Dems...why should your health and care be my concern?


Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

Sure they do but nothing says we have to pay for them. You won't find that in the Constitution. Everyone I know sure can take care of themselves and those that can't are freeloaders on the tax payers dime.

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

Why can’t I “CARE” yet not be willing to pay for your bad decisions in life?

You don’t pay shit

We the People decide what is done with our tax dollars.
Obamacare....Makes America GREAT
If we don't pay shit, then you shouldn't object to Trump dropping the mandate, right???? :auiqs.jpg:

Yet, Republicans are asking the Supreme Court to care

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

Sure they do but nothing says we have to pay for them. You won't find that in the Constitution. Everyone I know sure can take care of themselves and those that can't are freeloaders on the tax payers dime.

We the People pay

Just like we pay to defend nations half a world away. It all comes down to priorities. Other nations don’t try to defend the world militarily and they have universal healthcare

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right
which does not make them correct

What is incorrect about caring about the health and well being of your citizens?

Forcing people to choose between paying the rent or seeing a doctor is not correct

Forcing people into bankruptcy because they got sick is not correct

Other nations recognize this

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

Sure they do but nothing says we have to pay for them. You won't find that in the Constitution. Everyone I know sure can take care of themselves and those that can't are freeloaders on the tax payers dime.

We the People pay

Just like we pay to defend nations half a world away. It all comes down to priorities. Other nations don’t try to defend the world militarily and they have universal healthcare

Sure they do but they don't have 350 million people either. And you can bet you ass they won't defend the world. They expect the USA to do that.

If people can't pay for themselves they can always go to any hospital for care. By law hospitals have to treat them.

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

Sure they do but nothing says we have to pay for them. You won't find that in the Constitution. Everyone I know sure can take care of themselves and those that can't are freeloaders on the tax payers dime.

We the People pay

Just like we pay to defend nations half a world away. It all comes down to priorities. Other nations don’t try to defend the world militarily and they have universal healthcare

Sure they do but they don't have 350 million people either. And you can bet you ass they won't defend the world. They expect the USA to do that.

If people can't pay for themselves they can always go to any hospital for care. By law hospitals have to treat them.

They are not the wealthiest nation on earth either

The US spends 43 cents out of every military dollar on earth. More than the next seven countries combined. We live in a nation that hasn’t been invaded in 200 years yet we insist on spending excessively on “Defense”

Other nations are not obsessed with military power. They spend money on public healthcare, modern infrastructure, low cost higher education.

It all comes down to priorities

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

Sure they do but nothing says we have to pay for them. You won't find that in the Constitution. Everyone I know sure can take care of themselves and those that can't are freeloaders on the tax payers dime.

We the People pay

Just like we pay to defend nations half a world away. It all comes down to priorities. Other nations don’t try to defend the world militarily and they have universal healthcare

Sure they do but they don't have 350 million people either. And you can bet you ass they won't defend the world. They expect the USA to do that.

If people can't pay for themselves they can always go to any hospital for care. By law hospitals have to treat them.

They are not the wealthiest nation on earth either

The US spends 43 cents out of every military dollar on earth. More than the next seven countries combined. We live in a nation that hasn’t been invaded in 200 years yet we insist on spending excessively on “Defense”

Other nations are not obsessed with military power. They spend money on public healthcare, modern infrastructure, low cost higher education.

It all comes down to priorities

God forbid they spend the money on a military that can defend them. They would rather have universal healthcare than a useful military since they expect the US to fight their wars for them.
Socialized, government provided healthcare can't possibly cover everyone, especially when you include illegal aliens. There will have to be rationing and that always ends up with the elderly becoming the victims. But Democrats have already shown that they aren't reluctant to sacrifice the elderly. So it looks like Democrats will try to continue cleansing our country of our elderly. Vote for Trump

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

Sure they do but nothing says we have to pay for them. You won't find that in the Constitution. Everyone I know sure can take care of themselves and those that can't are freeloaders on the tax payers dime.

We the People pay

Just like we pay to defend nations half a world away. It all comes down to priorities. Other nations don’t try to defend the world militarily and they have universal healthcare

Sure they do but they don't have 350 million people either. And you can bet you ass they won't defend the world. They expect the USA to do that.

If people can't pay for themselves they can always go to any hospital for care. By law hospitals have to treat them.

They are not the wealthiest nation on earth either

The US spends 43 cents out of every military dollar on earth. More than the next seven countries combined. We live in a nation that hasn’t been invaded in 200 years yet we insist on spending excessively on “Defense”

Other nations are not obsessed with military power. They spend money on public healthcare, modern infrastructure, low cost higher education.

It all comes down to priorities

God forbid they spend the money on a military that can defend them. They would rather have universal healthcare than a useful military since they expect the US to fight their wars for them.

How useful is denying social services to your citizens so that you can extend your military power to outposts around the world? Why exactly do we fight their wars for them?

It all comes down to your priorities.

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

Sure they do but nothing says we have to pay for them. You won't find that in the Constitution. Everyone I know sure can take care of themselves and those that can't are freeloaders on the tax payers dime.

We the People pay

Just like we pay to defend nations half a world away. It all comes down to priorities. Other nations don’t try to defend the world militarily and they have universal healthcare

Sure they do but they don't have 350 million people either. And you can bet you ass they won't defend the world. They expect the USA to do that.

If people can't pay for themselves they can always go to any hospital for care. By law hospitals have to treat them.

They are not the wealthiest nation on earth either

The US spends 43 cents out of every military dollar on earth. More than the next seven countries combined. We live in a nation that hasn’t been invaded in 200 years yet we insist on spending excessively on “Defense”

Other nations are not obsessed with military power. They spend money on public healthcare, modern infrastructure, low cost higher education.

It all comes down to priorities

God forbid they spend the money on a military that can defend them. They would rather have universal healthcare than a useful military since they expect the US to fight their wars for them.

How useful is denying social services to your citizens so that you can extend your military power to outposts around the world? Why exactly do we fight their wars for them?

It all comes down to your priorities.

Those countries don't have a Constitution. We do. You won't find HC in our Constitution. The Govt has no business in HC.

Since when are social services the number on priority in any country?? Only a lefty loon like you would consider SS a priority.
I don’t need a novel posted....something short and simple works just fine....So you want your neighbor to pay for your child’s education, subsidize your income, and your rent etc and you want your neighbor to help cover your healthcare....Why/how does that seem like a reasonable request while you’re telling your neighbor you want more desperate people here from Mexico as well? Please explain this to us self sufficient folks that can’t wrap our heads around it.
If you can make sense of this I and others may be inclined to vote Democrat.
Thanks in advance.
It promotes the general welfare, unlike your right wing, alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror that you all also don't want to pay for and which only create more refugees for you all to complain about. Why don't right wingers insist on limited Government regarding those social policies? We have a common defense clause not a common offense clause nor a general warfare clause. Yet, right wingers complain about general welfare spending.
Obviously, you dont know what "general welfare" means
So you want your neighbor to pay for your child’s education

Yes. To a point, up through high school. I see it the same as wanting your neighbor to pay for a fire department to save your family and house if the need arrives.

For children in regards to health and education I favor a government that provides them the best chance of success in life regardless of their family's financial condition. Seems to me it follows naturally that when we invest in our youth it is more likely they'll become productive citizens and less a drain on society.

The sentiment is certainly noble in nature BUT that doesn’t make the expectation that I pay for my neighbors children anymore sensible.
If I am to be forced (by government) to pay for others poor decision making in having children they can’t take care of themselves then doesn’t it stand to reason that government intervene on my behalf and regulate / legislate the fertility of citizens?
So you want your neighbor to pay for your child’s education

Yes. To a point, up through high school. I see it the same as wanting your neighbor to pay for a fire department to save your family and house if the need arrives.

For children in regards to health and education I favor a government that provides them the best chance of success in life regardless of their family's financial condition. Seems to me it follows naturally that when we invest in our youth it is more likely they'll become productive citizens and less a drain on society.

The sentiment is certainly noble in nature BUT that doesn’t make the expectation that I pay for my neighbors children anymore sensible.
If I am to be forced (by government) to pay for others poor decision making in having children they can’t take care of themselves then doesn’t it stand to reason that government intervene on my behalf and regulate / legislate the fertility of citizens?

Don't you just love the lefties who think you and I, as taxpayers, are responsible to take care of everyone who can't take care of themselves through bad decisions and irresponsibility??

Every time I read one of their posts I just LMAO.
So you want your neighbor to pay for your child’s education

Yes. To a point, up through high school. I see it the same as wanting your neighbor to pay for a fire department to save your family and house if the need arrives.

For children in regards to health and education I favor a government that provides them the best chance of success in life regardless of their family's financial condition. Seems to me it follows naturally that when we invest in our youth it is more likely they'll become productive citizens and less a drain on society.

The sentiment is certainly noble in nature BUT that doesn’t make the expectation that I pay for my neighbors children anymore sensible.
If I am to be forced (by government) to pay for others poor decision making in having children they can’t take care of themselves then doesn’t it stand to reason that government intervene on my behalf and regulate / legislate the fertility of citizens?

Don't you just love the lefties who think you and I, as taxpayers, are responsible to take care of everyone who can't take care of themselves through bad decisions and irresponsibility??

Every time I read one of their posts I just LMAO.

It’s just plain bizarre. The K-12 public education thing (Plyler v. Doe) makes sense as society as a whole or in GENERAL benefits when the citizenry is at least semi educated. The healthcare thing makes no sense at all. What’s next, will good hard working productive citizens be expected to buy automobiles for the poor?
Better than your right wing alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are going to make crime, drugs, or terror disappear. :laughing0301:
If we could get democrats on board and agree to stop funding crime, drugs, and terror we may be able to make a dent.
Forcing people to choose between paying the rent or seeing a doctor is not correct

Forcing people into bankruptcy because they got sick is not correct
No one is forcing anyone to choose between those things. People make their own choices.

But I see you don't mind forcing people to do things you agree with, and that is not correct.
For the vast majority of people ACA is neither affordable or effective. Between the sky high deductibles and premiums the so called insurance doesn't pay jack for most people. Those individuals pay for their care out of pocket for the whole year before the insurance pays a dime.

You have to start with that stark reality when discussing the merits of ACA and not cherry pick the small minority with serious pre-existing conditions and serious health issues. Even they must first the premiums and sky high deductibles before the insurance kicks in.
I don’t need a novel posted....something short and simple works just fine....So you want your neighbor to pay for your child’s education, subsidize your income, and your rent etc and you want your neighbor to help cover your healthcare....Why/how does that seem like a reasonable request while you’re telling your neighbor you want more desperate people here from Mexico as well? Please explain this to us self sufficient folks that can’t wrap our heads around it.
If you can make sense of this I and others may be inclined to vote Democrat.
Thanks in advance.

If we do not all pitch in and support the health care of each other, then because it can cost far more than any individual could pay if there is a catastrophe, we are all then forced to buy private, for profit, insurance, which costs 4 times as much, and loses all control over costs or quality, because you are forced to prepay.

That is why every other country in the world realized decades ago, that health care has to be public.

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