DemTard Pelosi Lead Congress Already Lost 3 Impeachment Votes.

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
COUP 5.0 IS Still ongoing but most Americans aren't going for it!

No wonder they conduct themselves in secret, with secret hearings, secret witnesses and forbidden to be seen secret transcripts.

Speaker Pelosi isn't refusing to hold a vote on impeachment. She is refusing to hold a fourth vote on impeachment. There have already been three votes. They all failed. Miserably.

In other words, Congress has explicitly voted NOT to pursue impeachment.

In December 2017, January 2018, and against in July 2019 under Pelosi's leadership, the House held votes on whether to open an impeachment inquiry. The results weren't even close.

All three votes came up as "privileged resolutions." Under Congressional rules, members can vote to table the resolution or to proceed. To affirmatively table a privileged resolution kills it, meaning the resolution has failed.
I love this shit. Did you see the cud chewer’s press conference? Dumbass demonRat.

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