Diamond Member
1. Your anti-white racism is noted. YOu are a racist asshole.
2. The EU leadership disagrees. They seem to feel that if they do not massively subsidize Airbus, that Boeing would get those orders and thus those jobs instead. They get away with it because our leaders are all bitches who do not mind America being fucked.
You don't think the GOvernment subsidizes the SHIT out of Boeing? what do you think those billions in defense contracts do?
Of course the real problem Boeing has is that they moved the good union jobs to somewhere in JesusLand where Cleetus and Billy-Bob don't know which end of the wrench to tighten. That's why the airlines would rather buy Airbuses.
3. America's manufacturing workers are already at Trade War. We just have been taking the hits without fighting back, as demonstrated by the EU with Airbus, as ONE LIMITED EXAMPLE.
Guy, sorry most of us aren't in the market to buy an airliner. so that's really not a good example.
You see, if you actually worked in manufacturing like I do, you realize that the real risk isn't foreign competition, it's automation. I visited a bunch of plants in Texas last month. Almost every last one of them was completely automated with only a few people to make sure the machines didn't jam.
4. IF the company CEO's are actually so wedded to China that they will be that resistant, then we can turn up the pressure even more. Tariffs is only ONE possible tool, not the first, and certainly not the last.
Yeah, well, the CEO's aren't going to throw away money because a Nazi Orange Hairpiece tells them to. You see, all the CEO's have to do is fuck up the economy, and Trump will probably be impeached by his own party.