Denmark outlaws beastiality


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Ok. What's interesting is the article's mention of 11 US states have no laws against beastiality. Naturally "which ones?" occurs so looking it up,

Zoophilia and the law in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Texas, Nevada, Vermont, West Virginia, Hawaii, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, and Wyoming have no laws (according to wiki page) forbidding beastiality. And Alabama is in the process of outlawing it as of 2014.

Denmark article here,
Denmark Finally Bans Bestiality To Put Kaput On Animal Sex Tourism Jaunted
What happens between consenting (adult) creatures in the bedroom should be no one else's business.
As with all deviate sex, it will eventually spread disease throughout the general population. The general population being anyone who has had sex with someone, who had sex with someone else, who had sex with someone else, who had sex with someone........ It has been said, that having sex with one individual is exactly like having sex with everyone that individual has come in contact with either directly or indirectly.

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