Department of Homeland Security Warns Catholic Churches and Pregnancy Centers to be Prepared for “Night of Rage” by Pro-Abortion Terror Groups

Here we go!

U.S. braces for violence against conservatives, pro-life groups with Supreme Court’s abortion ruling​

Remember, if you must protect yourself, SAY NOTHING TO THE POLICE EXCEPT "LAWYER"!
I've seen several videos of the crooked pigs interrogating people who defended themselves. And then got convicted for murder. Remember, everything you say WILL be used against you in a court of law. And absolutely nothing you say will be used for you in a court of law. You have absolutely no reason to trust any cop in such a situation and you do not have to submit to an interrogation. Exercise your right to remain silent. NEVER EVER submit to an interrogation no matter what.

Sure some pigs may pretend that they are on your side, the old Mutt & Jeff routine. Or whatever they think they can do to get you talking and they may even use psychological and physical torture (leave you in an interrogation room for a long time on an uncomfortable chair (solitary confinement torture), use drugs on you to make you more talkative (usually by offering you strong caffeinated beverages after prolonged sleep deprivation).
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Ah! The Night of the Broken Glass.

In a militarily organised action the SA destroyed in this terror night also a quantity of shop-window glass equivalent to a year's production capacity of shop-window glass for whole Europe. The Nazis tried to explain this with "the masses of the German people" did do so - what still today much too many people believe. The Nazis tried to produce a kind of self-fulfilling effect with this form of propaganda.
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Reminds one of the Nazi Krystal Nacht ordered by Adolph Hitler and his fellow socialists.

The Nazis not had been socialists. They had been enemies of the socialists and bolshewists. Hitler made once out of the political party DAP the NSDAP. When he made this the reason for this name had been to try to make as many votes as possible as well from the right and the left political spectrum. It was a protest party.
The Nazis not had been socialists. They had been enemies of the socialists and bolshewists. Hitler made once out of the political party DAP the NSDAP. When he made this the reason for this name had been to try to make as many votes as possible as well from the right and the left political spectrum. It was a protest party.
Department of Homeland Security recently purchased or ordered 450 million rounds of .40 hollow point ammo. That worries me more than a bunch of bearded women running around trying to smother people with their "wombs". The only way I see the pro-choice crowd causing serious death, injury and damage is if federal and state governments back their violence like they did for BLM. If that turns out to be the case never show your means of Second Amendment defense to any pro-choice rioter.
Would armed people inside churches to defend it be acceptable? Its sad to type that.
The Nazis not had been socialists. They had been enemies of the socialists and bolshewists. Hitler made once out of the political party DAP the NSDAP. When he made this the reason for this name had been to try to make as many votes as possible as well from the right and the left political spectrum. It was a protest party.


"Nazi" is just a shorthand for "National Socialism". One of the main tenets of the ideology was the idea of socialized medicine for the masses.

One of the 3 pillars along with gun control and genocide of the Nazi movement and what Mr. Hitler was trying to do.

"Nazi" is just a shorthand for "National Socialism".

"Nazi" had been the short form of a traditional forename. The Nazis tried to be familiar. And "National" was a right wing element while "Socialism" was a left wing element.

One of the main tenets of the ideology was the idea of socialized medicine for the masses.

Every German of all political directions was and is for a system of medicine for all German inhabitants. What you call "socialized medicine for the masses" makes not a big sense in the German language. This has to do with a weird form how to think in the anglo-american world. It's for Germans totally normal that everyone is able to get professional help who has a sickness. Anything else is not fair. The weak have to be protected.

One of the 3 pillars along with gun control


and genocide


of the Nazi movement and what Mr. Hitler was trying to do.


Do you have only a little idea what you try to speak about? Example: Did you ever try to think about how the KKK-movement in the 1920ies in the USA could correlate to the Nazi-movement in Germany? From my point of view that is what's most similar in the USA with the Nazis. Even the symbol is very similar "burning cross" vs "broken cross" (Swastika).
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The use of force continuum tells us we can go one step above the threat to stop it. At 1200FPS they going to have to run real fast..
I have no plans on following the concept of force continuum. If I am threatened with death or serious bodily harm, or even perceive that threat - honestly perceive it - I will go to the force I have available to stop the threat the most reliable, certain, and fastest way.
Free cake and ice cream on your birthday is a Constitutional Right!

View attachment 661552
The Constitution says citizenship is a birthright (it doesn't but the left claims that it does) so since birthright is in the Constitution then any common, long standing, birthright claim must certainly be a right. I think you're correct on this one.

It had not been only a protest party - it had been a protest party in decline. In the last unmanipulated elections in Germany in November 1932 they lost about 15% of their voters. They got in 1932 only about 1/3 of all votes. When Hitler was made to the chancellor of Germany he ruled with exemption regulations. The SPD - the social (not socialistic) democrats of Germany - is the political party which is most easy comparable with the democrats of the USA. And the SPD had been the only political party which had voted against the authorisation act of Adolf Hitler.

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