Derek Chauvin is now a political figure. He has changed American politics. What happens if he walks a free man?

Total scary taboo.....Will Dems back and support America’s judicial system?
How is the Party affected if they do or don’t?
Remember, the Dem Party rode George Floyd and the Democrat Virus to victory...I suspect they’ll have to stay committed to Saint Floyd to save face with their new shiny faction of Wokeologists.
Lastly, fearing an acquittal, will Chauvin be mysterious Seth Rich’d / Jeffrey Epstein’d?

So many baseless conspiracy theories in one post, including resurrecting the Seth Rich lies. This whole discussion belongs in the Rubber Room.
I would have taken my knee off as soon as I felt him weakening and he was restrained
. The cop knew he was dying and refused to stop
. I am guessing his career changed him
I doubt Chauvin knew Floyd was dying. In custodys lie all the time. They can't breathe, their back hurts, their head hurts. They have chest pains. They want to be taken to the hospital because they believe they can fake out the doctor too and be released. They never are.

When Chauvin asked Floyd if he was on anything if Floyd had told the truth he would have gotten immediate aid until an ambulance arrived. Floyd killed himself. Lying was the weapon.
He must get at least manslaughter and 10 yrs

BLM/Antifa will riot if the verdict is just manslaughter and Chauvin get only a dime.

They smell blood, and anything less than the electric chair will be condemned as an injustice.

The electric chair???? The electric chair is no longer in use anywhere in the USA. It's use is legal in only 7 states, and only in the event lethal injection is ever found to be unconstitutional. But keep posting useless bullshit. It's entertaining if nothing else.

Chauvin will not be acquitted. The medical evidence is overwhelming that Chauvin and the other officers killed Floyd and their actions violated everything they had been taught, not to mention logic or reason. Even the bystanders knew the police were killing George Floyd and many of them spoke up. Chauvin put his hand in his pocket and pressed on Floyd's neck even while knowing Floyd was in medical distress, had no pulse, and an ambulance was on its way. That's depraved indifference.
He must get at least manslaughter and 10 yrs

BLM/Antifa will riot if the verdict is just manslaughter and Chauvin get only a dime.

They smell blood, and anything less than the electric chair will be condemned as an injustice.

The electric chair???? The electric chair is no longer in use anywhere in the USA. It's use is legal in only 7 states, and only in the event lethal injection is ever found to be unconstitutional. But keep posting useless bullshit. It's entertaining if nothing else.

Chauvin will not be acquitted. The medical evidence is overwhelming that Chauvin and the other officers killed Floyd and their actions violated everything they had been taught, not to mention logic or reason. Even the bystanders knew the police were killing George Floyd and many of them spoke up. Chauvin put his hand in his pocket and pressed on Floyd's neck even while knowing Floyd was in medical distress, had no pulse, and an ambulance was on its way. That's depraved indifference.
He knew what he was doing !!
He acted like a psychopath even though he was a trained cop
I know the power of chokes and have both given and received
The cop is a sociopath
I know it’s overwhelming difficult to work in a negro community but he should have quit
I would have taken my knee off as soon as I felt him weakening and he was restrained
. The cop knew he was dying and refused to stop
. I am guessing his career changed him
I doubt Chauvin knew Floyd was dying. In custodys lie all the time. They can't breathe, their back hurts, their head hurts. They have chest pains. They want to be taken to the hospital because they believe they can fake out the doctor too and be released. They never are.

When Chauvin asked Floyd if he was on anything if Floyd had told the truth he would have gotten immediate aid until an ambulance arrived. Floyd killed himself. Lying was the weapon.
He knew he was killing him
Anyone can tell as his body was weakening and his breathing was slowing down
You are that close to the person and you can feel his life force drain
Working in a black community made him into a stone cold killer
I understand how that can happen as I deal with the “ good ones “ at work and it’s a living hell
Still he was a police officer
The best he can hope for is manslaughter and he will be free by 2030
It appears Quasar44 supports the magic knee theory. :dunno:
We must separate the facts from racism
You drive your knee into a mans artery like that and you will kill him and the cop did that
Character witnesses matter not in this case...the whole alleged “crime” is on display for all to see that Chavin was reckless at worse. There was no intent to kill the defiant cracked-out perpetrator. Chauvin walks with time served for sure.
LeFTards like @Hidden shit themselves and raid Target stores AGAIN.
He'd be much safer locked up. Cops don't get put in general population. Unless he can afford some extensive plastic surgery, he won't last six months on the outside.
Character witnesses matter not in this case...the whole alleged “crime” is on display for all to see that Chavin was reckless at worse. There was no intent to kill the defiant cracked-out perpetrator. Chauvin walks with time served for sure.
LeFTards like @Hidden shit themselves and raid Target stores AGAIN.
He'd be much safer locked up. Cops don't get put in general population. Unless he can afford some extensive plastic surgery, he won't last six months on the outside.
That’s awfully racist believe blacks are as savage as jungle animals?
That’s awfully racist believe blacks are as savage as jungle animals?
What makes you think that he wouldn't be killed by a white man?
These things don’t count as “white people”...these are woke mutants.

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