"Deplorable" says TRUMP, that DirectTV de-platformed Newsmax and OANN

You are correct, I did not bother reading the OP. My bad.
Doesn't change the fact they still have to be making profit for the provider. But I was wrong for dismissing the claim out of hand.

I didn't know about this but it hardly surprises anyone.

It was supposedly for "cost cutting reasons" but Trump says it was political. Gee... Why would he think that? Hmmmm... Go figure...



Newsmax was seeking a small license fee, as the nation's 4th highest-rated cable news channel.

Well, remind me not to ever do business w/ DirectTV

Are you a fan of Newsmax and Qanon?
False equivalency. The cable service removed, unilaterally, a channel that was part of the line up that customers had previously contracted for. The baker shared no contract, real or implied. The customer was clearly able to go to another baker. The cable customer, in many instances were locked into potentially years long contracts and forced to pay for a service they were no longer receiving. I know its a tough concept for those who have been indoctrinated by the left.
Oh boo hoo hoo.

"I can't watch Newsmax"! :206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206:

I didn't know about this but it hardly surprises anyone.

It was supposedly for "cost cutting reasons" but Trump says it was political. Gee... Why would he think that? Hmmmm... Go figure...



Newsmax was seeking a small license fee, as the nation's 4th highest-rated cable news channel.

Well, remind me not to ever do business w/ DirectTV

Newsmax was allowed on Direct because they were supplying their program for free. When the contract was up, Newmax wanted to be paid what cable news channels were getting. Direct TV said no. Newsmax decided that they wouldn't continue to provide their content for free. There was no cost cutting by Direct since half of "free" is still zero.

This happens every few years with Direct. No big thing. Channels disappear when their contracts are up. If Direct decides it is worth it to pay them more, they will move them into a higher tier (and priced) subscriber package.

Now the big picture dynamic is that cable and satellite are losing viewers to low cost streaming faster than Mexicans are coming over the border. Raising prices costs them even more viewers. Big Media often sells their content as an all or nothing package for multiple channels, so to pay NBC or ESPN or whoever more, there is no room left in the budget to negotiate with lone-wolf, low-ratings channels like newsmax.

Once all my whippersnappers are out the door, I plan to get rid of satellite and cable as well. I can subscribe to a handful of streaming services for a fraction of what I am currently paying (which is a little under $150 a month but that includes all the box rentals)., For maybe $50 a month I can get all the streaming I watch.

I didn't know about this but it hardly surprises anyone.

It was supposedly for "cost cutting reasons" but Trump says it was political. Gee... Why would he think that? Hmmmm... Go figure...



Newsmax was seeking a small license fee, as the nation's 4th highest-rated cable news channel.

Well, remind me not to ever do business w/ DirectTV

Newsmax was seeking a large license fee. Also Newsmax offers it free on their website.
A LOT of people care that conservative voices are being suppressed - and hidden from voters. This is America; not China.

You think you have a right to be carried by a cable provider. You must have taken a fall on your head when you were born.
False equivalency. The cable service removed, unilaterally, a channel that was part of the line up that customers had previously contracted for. The baker shared no contract, real or implied. The customer was clearly able to go to another baker. The cable customer, in many instances were locked into potentially years long contracts and forced to pay for a service they were no longer receiving. I know its a tough concept for those who have been indoctrinated by the left.

You have been indoctrinated by right wing fascists. Newsmax and DirectTv could not come to a agreement. Why would a cable provider pay for something that can be streamed for free.
You have been indoctrinated by right wing fascists. Newsmax and DirectTv could not come to a agreement. Why would a cable provider pay for something that can be streamed for free.
You run your mouth a lot for someone who doesn't keep up well. Read the thread moron.
I am a true weirdo (sigh)... barely know what streaming is.. but thanks to all you who gave info on how it can be cheaper than having cable.

As for not keeping up on modern tech stuff.. well, that's a long story, but suffice it to say that because I know about the gummit invading our privacy right and left these days.. makes me cautious about just about everything "new" (not necessarily improved)

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