Denton officer critically injured in shooting, first in nearly three decades

And exactly what were you attempting to pove? That a country with less people has less shootings? Well DUH.
Or was it that they have less guns and have had for generations? Well DUH.
Maybe it was nothing at all and just simply easy for you to post that instead of actually thinking?

Sure, we have more people, but not 98.7 times as many as them. We kill a lot. They kill a few. We should do what they are doing.
Actually look at the simple fact that we have how many people from how many cultures? Unlike them that have how few?
Look at the last time a large number of private citizens owned a firearm. NEVER.

You could claim that we should follow everything that Luxembourg does, that does not mean it would work in this country.

You posted an article that you might not have noticed there are several problems with.
It is an article from a bias site that is a reprint of an even more bias site.
The author claims that the numbers are his own guess For 115 years. The author also claims that there are no actual numbers for the number of dead cops.

Too many so called sports fiqures, celebrities and others have been playing the cops kill unarmed victims card for years. Creating a frenzy.

I'm glad you recognize that more people being armed means more people being killed by guns. That is, and always has been my main point in discussions about guns in the US.
You need to read that again. The author does not say there are no firm numbers for the number of dead cops. While it does say there is no firm number for how many people cops have killed, the only part I sited was how many cops have been killed. That number is known, and not referenced in that or any other footnote.
Lol. So now you are saying that the piece you posted was not your main concern. So you posted it for just looks?
Look again it states very clearly that the number that was posted for the U.K. is his guess.
You still have not made any claims that what I originally posted to the op were wrong. So you posted a fluff piece in the hopes you could not talk about the real problems. Good for you.

I'll only address this one more time with you. I intended to make the point that inordinately more cops are killed here than there. I succeeded. The article states that the numbers for the last 115 years were an estimate. I assume those numbers aren't readily available. Deaths since 2000 are readily available. If you contend those are wrong, or just an estimate, I suggest you present your evidence.
Lol you really are crazy. First off my original post had nothing to do with police being killed you brought that up in an attempt to deflect.
Second if you read both my posts after your attempt to deflect from what I wrote you will see that you just stated what I stated that the U.K. numbers are a guess on his part. Do you have troubles understanding?

The fact you are attempting to somehow uphold an article that you posted in an attempt to deflect that states that there are two wild ass guesses on numbers is just too funny.
Sure, we have more people, but not 98.7 times as many as them. We kill a lot. They kill a few. We should do what they are doing.
Actually look at the simple fact that we have how many people from how many cultures? Unlike them that have how few?
Look at the last time a large number of private citizens owned a firearm. NEVER.

You could claim that we should follow everything that Luxembourg does, that does not mean it would work in this country.

You posted an article that you might not have noticed there are several problems with.
It is an article from a bias site that is a reprint of an even more bias site.
The author claims that the numbers are his own guess For 115 years. The author also claims that there are no actual numbers for the number of dead cops.

Too many so called sports fiqures, celebrities and others have been playing the cops kill unarmed victims card for years. Creating a frenzy.

I'm glad you recognize that more people being armed means more people being killed by guns. That is, and always has been my main point in discussions about guns in the US.
You need to read that again. The author does not say there are no firm numbers for the number of dead cops. While it does say there is no firm number for how many people cops have killed, the only part I sited was how many cops have been killed. That number is known, and not referenced in that or any other footnote.
Lol. So now you are saying that the piece you posted was not your main concern. So you posted it for just looks?
Look again it states very clearly that the number that was posted for the U.K. is his guess.
You still have not made any claims that what I originally posted to the op were wrong. So you posted a fluff piece in the hopes you could not talk about the real problems. Good for you.

I'll only address this one more time with you. I intended to make the point that inordinately more cops are killed here than there. I succeeded. The article states that the numbers for the last 115 years were an estimate. I assume those numbers aren't readily available. Deaths since 2000 are readily available. If you contend those are wrong, or just an estimate, I suggest you present your evidence.
Lol you really are crazy. First off my original post had nothing to do with police being killed you brought that up in an attempt to deflect.
Second if you read both my posts after your attempt to deflect from what I wrote you will see that you just stated what I stated that the U.K. numbers are a guess on his part. Do you have troubles understanding?

The fact you are attempting to somehow uphold an article that you posted in an attempt to deflect that states that there are two wild ass guesses on numbers is just too funny.

The guesses in the article were identified, and did not include the facts that I posted. Those numbers are accurate.
Actually look at the simple fact that we have how many people from how many cultures? Unlike them that have how few?
Look at the last time a large number of private citizens owned a firearm. NEVER.

You could claim that we should follow everything that Luxembourg does, that does not mean it would work in this country.

You posted an article that you might not have noticed there are several problems with.
It is an article from a bias site that is a reprint of an even more bias site.
The author claims that the numbers are his own guess For 115 years. The author also claims that there are no actual numbers for the number of dead cops.

Too many so called sports fiqures, celebrities and others have been playing the cops kill unarmed victims card for years. Creating a frenzy.

I'm glad you recognize that more people being armed means more people being killed by guns. That is, and always has been my main point in discussions about guns in the US.
You need to read that again. The author does not say there are no firm numbers for the number of dead cops. While it does say there is no firm number for how many people cops have killed, the only part I sited was how many cops have been killed. That number is known, and not referenced in that or any other footnote.
Lol. So now you are saying that the piece you posted was not your main concern. So you posted it for just looks?
Look again it states very clearly that the number that was posted for the U.K. is his guess.
You still have not made any claims that what I originally posted to the op were wrong. So you posted a fluff piece in the hopes you could not talk about the real problems. Good for you.

I'll only address this one more time with you. I intended to make the point that inordinately more cops are killed here than there. I succeeded. The article states that the numbers for the last 115 years were an estimate. I assume those numbers aren't readily available. Deaths since 2000 are readily available. If you contend those are wrong, or just an estimate, I suggest you present your evidence.
Lol you really are crazy. First off my original post had nothing to do with police being killed you brought that up in an attempt to deflect.
Second if you read both my posts after your attempt to deflect from what I wrote you will see that you just stated what I stated that the U.K. numbers are a guess on his part. Do you have troubles understanding?

The fact you are attempting to somehow uphold an article that you posted in an attempt to deflect that states that there are two wild ass guesses on numbers is just too funny.

The guesses in the article were identified, and did not include the facts that I posted. Those numbers are accurate.
You got to love crazy I am going down fighting for my right to deflect and post things that may not be factual. I know this is a funny thought but why not address what I actually wrote? Oh of course you can't, that's why.
This is a reminder to the Black Lives Matter crowd about what cops face every day in America

He stops are car for a traffic violation and gets shot by the passengers in the car

For the record one shooter was white and the other was black

The police officer was hispanic
In other words, if a war on race is going on, it isn't the only war that is happening.

God bless you and our law enforcement officers always!!!

This is a reminder to the Black Lives Matter crowd about what cops face every day in America

He stops are car for a traffic violation and gets shot by the passengers in the car

For the record one shooter was white and the other was black

The police officer was hispanic
In other words, if a war on race is going on, it isn't the only war that is happening.

God bless you and our law enforcement officers always!!!



Austin police lieutenant arrested for sexual assault of child, records show
^^^ Until he eventually crossed over.

God bless you and his victim always!!!


One way or the other most of them do. Whether it's bad deeds they personally do or making excuses and defending the bad deeds of others.

That's why we are enacting change.
Hows that 2nd amendment go again? "The right of the people the shoot and kill cops shall not be infringed?"
Hows that 2nd amendment go again? "The right of the people the shoot and kill cops shall not be infringed?"

The person that did this will have their rights infringed.....through due process and will live the rest of their life in prison.

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