Deportation orders jump 31 percent under President Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
If you are in the country illegally you should not be surprised to find yourself deported. It's not just a promise Trump should have been making, it is the law of the land for all presidents and law enforcement agents.

Deportation orders jump 31 percent under President Trump

Deportation orders have jumped 31 percent this year compared to last year, according to numbers released by the Justice Department.

The numbers, released Tuesday, are an indication President Trump is carrying out his pledge to get tough on illegal immigrants.

From February 1 to the end of July, there were 57,069 illegal immigrants who were either deported or left voluntarily. That’s a 31 percent increase from the same time period last year, when there were 43,595 deportations or self-deportations.

At the same time, those allowed to stay in the U.S. declined by 21 percent, the figures showed.

The Justice Department also touted that under Trump, the notoriously backlogged immigration court system –- which sometimes had people wait years for a hearing – was returning to the “rule of law.”

The president has vowed to speed deportations and cut down on the growing backlog of cases. He issued an executive order in January calling for a national crackdown. After Trump issued the order, the Justice Department dispatched dozens of immigration judges to detention centers across the country and hired an additional 54 judges. The agency said it has continued to hire more immigration judges each month.
If that continues, Democrats will only have to rely on dead people's votes to win next year and after.


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