Dems want to raise taxes on millionaires, Pubs want to raise Medicare premiums


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2011
Excerpts from the article:

Adopting the GOP bill would result in higher out of pocket costs for middle class seniors on Medicare — a GOP measure adopted in lieu of raising income taxes on millionaires. That would both weaken the program, increase expenses for seniors, and muddle Dems’ election year message that they’re protecting entitlements from a conservative onslaught.

I asked House Speaker John Boehner about this at a Tuesday evening press conference: is there a contradiction between the GOP’s opposition to raising taxes on annual income over $1 million, and their support for charging significantly less affluent seniors more for Medicare.

“We believe that looking at the problems in Medicare that wealthy seniors ought to pay a higher portion of their Medicare premiums. That’s what the bill does. I think it makes common sense. It’s something that’s been discussed in every [negotiation] this year whether it was Majority Leader Cantor in the Biden group, my discussions with the President, my discussions with Senate Democrats. It’s not an issue that there’s much disagreement, if any, on between the two parties.”

Some Democrats — even House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi — have signed off on measures like this in the past, but only in the context of broad legislation to tame budget deficits that includes higher taxes on wealthy earners. These higher premiums, instead, would be used to provide aide to current workers and the unemployed. They would apply to people making above $80,000 a year, and rise in significant increments for people making more than $100,000, $150,000, and $200,000, in Medicare Parts B (outpatient care) and D (prescription drugs).

That stands in pretty sharp contrast to the Dem idea that people making over $1 million should foot the bill with a small tax on their second million dollars in income.

GOP Pushes Dems To Accept Medicare Cuts For Current Retirees | TPMDC
You vote for liars who are screwing you with a thousand cuts, brainwashed dittohead.
Excerpts from the article:

Adopting the GOP bill would result in higher out of pocket costs for middle class seniors on Medicare — a GOP measure adopted in lieu of raising income taxes on millionaires. That would both weaken the program, increase expenses for seniors, and muddle Dems’ election year message that they’re protecting entitlements from a conservative onslaught.

I asked House Speaker John Boehner about this at a Tuesday evening press conference: is there a contradiction between the GOP’s opposition to raising taxes on annual income over $1 million, and their support for charging significantly less affluent seniors more for Medicare.

“We believe that looking at the problems in Medicare that wealthy seniors ought to pay a higher portion of their Medicare premiums. That’s what the bill does. I think it makes common sense. It’s something that’s been discussed in every [negotiation] this year whether it was Majority Leader Cantor in the Biden group, my discussions with the President, my discussions with Senate Democrats. It’s not an issue that there’s much disagreement, if any, on between the two parties.”

Some Democrats — even House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi — have signed off on measures like this in the past, but only in the context of broad legislation to tame budget deficits that includes higher taxes on wealthy earners. These higher premiums, instead, would be used to provide aide to current workers and the unemployed. They would apply to people making above $80,000 a year, and rise in significant increments for people making more than $100,000, $150,000, and $200,000, in Medicare Parts B (outpatient care) and D (prescription drugs).

That stands in pretty sharp contrast to the Dem idea that people making over $1 million should foot the bill with a small tax on their second million dollars in income.

GOP Pushes Dems To Accept Medicare Cuts For Current Retirees | TPMDC

If Obama wouldn't have CUT 500 BILLION out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare--no one would be talking about raising premiums on medicare--would they---:cuckoo:

Excerpts from the article:

Adopting the GOP bill would result in higher out of pocket costs for middle class seniors on Medicare — a GOP measure adopted in lieu of raising income taxes on millionaires. That would both weaken the program, increase expenses for seniors, and muddle Dems’ election year message that they’re protecting entitlements from a conservative onslaught.

I asked House Speaker John Boehner about this at a Tuesday evening press conference: is there a contradiction between the GOP’s opposition to raising taxes on annual income over $1 million, and their support for charging significantly less affluent seniors more for Medicare.

“We believe that looking at the problems in Medicare that wealthy seniors ought to pay a higher portion of their Medicare premiums. That’s what the bill does. I think it makes common sense. It’s something that’s been discussed in every [negotiation] this year whether it was Majority Leader Cantor in the Biden group, my discussions with the President, my discussions with Senate Democrats. It’s not an issue that there’s much disagreement, if any, on between the two parties.”

Some Democrats — even House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi — have signed off on measures like this in the past, but only in the context of broad legislation to tame budget deficits that includes higher taxes on wealthy earners. These higher premiums, instead, would be used to provide aide to current workers and the unemployed. They would apply to people making above $80,000 a year, and rise in significant increments for people making more than $100,000, $150,000, and $200,000, in Medicare Parts B (outpatient care) and D (prescription drugs).

That stands in pretty sharp contrast to the Dem idea that people making over $1 million should foot the bill with a small tax on their second million dollars in income.

GOP Pushes Dems To Accept Medicare Cuts For Current Retirees | TPMDC

If Obama wouldn't have CUT 500 BILLION out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare--no one would be talking about raising premiums on medicare--would they---:cuckoo:

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Another fuckin vomiting from a right winger. What else is new?
A right winger who has no clue about the changes to Medicare under the ACA.
That's just it... they VOMIT their masters' voice instead of using "CRITICAL THINKING" to investigate the claims... they just swallow it like the starving carp they are.

They would refuse to go to a liberal website or watch a liberal TV channel and compare it to what their pundits are saying and perhaps try to see which side is really right, or perhaps BOTH sides are telling half truths and spinning stories to fit their own agenda... they'd never even THINK that their pundits would do anything like that....only the Liberals do that in their eyes.

I know for a fact that BOTH sides do it... that's why it takes CRITICAL THINKING to disseminate the bullshit and come up with your own conclusions.
Ah it will all work out. The young are more open minded and caring for each other. They do not buy into the politics and see things in real time. I trust them to take us in the right direction. Talked with dozens of kids in their late teens or twenties who are friends of my children and they see things for what they are. They know bias bullshit when they hear it. They will change the way we elect people. Do business. Care for the elderly and poor. Take a deep breath, relax, enjoy your holidays. We can disagree at a later date.
That's just it... they VOMIT their masters' voice instead of using "CRITICAL THINKING" to investigate the claims... they just swallow it like the starving carp they are.

They would refuse to go to a liberal website or watch a liberal TV channel and compare it to what their pundits are saying and perhaps try to see which side is really right, or perhaps BOTH sides are telling half truths and spinning stories to fit their own agenda... they'd never even THINK that their pundits would do anything like that....only the Liberals do that in their eyes.

I know for a fact that BOTH sides do it... that's why it takes CRITICAL THINKING to disseminate the bullshit and come up with your own conclusions.

LOL, like you would take something from Newsmax or Breitbart as the truth.
what the hell is TPMDC? Never heard of them
That's just it... they VOMIT their masters' voice instead of using "CRITICAL THINKING" to investigate the claims... they just swallow it like the starving carp they are.

They would refuse to go to a liberal website or watch a liberal TV channel and compare it to what their pundits are saying and perhaps try to see which side is really right, or perhaps BOTH sides are telling half truths and spinning stories to fit their own agenda... they'd never even THINK that their pundits would do anything like that....only the Liberals do that in their eyes.

I know for a fact that BOTH sides do it... that's why it takes CRITICAL THINKING to disseminate the bullshit and come up with your own conclusions.

LOL, like you would take something from Newsmax or Breitbart as the truth.
what the hell is TPMDC? Never heard of them

No.... I wouldn't just accept it as the truth. But I would actually go there and read on a particular issue and compare it to both Main Stream media AND Liberal Media.... then try to disseminate it to find the truth. and yes.... maybe sometimes a guy like Breitbart is right.. like the Weiner incident.

TPMDC? Never heard of it.

But... you guys won't do anything of the sort.
That's just it... they VOMIT their masters' voice instead of using "CRITICAL THINKING" to investigate the claims... they just swallow it like the starving carp they are.

They would refuse to go to a liberal website or watch a liberal TV channel and compare it to what their pundits are saying and perhaps try to see which side is really right, or perhaps BOTH sides are telling half truths and spinning stories to fit their own agenda... they'd never even THINK that their pundits would do anything like that....only the Liberals do that in their eyes.

I know for a fact that BOTH sides do it... that's why it takes CRITICAL THINKING to disseminate the bullshit and come up with your own conclusions.

LOL, like you would take something from Newsmax or Breitbart as the truth.
what the hell is TPMDC? Never heard of them

No.... I wouldn't just accept it as the truth. But I would actually go there and read on a particular issue and compare it to both Main Stream media AND Liberal Media.... then try to disseminate it to find the truth. and yes.... maybe sometimes a guy like Breitbart is right.. like the Weiner incident.

TPMDC? Never heard of it.

But... you guys won't do anything of the sort.

For one thing, I won't go to any websites and just post away at what they have to say. I have to feel that what they are saying has the TRUTH to it.
And I will NOT just go to any site that has a link posted here, because I don't want to give them any support. like thinkprogress, Hufferpost, etc etc.
Again, what is TPMDC? sounds like another left wing kook site. sorry just my opinion
LOL, like you would take something from Newsmax or Breitbart as the truth.
what the hell is TPMDC? Never heard of them

No.... I wouldn't just accept it as the truth. But I would actually go there and read on a particular issue and compare it to both Main Stream media AND Liberal Media.... then try to disseminate it to find the truth. and yes.... maybe sometimes a guy like Breitbart is right.. like the Weiner incident.

TPMDC? Never heard of it.

But... you guys won't do anything of the sort.

For one thing, I won't go to any websites and just post away at what they have to say. I have to feel that what they are saying has the TRUTH to it.
And I will NOT just go to any site that has a link posted here, because I don't want to give them any support. like thinkprogress, Hufferpost, etc etc.
Again, what is TPMDC? sounds like another left wing kook site. sorry just my opinion

Well, then you can never be able to truly have any understanding other than what YOUR side tells you, can you?
No.... I wouldn't just accept it as the truth. But I would actually go there and read on a particular issue and compare it to both Main Stream media AND Liberal Media.... then try to disseminate it to find the truth. and yes.... maybe sometimes a guy like Breitbart is right.. like the Weiner incident.

TPMDC? Never heard of it.

But... you guys won't do anything of the sort.

For one thing, I won't go to any websites and just post away at what they have to say. I have to feel that what they are saying has the TRUTH to it.
And I will NOT just go to any site that has a link posted here, because I don't want to give them any support. like thinkprogress, Hufferpost, etc etc.
Again, what is TPMDC? sounds like another left wing kook site. sorry just my opinion

Well, then you can never be able to truly have any understanding other than what YOUR side tells you, can you?

really, because I won't go visit a left wing website. Please
I used to go to DuUnderground just to see the crazies, but that started to hurt so I quit. lol
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Yeah.... But I know you don't get it. So forget it. Just keep following like a sheep... it's OK... there are many on the left that do it too.
Yeah.... But I know you don't get it. So forget it. Just keep following like a sheep... it's OK... there are many on the left that do it too.

Oh I will agree there are sheep on both sides, but I tend to see it more on the left.
Getting late dear, gotta get up early to feed the little children lunch. good night
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Yeah.... But I know you don't get it. So forget it. Just keep following like a sheep... it's OK... there are many on the left that do it too.

Oh I will agree there are sheep on both sides, but I tend to see it more on the left.

Of course you do.. because you only believe the right. Truthfully? It used to be a pretty much 50/50 recent times... I happen to think it's more 40/60 in favor of the right.

I've been politically aware for about 25 years or so, and I've NEVER seen the crap that I've seen from either side that I see coming from the right these days. It's like anyone who doesn't subscribe to their line of thinking is an enemy. Sure.. there are those on the left are like that too.. but nothing like I've seen from you guys since the 2008 election race and since.

I'm really not trying to be mean or partisan here, and I actually appreciate the decent conversation we are having right now.

Things always come out in the wash historically. I've noticed that with Bush... I watched that 9/11 interview on the 10th anniversary this year and I came away with a respect for the man... it's a tough fuckin' job being president.

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