Dems want Laws changed after Rittenhouse shootings. Are vigilantes the answer? (Poll)

Do you support vigilantes policing neighborhoods when the police are unavailable?

  • Yes, people have the right to protect their lives and property

    Votes: 66 95.7%
  • No, criminals have every right to burn, steal, and kill.

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
Social security and Medicare arent entitlements just like unemployment insurance isn’t an entitlement. They are programs that people and their employers pay into their entire working lives. An entitlement is giving someone something they haven’t earned or paid into.

you don't pay into unemployment, your employer does.
You don't pay enough into Medicare to be able to afford real insurance. The taxpayers do.
Social security, you will get back everything you paid in if you live to be 72. That's why it's going broke. When it started, most peopled died before 72. Now people are living into their 80's.
There is nothing about COVID that makes it special, that makes it worthy of any more response than a common cold or flu, except for the massive exaggeration, fearmongering, and outright lies that have been built up around it.

yeah, people' I've talked to who've had it would disagree...

Nobody's chance of dying or being significantly harmed by COVID is anywhere close to all the other dangers that we all must face, as an unavoidable part of living.

Nobody's chance of dying or being significantly harmed by COVID is anywhere close to the dangers and actual, tangible harm, caused by the powers that we have stupidly allowed government to seize over us and to blatantly abuse, under the fraudulent guise of “protecting” us from this hyperbolized disease.

Uh, let's get real here. Covid cause the average life expectency of Americans to DROP in 2020, that's how many people it killed. It will probably go down again in 2021. 800,000 excess deaths, that's not fearmongering. it's the deadliest plague the world has faced since the Influenza outbreak of 1918, and that spread because of intentional government censorship and poor technology.

Ever hear of “food deserts”? When it becomes too unprofitable for a store to remain open, what happens?

And what happens in communities where it is too unprofitable for stores to remain open? What happens to people who depend on those stores as sources from which they can buy food, and other supplies that they need to live healthy lives?

I know, man, those black people might drive into your neighborhood to buy groceries, and that would be horrible.

The fact is, "Food Deserts" existed long before the rioting started, because poor people don't have money even with assistance. And because Americans are basically awful and think this sort of thing is fine.

There are communities where, due to high rate of property crime (<@Incel Joe>It's just property. It can be replaced. The store owners should have had insurance.</@Incel Joe>) there are no grocery stores, no restaurants. Only high-priced convenience stores selling unhealthy junk food. That's a food desert. People's health, being adversely impacted, by the inability to buy healthy food as affordable prices, because high rates of property crime have driven away those that would have offered such food for sale.

That has more to do with "those people are poor and have no money to spend" than "those people might break my stuff." Of course, the big chains won't invest, so these communities get exploited by the immigrant store owners who overcharge, sell expired product and do other things to earn the wrath of the community, and they are usually the first place that gets burned in a riot.

None of this justifies shooting people over a riot, though. Only a member of a deranged racist cult would think that was a good idea.

Of course, that doesn't even address the livings that people could be making by owning and working in the stores that are thus prevented from existing.

Yeah, funny thing that... with Trump Plague, no one wants to go back to those jobs that don't make a living wage, for some reason. I know, I know, it was because Biden gave them unemployment!!!! I guess those people weren't all that attached to those jobs.
Guns aren’t the issue. Guns are the solution for those who see them as the only way out. Politicians can help by holding schools accountable and putting more boots on the ground in terms of a police presence.

Yeah, we tried that. We put more boots on the ground, which ended up on people's necks and made them even more resentful.

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His victims weren't on trial.

The fact that Rosenbaum served time 20 years ago for molesting another kid when he was a kid wasn't relevant. The fact that Rittenhouse beat the crap out of a teenage girl was in that it shows he already had a propensity for violence. Also left out was that he liked to hang out with the Proud Boys.

And while the judge did exclude evidence of what a little shit Rittenhouse is, he let the defense sneak in stuff about Rosenbaum's mental illness.

Wrong again. The past indescretions don’t matter here. It was self-defense. Case closed. I‘m just glad they wouldn’t allow a partisan like yourself on the jury.

Nope. But I actually have worked in supply chain most of my adult life, so I actually understand the problem. Covid was part of the issue. So was Trump's trade policies, which forced companies to move their operations out of China to other third world countries (as opposed to moving them back to the US, which was the desired effect.)

For instance, the biggest beneficiary of Trump's Trade War was Vietnam. (You know, the place Trump avoided going to because of Bone Spurs). Except that Vietnam hasn't spent the money on infrastructure to move product from a factory in Hanoi to the port at Haiphong in an efficient manner.

Right now, the ports are putting an emphasis on unloading products for Target and Amazon over manufacturers who need components. Good because Christmas won't suck, but it's going to bite us in the ass in a few months when production lines start slowing.

I can guarantee you that we would not be seeing the labor shortage nor supply chain disruptions even close to what we are seeing now if Trump was still in office. The supply chains disruptions are in large part due to the labor shortages which are in large part due to Biden’s policies. You dont’ see it, but then again, you are nothing more than an average Joe.

Or redesign the stores where they aren't so easy to loot. The problem with most store security is that it is set up around catching a shoplifter in the act, not so much a mob stealing a bunch of stuff in a coordinated attack.

Now, I'm not a security expert, but here are some of the things I might do.
1) Make it easier to secure the entrances when it is clear a looting incident is in progress. Lock the place down until the cops arrive.
2) Use preventive intelligence... These thieves are effectively using social media to coordinate these crimes, counter with more scrutiny of such accounts.

Punishing people that break the law is the answer. It isn’t rocket science.

Even if you don't count middle class entitlements as welfare (which you should because they are) even the majority of people on poverty relief programs are in fact, white.


Of course, we spend 2.5 Trillion on entitlements and only 600 billion on "welfare", so we spend a lot more money keeping white people from becoming poor than keeping people of color out of destitution.

Let’s see, there are about 5 times more white people in the country than black people and about the same for Hispanic vs white. Do you see a problem with your graph yet?
Wrong again. The past indescretions don’t matter here. It was self-defense. Case closed. I‘m just glad they wouldn’t allow a partisan like yourself on the jury.

The criminal case is closed, but this little shit and Kenosha are going to pay out the nose....

I can guarantee you that we would not be seeing the labor shortage nor supply chain disruptions even close to what we are seeing now if Trump was still in office. The supply chains disruptions are in large part due to the labor shortages which are in large part due to Biden’s policies. You dont’ see it, but then again, you are nothing more than an average Joe.

You might have a point. Trump lost 65 million jobs and 65,000 businesses on his watch. Four more years, the country would have looked like The Hunger Games.

It amazes me you look at his fuckups and say, "We totally need more of that!"

But, but, but until Covid hit, things were fine...
And the Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg.

Punishing people that break the law is the answer. It isn’t rocket science.
We've been punishing the shit out of people... we lock up more people than any country in the world, and we aren't any safer.

Let’s see, there are about 5 times more white people in the country than black people and about the same for Hispanic vs white. Do you see a problem with your graph yet?

No, no problem at all.... just when you say "Welfare Queen", it's a fat southern white bitch with a confederate flag on her double wide.
The criminal case is closed, but this little shit and Kenosha are going to pay out the nose....

Boy do you you have it backwards.

You might have a point. Trump lost 65 million jobs and 65,000 businesses on his watch. Four more years, the country would have looked like The Hunger Games.

It amazes me you look at his fuckups and say, "We totally need more of that!"

But, but, but until Covid hit, things were fine...
And the Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg.

Right, COVID didn’t have anything to do with the lost jobs.

Hey moron, our economy wasn’t affected nearly as much as Europe and that is thanks to Trump.

Again, I don’t expect an average Joe to be able to wrap his head around it.

We've been punishing the shit out of people... we lock up more people than any country in the world, and we aren't any safer.

Yeah, and the vast marority of them are Democrats, which is why they want to give them the right to vote and to make excuses for their lawlessness. Enablers like you are the problem.

No, no problem at all.... just when you say "Welfare Queen", it's a fat southern white bitch with a confederate flag on her double wide

Poor ole’ Joe. You are so confused.
Right, COVID didn’t have anything to do with the lost jobs.

Hey moron, our economy wasn’t affected nearly as much as Europe and that is thanks to Trump.

Again, I don’t expect an average Joe to be able to wrap his head around it.

Well, that and it's total bullshit. The EU's unemployment rate never got above 8% during the worst of Covid. Trump managed to hit 14%.

Our economy is STILL fucked due to Trump Plague...

Yeah, and the vast marority of them are Democrats, which is why they want to give them the right to vote and to make excuses for their lawlessness. Enablers like you are the problem.

Absolutely. I think that they should allow prisoners to vote... The funny thing is that our census numbers get skewed by prisoners who can't vote but are counted in the Census.
Well, that and it's total bullshit. The EU's unemployment rate never got above 8% during the worst of Covid. Trump managed to hit 14%.

Our economy is STILL fucked due to Trump Plague...

You need to do some reasarch. Europe‘s economy has faired far worse than the US. Thank you President Trump for putting us in such a great position to withstand the Chinese virus.

The struggles in our economy are due to Biden my little average lemming.
You need to do some reasarch. Europe‘s economy has faired far worse than the US. Thank you President Trump for putting us in such a great position to withstand the Chinese virus.

The struggles in our economy are due to Biden my little average lemming.

I did research.. Europe did fine, because they had far less deaths, socialized medicine and less jobs lost.

Hey, funny thing, the economy isn't doing well just because the rich are doing well...
Your hindsight may be 20-20 but I doubt that is how it appeared to those at the scene.
It is exactly how it appeared to those on the scene that is why Grosskreutz asked Rittenhouse where he was going and learned he was going to get the police.

That is fact. He took the time to ask what was going on and learned that Rittenhouse was doing the right thing.

Your posts are based on ignorance like all left wingers who have been posting crap about this case since day one
Yeah, we tried that. We put more boots on the ground, which ended up on people's necks and made them even more resentful.

Different demographics. The horse is out of the barn. Over 100mil guns out there. Confiscation would be impossible. Europeans and Japanese also have fewer car accidents. Stats may be misleading.
stop looting and burning and that would solve the whole problem .

No, the MAIN problem is police continually murdering, extorting, abusing, and at least frightening millions of innocent people.
Until then, we need more Boston Tea Parties.

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