Derek Chauvin is now a political figure. He has changed American politics. What happens if he walks a free man?

Americans are faced with violence and can rely on Democrat mayors to not protect them.
Thus, Dominion machines were not examined and Chauvin will be found guilty and a city will be burned to the ground and Biden will send billions to rebuild those cities.
If the jury acquits Dick Chauvin, the right will get the civil war that they've been clamoring for, whether they really wanted it, or not.

So the left is willing to fight and die for a doped up thug like Floyd? Wow. Such standards.
I find it disgusting that we allowed a bunch of haters to scream black lives matter as if white lives don't
They've convinced themselves that they are "persecuted" unlike any other race. This is how a leftie explained it to me. Of course that's nonsense, but blacks have been brainwashed to believe they are perpetual victims.

This is why they get angry when you say all lives matter
If the jury acquits Dick Chauvin, the right will get the civil war that they've been clamoring for, whether they really wanted it, or not.
So the facts do not matter? That is not justice. Why do want something other than justice? To conflate a narrative with truth. Wrong.
Why are Chauvin's fellow cops all testifying against him and portraying him as a monster?
So the facts do not matter? That is not justice. Why do want something other than justice? To conflate a narrative with truth. Wrong.
Justice has been so seldom seen in America that it's a mirage.
So destroying it more in this way serves what purpose but knee capping any effort to stop this kind of intimidation? You're watching justice denied because of the threat of violence. No country can survive crap like this.
Why are Chauvin's fellow cops all testifying against him and portraying him as a monster?
Character witnesses matter not in this case...the whole alleged “crime” is on display for all to see that Chavin was reckless at worse. There was no intent to kill the defiant cracked-out perpetrator. Chauvin walks with time served for sure.
LeFTards like Hidden shit themselves and raid Target stores AGAIN.
Total scary taboo.....Will Dems back and support America’s judicial system?
How is the Party affected if they do or don’t?
Remember, the Dem Party rode George Floyd and the Democrat Virus to victory...I suspect they’ll have to stay committed to Saint Floyd to save face with their new shiny faction of Wokeologists.
Lastly, fearing an acquittal, will Chauvin be mysterious Seth Rich’d / Jeffrey Epstein’d?

He'll run for president !!!!!!
Total scary taboo.....Will Dems back and support America’s judicial system?
How is the Party affected if they do or don’t?
Remember, the Dem Party rode George Floyd and the Democrat Virus to victory...I suspect they’ll have to stay committed to Saint Floyd to save face with their new shiny faction of Wokeologists.
Lastly, fearing an acquittal, will Chauvin be mysterious Seth Rich’d / Jeffrey Epstein’d?


If Officer Chauvin was incarcerated while awaiting trial, he'd already be dead.

But since he is out on bail, it makes him a more elusive target for liberal assassins. Epstein was whacked in his cell.
You cannot put your knee on a restraint suspect even through GF was a demon
I would have taken my knee off as soon as I felt him weakening and he was restrained
. The cop knew he was dying and refused to stop
. I am guessing his career changed him
He must get at least manslaughter and 10 yrs

BLM/Antifa will riot if the verdict is just manslaughter and Chauvin get only a dime.

They smell blood, and anything less than the electric chair will be condemned as an injustice.
My humble opinion , I would sentence the cop to 7-10 yrs

A 7 year sentence might as well be life, really. If Chauvin ends up in the penal system, the libs will look to whack him while he is there.
The excessive force that happened to Floyd was fentanyl-induced asphyxia, which cannot be separated from mechanical asphyxia. Floyd fucked with a dangerous drug and paid the price.
I love how the testimony of expert witnesses is treated as though it doesn't exist.

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