Dems’Post-Election Plan: Send More Immigrants to Virginia


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And this will likely happen too. Democrats hate America and only care for power.


Liberals thought they had a lock on Virginia, no matter what lunacies their candidates spouted. They had a gigantic immigrant population (non-English speakers are a key Democratic constituency); illiterates (same), who were specifically given the right to vote by Democrats; and felons (duh), more than 300,000 of whom were enfranchised by the last two Democratic governors.

After Tuesday’s election, it looks like the Biden administration is going to have to ship a lot more immigrants into the Old Dominion. Bus in tens of thousands of Haitians and, in five or six years, McAuliffe can come out for white slavery and win.

That’s rough. Democrats had specifically earmarked those immigrants for Texas and Florida.

All night on Tuesday, liberal commentators kept talking breathlessly about the early vote/mail-in vote, correctly presuming it to be overwhelmingly Democratic. That should tell you what early voting is really about.

Early voting has nothing to do with the convenience of the voters. It’s about the convenience of Democratic operatives, who need weeks and weeks to drag their voters to the polls and help them fill out absentee ballots. Conveniently, Virginia has “no-excuse” absentee voting, allowing anyone to request a mail-in ballot for any reason, for up to 45 days before an election.

Ordinary voters don’t say, If I’m going to get out of work early, I’m gonna need a 45-day window. Nobody needs 45 days to do anything. That’s not a human-size requirement. It’s a Democratic machine-size requirement.

To collect ballots from their unmotivated voters, Democrats need to send out an army of operatives. Luckily, they have no shortage of manpower — anyone with an administrative job in education, sanitation or county government.

But they need time. A lot of time. One day of voting is not going to permit Democrats to collect ballots from every nursing home, halfway house and sober living community in the state.

Republicans gain nothing from early voting because: 1) They don’t have government employees with no-show jobs who can spend weeks harvesting ballots; and 2) GOP voters tend to be self-motivated individualists who don’t need inducements to vote.

By contrast, Democratic voters need a lot of attention and a lot of handling. OK, OK, if it means that much to you, I’ll vote. How about giving me a ride? Oh, and I’m hungry – how about a box lunch? Democratic “get out the vote” drives are less informational operations and more like hauling the kids to Grandmother’s house.

This is not a level playing field. Relaxed voting requirements help only Democrats. Unenthusiastic voters make mistakes, ruin ballots and forget to bring I.D.


I hope they do. If the Democrats think they lost Virginia during the Governor's race, guess how badly they're going to lose 2020 and 2024, if they try a stunt like that?

Once people start seeing how the crime rate goes up because of criminal immigrants, it'll pitchforks, torches, tar, and feathers for any Democrat.
I hope they do. If the Democrats think they lost Virginia during the Governor's race, guess how badly they're going to lose 2020 and 2024, if they try a stunt like that?

Once people start seeing how the crime rate goes up because of criminal immigrants, it'll pitchforks, torches, tar, and feathers for any Democrat.

Well the GOP won the hispanic vote in Virginia, so odds are the dems will have to bring them in from Africa and the Philippines. Not by boat though. Mayor Pete has our ports to backed up while he is breast feeding his twins for 6 weeks.
Well the GOP won the hispanic vote in Virginia, so odds are the dems will have to bring them in from Africa and the Philippines. Not by boat though. Mayor Pete has our ports to backed up while he is breast feeding his twins for 6 weeks.

Something tells me it ain't his nipples that pervert's using to feed them kids.

I know. That's pretty disgusting.

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