Department of Homeland Security Warns Catholic Churches and Pregnancy Centers to be Prepared for “Night of Rage” by Pro-Abortion Terror Groups

I doubt seriously that a single "night of rage" will be all there is to it. I suspect there will be months and years of full-blown melt down.

The left rioted continuously for a whole year in 2020, all over one dead home-invading druggie.

Imagine how they might riot over losing their ability to murder unborn children?

Does that even make any sense?
Doesn't law enforcement have moles inside these extremist terrorist outfits?

Why don't they just pick them up preemptively for conspiracy- or at least before they actually attack?

The extremists are working for the dems.

Thus, no consequences save to their victims.

Remember, if you must protect yourself, SAY NOTHING TO THE POLICE EXCEPT "LAWYER"!
Doesn't law enforcement have moles inside these extremist terrorist outfits?

Why don't they just pick them up preemptively for conspiracy- or at least before they actually attack?

Under the current Attorney General? Sorry, you have to be a white supremacist or an angry parent at a school board meeting, if you want to get on the DOJ's radar.

Uh oh. This means the Roe v Wade reversal is upon us. I suspect probably tomorrow since it's Friday.

When the statist lefts standard senile attacks turn into "WARP TEN FULL SENILE ATTACKS!!!" To see the statist left looking like Linda Blair did in the old time exorcist movie, rolling around on the deck like they are being electrocuted, puking their guts out, fartin' & schitin' up a storm, levitating, crying & shrieking, body vibrating uncontrollably, faces looking traffic light red in color, so wound up emotionally their eyes are bulging out of their sockets & when they try to talk their lips just quiver!!! When it comes to humiliating the left until they are senseless in the berserk the antagonizing constitutionally based right has the corner on the market!

My take on a left warp ten full senile attack below;

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Hang on Sloopy said:
They're going to have to shoot these people eventually

yes. The left will have to eventually shoot them because the left will not be able to control them after they've allowed them to run amuck.
When the statist lefts standard senile attacks turn into "WARP TEN FULL SENILE ATTACKS!!!" To see the statist left looking like Linda Blair did in the old time exorcist movie, rolling around on the deck like they are being electrocuted, puking their guts out, fartin' & schitin' up a storm, levitating, crying & shrieking, body vibrating uncontrollably, faces looking traffic light red in color, so wound up emotionally their eyes are bulging out of their sockets & when they try to talk their lips just quiver!!! When it comes to humiliating the left until they are senseless in the berserk the antagonizing constitutionally based right has the corner on the market!
Here ya go!

Uh oh. This means the Roe v Wade reversal is upon us. I suspect probably tomorrow since it's Friday.

Department of Homeland Security recently purchased or ordered 450 million rounds of .40 hollow point ammo. That worries me more than a bunch of bearded women running around trying to smother people with their "wombs". The only way I see the pro-choice crowd causing serious death, injury and damage is if federal and state governments back their violence like they did for BLM. If that turns out to be the case never show your means of Second Amendment defense to any pro-choice rioter.
I'll have a Coke and a sack of popcorn while looking for a live feed from some burning blue shit-hole.


They know that if they fuck around in a red controlled area they will find out and get something put on their ass that Ajax won't take off.

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