Dennis Kucinich: 'Interventionism Is Not The Wave Of The Future'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
I know my Neocon Republican friends are gonna blow a gasket over me posting a Dennis Kucinich video. And hey, a few years ago i would have felt the same way. But he makes a lot of sense on various issues. He certainly does on this one. More Democrats and Republicans need to listen to him.

Former US Rep. Dennis Kucinich, an RPI Board Member, is interviewed on Democracy Now from the Almedalen political festival in Sweden. Mr. Kucinich, who opposed the 2003 Iraq war along with Ron Paul, draws some excellent conclusions as the promised outbreak of democracy has turned to disaster.

Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

[ame=]Dennis Kucinich on the Iraq Crisis & What the U.S. Can Learn From Sweden's Political Diversity - YouTube[/ame]
Sweden is far from being a model of, diversity

are you as nuts as he is?
Note: some data are of constant value, while other are due to changes, fluctuations etc.

Nation and population
official name (short form): Sverige
country code ISO: SE //; - FIPS: SW
location: Northern Europe
time zone: +1 UT* [*= applying daylight saving time]
surface (land) area: 410394 = 158453 sq.mi //; - area incl. inland waters: 449964 = 173731 sq.mi
geographical position in extreme co-ordinates: North: 69°04' N / South: 55° 20' N / East: 24° 10' E / West: 10° 58' E
borders (land): Norway, Finland
borders (coastline): Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia
climate: cool continental
independent since: 836 ; 1397 ; 1523 ; 1905
type of government: constitutional monarchy
capital: Stockholm
administrative division: län (25)
population according to the latest census (1994): 8816,381
total population according to the estimate of midyear 2000: 8873,052 /-; 2001: 8875,053

population density: 19,7 or 21,6 per = 51, or 56 per sq.mi
population growth: 0,5% //; - doubling time: not applicable, exceeds 100 years
birth rate: 9,9 - 11, 7 per 1000
death rate: 10,6 per 1000
fertility rate: 2 children per female
maternal mortality: 5 per 100,000
infant mortality (1-4 years): 6 per 1000
life expectancy: 80 years (male: 77; female: 82)
age breakdown: 0-14 years: 22% //; - 15-59 years: 56% //; - 60+ years: 22%
urbanisation: 83% //; - urbanisation growth: 1%
percentage of urban population in the greatest city: 15%
Ethnic composition, language, religion
ethnic groups: Swedish 89,3%; Finn & Sami (Lapp) 3%; Yugoslav 0,8%; Iranian 0,6%; other 6,3%
languages: Swedish

religious affiliation: Evangelical Lutheran 94%; Roman Catholic 2%; Pentecostal 1%; other 3%
daily food intake: 3114 calories per capita
population with access to safe water: 100%
people per physician: 380
people per hospital bed: 279
Education, literacy
school enrolment: primary education 6-11 years: 100%
school enrolment: secondary education: 91%
school enrolment: tertiary education 20-24 years: 31%
adult literacy: virtually 100% (male: %; female: %)
SWEDEN : general data
all we're doing right now

is CUTTING our own throats while this government helps

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