Department Of Justice Sending Observers To Arizona To Make Sure ILLEGALS GET TO VOTE


May 29, 2010
Since when do illegal aliens get to vote in this country? Instead of sending the DOJ, ICE should be sent to take these criminals into custody for a quick ride to the border. Except that makes too much sense. If it has not been obvious enough to date that Obama and his administration are nothing more than zionist traitors intent on destroying our nation, then this information ought to seal the deal. - Letter to Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Virginia): DOJ sending "observers" to AZ to make sure ILLEGALS GET TO VOTE.

The Justice Department is sending a small pack of election observers to Arizona as Hispanic groups sound the alarm over an anti-illegal immigration group's mass e-mail seeking to recruit Election Day volunteers to help block illegal immigrants from voting.

The Justice Department announced Friday it would deploy more than 400 federal observers to 30 jurisdictions in 18 states ahead of Tuesday's election. But Arizona officials say the department had already committed to sending observers to their state.

But William Gheen, executive director of Americans for Legal Immigration, said he knows why they're coming.

"They're sending them out because the Obama administration is doing everything it can to make sure as many illegal aliens vote in 2010 although that is a violation of federal law," he told
They don't want to upset illegal aliens but it's OK for Black Panthers with clubs to intimidate white voters! The Obama administration is disgusting!

They don't want to upset illegal aliens but it's OK for Black Panthers with clubs to intimidate white voters! The Obama administration is disgusting!

I agree. Who would have ever thought the Justice Department would be sending a delegation to observe and make sure illegal criminals are allowed to vote and those who try to prevent it will be arrested. Barack Obama , a usurper, is behind this apparently.
Exactly right. How about keeping the Black Panthers from intimidating voters instead?

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