Dems, why haven't you called for a ban to stop Mexican flags from waving on our soil? Remember the Mexican-American War?

I'm not a dem but why would I be offended by the Mexican flag?
Mexico "took up arms against our nation" and killed thousands of our people.
You really don't see any similarities do you?
There isnt even one similarity. The US started the war by annexing mexican land you fucking idiot. :)
Those were the times didn't know that back then all land was conquered or "annexed" by stronger more powerful armies?
That's how shit worked...just like people owned people in those times.
"This caveman once took the other cavemens cave soooooo......."
Don't play stupid.
A war with one the highest mortality rates for American soldiers at 17%
Why aren't you 'offended' by those flags?

I want my reparations from the Coons. They fought for the British in the Revolution and the War of 1812.

'Course the Brits were smart enough not to bring any of them back with them to England. So maybe both
Wars were ties. They were forced to leave North America but we were forced to keep the Spooks.
It's also the flag of losers, since we kicked their asses in the Mexican-American war.

What does that make the confederate flag?

Why do you bring it up ?

Because we're talking about flags. Why don't you answer?

Here, I'll help you.

Mexicans lost the war, so the Mexican flag is a flag of losers.
Confederates lost the civil war, so the confederate flag is a flag of ________.

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