

There are not 45 million wanting to come here from Europe. There are 45 million who want to come here from third world countries...

Sneaking under a fence is still free, though.

Not really true.
What employers pay into unemployment insurance comes out of a salary reduction, just like with health insurance and social security.

Simply not true. Go check your W-2 form... or your pay stub. You'll find deductions for Social Security and Medicare, but not Unemployment insurance.

Medicare is not subsidized by taxpayers, or should not need to be if the medical providers are not cheating.
Get real. Most medical costs are born by the elderly, you are going to use more medical services after 65 than before. And, yes, the government carries that weight directly or indirectly.

There are very few federal entitlements.
ADC, disability, and VA are about the only ones.
And Social Security and Medicare and Unemployment... which are outright called "entitlements" by the government.

You see, there is the problem with the term "entitlement", it says you are "entitled" to something, as opposed to the pittance we spend on poverty relief.

The real problem, of course, is middle class white people who think their entitlements are somehow morally superior....
Arguments sound better when you use whole sentences........ this should have been explained to you at an early age.

We don't have to confiscate all the guns... we just have to make new guns a lot harder to get. Then it's just a matter of wearing them out by attrition.
Won’t help. Harder isn’t impossible. Legally attained guns isn’t the reason for the hard murder rates.
Won’t help. Harder isn’t impossible. Legally attained guns isn’t the reason for the hard murder rates.

Again, Europeans have figured this out...
That you don't want to give up your guns isn't a good reason for the rest of us to have to live like this.
Again, Europeans have figured this out...
That you don't want to give up your guns isn't a good reason for the rest of us to have to live like this.
I do not own a gun…yet. Again, gun owners who attain their guns lawfully aren’t the problem. Europe is different than the US. Gun ownership isn’t the primary reason. We have higher heart attack rates too. Same with vehicle deaths. Context is needed.
Again, gun owners who attain their guns lawfully aren’t the problem. Europe is different than the US. Gun ownership isn’t the primary reason. We have higher heart attack rates too. Same with vehicle deaths. Context is needed.

Actually, 83% of people who are killed are killed by people they know, 35% of them by family members. Legal guns ARE the problem.

Cars? Heart Attacks! Sharks! Can you focus on just one thing?
Actually, 83% of people who are killed are killed by people they know, 35% of them by family members. Legal guns ARE the problem.

Cars? Heart Attacks! Sharks! Can you focus on just one thing?
People they know but are the guns legally attained? Link please.

People they know but are the guns legally attained? Link please.
No, the MAIN problem is police continually murdering, extorting, abusing, and at least frightening millions of innocent people.
Until then, we need more Boston Tea Parties.
Fictional claims like yours are not the problem
I did research.. Europe did fine, because they had far less deaths, socialized medicine and less jobs lost.

Hey, funny thing, the economy isn't doing well just because the rich are doing well...

No, you didn’t research. Europe has faired much worse than the US economically speaking.

It wasn’t just the rich that were doing well under Trump, in fact, the lower income brackets had larger income gains than the higher income brackets under Trump.

You need some new news sources if you have been told differently.

If the Democrats and your sources told you that water is not wet, you wouldn't wear a raincoat when it rained.

This guy was wrong. What don't you understand? Like many "educated" folks, their opinions are skewed. He was flat out WRONG as we can see now in Dec. 2021.

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