Deportation; family reunification program


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Border patrol agents should not have to chase “illegals” and drug smugglers across the deserts in the dead of night putting their lives on danger and most times out numbered by “illegals.” A more secure border is not good enough. Our borders should be secure and “illegals” and drugs stopped at the border and neither ever reach our cities.

“Illegals” and drugs are a crime problem costing tax payers billions each year in incarcerations, Americans deaths, in education and welfare and Comprehensive Immigration Reform will do nothing to stop “illegals” and drugs from entering the country but will encourage more “illegals” and drug smuggling and drug dealing and drug related crimes. None of our leaders really want to fix illegal immigration. If they did they would start with securing the border that was promised after the 1986 Amnesty and we would not have 20 million “illegals” in the country now. Then take away the incentives the bring them here and send those already here to the back of the line. Just like jay walkers are sent back across the street. The end of the line is back across the border and it’s the right thing to do and the humane and compassionate thing to do for Americans who only want jobs and take care of their families.

Deportation is family reunification. Family reunion and less costly and most effective way to fix our illegal immigration problem and at the same time fix our drug problem. Illegal Aliens are entering the country bringing drugs and dealing drugs in our cities to our children. Proof. Our prisons are full of illegal drug dealers and related crimes. 20 million Illegal Aliens Obama want to give a path to citizenship to are not all hard working law abiding people who only want to take care of their families. Every American in this country feel the effects of illegal immigration. Deportation would fix the problem and then we can go for an effective temporary farm labor program that really works. Such programs has not worked because it has never been temporary. Mexican farm workers move on into the inner cities taking jobs from Americans and leaving farmers with crops rotting in their fields. When will our leaders recognize illegal immigration for what is really is and more than votes. Even though “illegals” cannot vote they do affect the Hispanic votes.

Reunification by deportation would fix our illegal immigration problem and our drug problem also.

U.S. Deports 46K Parents With Citizen Kids in Just Six Months
U.S. Deports 46K Parents With Citizen Kids in Just Six Months - COLORLINES

Automatic Birthright Citizenship separates families and need to be repealed. Our prisons are full of illegal aliens parent separated from the children. Fathers and Mothers.
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Deportation family reunifications would fix this costly problem.

If we had been enforcing our immigration laws, this would be Mexico's problem and not ours and these are Mexican citizens and the $1 billion should be billed to Mexico. And Unkotare would not be stalking me on this site.

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