Denying Certain Free Speech Reveals An Official State Religion? Vote in the Poll

People of the world do you think Canada is actually establishing a state ideology of LGBT?

  • I'm a US citizen and Yes.

  • I'm a US citizen and No.

  • I'm a Canadian citizen and Yes

  • I'm a Canadian citizen and No.

  • I'm a British or Australian citizen and Yes.

  • I'm a British or Australian citizen and No.

  • I'm a citizen of a Latin Country and Yes.

  • I'm a citizen of a Latin Country and No.

  • I'm a citizen of an Eastern Bloc country and Yes.

  • I'm a citizen of an Eastern Bloc country and No.

  • I'm a citizen of an Indian or Asian country and Yes.

  • I'm a citizen of an Indian or Asian country and No.

  • I'm a citizen of an African or MIddle East Country and Yes.

  • I'm a citizen of an African or MIddle East Country and No.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
As to the title, the USSC has just agreed with me recently: Supreme Court Masterpiece Cake Shop Opinion | Free Exercise Clause | Obergefell V. Hodges

This isn't happening in the US....yet...but we are teetering on the doorstep. When it comes to social engineering especially with the LGBT issue, everyone knows the US is Canada's twin sister.

Christian preacher arrested for saying homosexuality is a sin

Dale McAlpine was charged with causing “harassment, alarm or distress” after a homosexual police community support officer (PCSO) overheard him reciting a number of “sins” referred to in the Bible, including blasphemy, drunkenness and same sex relationships.....Mr McAlpine pleaded not guilty at a preliminary hearing on Friday at Workington magistrates court and is now awaiting a trial date.

The Public Order Act, which outlaws the unreasonable use of abusive language likely to cause distress, has been used to arrest religious people in a number of similar cases.

On the day in question in Canada there were two ideological acts of free speech going on.

1. A Christian passively handing out pamphlets on his views of the immorality of the LGBT ideology.

2. A parade on a public street where LGBT adults were doing lewd sex acts (indeed the theme of the parade "in pride") in front of kids they invited to watch.

The Christian was arrested. No arrests of parade participants were made

So to be clear, in Canada (and soon to come to a prog. country near you), "abusive speech" in public includes speaking about morality to those actively engaged in exposing children to deviant sex acts in their deviant sex act themed parade. Apparently speech can be used to engage in sex crimes against children in public, as long as the cult of LGBT doesn't officially declare itself a religion?

Without perhaps actually consciously thinking this through, a nation,( in this case Canada but others to follow) has declared an official State ideology over all others that disagree with it. (Nearly every ancient established religion has decrees forbidding the promotion or passive acceptance of the spread of homosexuality within a culture).

This is how the rest of the world sees progressive countries like Canada and ours, unfortunately, if our Supreme Court doesn't get its shit together. This type of priority is frightening to other countries. They see an official cult, a most perverse and deplorable cult, taking over a country's better senses...even when it comes to those most fundamentally in need of protection: children. The world stands aghast in shock that this scenario played out like it did. There are those that remember when arrests were made in Germany when good people refused to bend in homage to the cult that was rising then (that also liked to parade in the streets in front of kids.)

Here's how Great Britain feels about the issue. (Hey Canada, the Queen wants a word with you...) An incident that occurred in Manchester UK in 2014: Christian preacher wins £13k after wrongful arrest for telling gay couple homosexuality is a sin | Daily Mail Online

A Christian street preacher was wrongly arrested and held in a police cell for almost 19 hours after quoting verses from the Bible.....John Craven, 57, recited from Revelation after two gay teenagers asked about his views on homosexuality.....Yesterday he was awarded £13,000 in compensation after a three-year legal battle against Greater Manchester Police which is estimated to have cost the public purse £50,000.....Mr Craven said: ‘I never intended to cause anyone harassment, alarm or distress. I preach the gospel, which means good news and the love of God for all....‘At the end of the day God loves everybody, but homosexuality is a sin and I am not going to contradict the word of God.’ He added: ‘The actions of the police have left me feeling nervous and anxious.

Indeed, they've left the entire world nervous and anxious. When human societies devolve to the point of elevating cults that do lewd sex act themed parades where they invite children to watch, over good and decent basic moral values...under threat of've got a situation of fear.

I know the cliche' is worn and tired, but this is the epitome of it. So I'll have to bring it up again. This climate of fear is PRECISELY what scholars have scratched their heads about with 1930s Germany. For years and years now scholars have debated how it was that nearly an entire nation of otherwise very logical and decent people could turn into accessories to one of the most ugly mass-murders in human history? The answer is simple: they feared being jailed if they didn't play along. To be fair to the Nazis though, at least they didn't do parades of lewd sex acts where they forced good decent Germans to not protest.. under threat of imprisonment....

**** Please vote in the poll and make a reply naming the country you're from.
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Ive missed these crazy polls clogging up the board. Can I say that you have no proof that any lewd acts took place.Apart from in your head of course.
Ive missed these crazy polls clogging up the board. Can I say that you have no proof that any lewd acts took place.Apart from in your head of course.
The parade is deviant-sex-act-themed. People know how to use Google for images of these parades well known for decades now.

But thanks for playing!

Mod Edit: Do not complain about moderator actions in the public forums. Second time you did it in this thread.

A state ideology""

Eeeehh?....... ideology.

No. Perhaps he said it the wrong way.

A person taking part in pride - besides for lacking in hobbies - is not retraining the freedom of a person who dislikes such public display.

A person taking part in pride - besides for lacking in hobbies - is not retraining the freedom of a person who dislikes such public display.
Did you not read that a Canadian was arrested for using free speech to dislike that public display (free speech) of the deviant-sex-act-themed-parade (in front of kids they invited to watch)?
Ive missed these crazy polls clogging up the board. Can I say that you have no proof that any lewd acts took place.Apart from in your head of course.
The parade is deviant-sex-act-themed. People know how to use Google for images of these parades well known for decades now.

But thanks for playing!

Mod Edit: Do not complain about moderator actions in the public forums. Second time you did it in this thread.

You said -

A parade on a public street where LGBT adults were doing lewd sex acts.

But you offer no proof in support of this and invite me to use google.In the UK they arrest you for shagging in the street. I suspect that Canada does as well.

Why dont you just be honest. If these guys were marching in line behind the Band of the Black Watch you would be offended because of your twisted world view. Why do you need to make things up ? It weakens rather than strengthens your case.


A person taking part in pride - besides for lacking in hobbies - is not retraining the freedom of a person who dislikes such public display.
Did you not read that a Canadian was arrested for using free speech to dislike that public display (free speech) of the deviant-sex-act-themed-parade (in front of kids they invited to watch)?

A person taking part in pride - besides for lacking in hobbies - is not retraining the freedom of a person who dislikes such public display.
Did you not read that a Canadian was arrested for using free speech to dislike that public display (free speech) of the deviant-sex-act-themed-parade (in front of kids they invited to watch)?
No. But that doesnt change my point.

You can be arrested if you try to insult another and/or restrain their freedom.
You said -

A parade on a public street where LGBT adults were doing lewd sex acts.

But you offer no proof in support of this....

Other than that the entire parade itself is a deviant-sex-act themed parade. And that millions of photos exist to prove that across the US and Canada (and elsewhere in the world). Your argument is dead pal. Like I said, "thanks for playing"...
You can be arrested if you try to insult another and/or restrain their freedom.

But what if the law requires that you act to protect children in a real-time situation where you see adults doing lewd sex acts in front of them or inviting kids to watch a parade WHOSE THEME IS DEVIANT SEX ACTS AS AN IDENTITY?
You can be arrested if you try to insult another and/or restrain their freedom.

But what if the law requires that you act to protect children in a real-time situation where you see adults doing lewd sex acts in front of them or inviting kids to watch a parade WHOSE THEME IS DEVIANT SEX ACTS AS AN IDENTITY?
There is no law that requieres you to protect anyone from pride.
You can be arrested if you try to insult another and/or restrain their freedom.

But what if the law requires that you act to protect children in a real-time situation where you see adults doing lewd sex acts in front of them or inviting kids to watch a parade WHOSE THEME IS DEVIANT SEX ACTS AS AN IDENTITY?
There were no deviant sex acts. They are in your head.
There were no deviant sex acts. They are in your head.

So a deviant-sex-act themed parade, famous for public lewd acts and nudity with children invited to watch for decades now the world over, with millions of supporting photos and video reel, according to you, is "absurd to accuse of including deviant sex acts on parade"?

Looney much? :popcorn:
There is no law that requieres you to protect anyone from pride.

Au contraire.

If that pride is derived from doing lewd sex acts in front of kids while putting on a deviant-sex-themed parade on a public street where you invite kids to watch, then there absolutely are laws that require every single person aware of the situation to act to protect those kids. In most states, failing to act to protect kids is a prosecutable crime.

Try those same acts next to a schoolyard at recess the next day without a rainbow armband on and see how fast your ass gets dragged to jail.
There is no law that requieres you to protect anyone from pride.

Au contraire.

If that pride is derived from doing lewd sex acts in front of kids while putting on a deviant-sex-themed parade on a public street where you invite kids to watch, then there absolutely are laws that require every single person aware of the situation to act to protect those kids. In most states, failing to act to protect kids is a prosecutable crime.

Try those same acts next to a schoolyard at recess the next day without a rainbow armband on and see how fast your ass gets dragged to jail.
There happened nothing in our pride that could get you in jail.
There happened nothing in our pride that could get you in jail.

I'd (and many others would) argue that just putting on a deviant-sex-act-themed parade in public where you invite kids to watch is an act of "pride (defiance)" that could get you in jail. But we all know what goes on in those parades. You're arguing that water isn't wet. Thanks for playing.
There happened nothing in our pride that could get you in jail.

I'd (and many others would) argue that just putting on a deviant-sex-act-themed parade in public where you invite kids to watch is an act of "pride (defiance)" that could get you in jail. But we all know what goes on in those parades. You're arguing that water isn't wet. Thanks for playing.

No. I'm arguing that I have never seen behavour happen in those police supervised parades that could get you in jail - even if done next to a school yard.

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