Derek Chauvin Trial Live: Judge Reinstates 3rd-Degree Murder Charge; Jury Selection Continues

I'd have to disqualify myself from being on that jury. Sure, it will be a really interesting trial, but time consuming and dangerous if MAGA-hatter types learn your identity. Also, I'd have to admit that I already consider Chauvin guilty as hell.

If that jury finds him guilty those people on the jury run the risk of being harassed, stalked and threatened for years to come.

It shouldn't be that way but when dealing with trump supporters violence is a very real probability.
People that accept that kind of challenge to do their duty are just wonderful people, in my book.

I agree.

I've been called to jury duty a couple of times.

My concern is that if they find this man guilty the people on that jury may face harassment and threats from white supremacists.

I hope it doesn't happen but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
They will be fine.
I'd have to disqualify myself from being on that jury. Sure, it will be a really interesting trial, but time consuming and dangerous if MAGA-hatter types learn your identity. Also, I'd have to admit that I already consider Chauvin guilty as hell.

If that jury finds him guilty those people on the jury run the risk of being harassed, stalked and threatened for years to come.

It shouldn't be that way but when dealing with trump supporters violence is a very real probability.
People that accept that kind of challenge to do their duty are just wonderful people, in my book.

I agree.

I've been called to jury duty a couple of times.

My concern is that if they find this man guilty the people on that jury may face harassment and threats from white supremacists.

I hope it doesn't happen but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

My concern is that if they find this man guilty the people on that jury may face harassment and threats from white supremacists.

and if they don't find him guilty, there will be [B]urning, [L]ooting, and general [M]ayhem.
Would not surprise me if there were riots burning looting, etc, either way it goes, in anger or celebration. Dumb asses are just like that, now.
Dem whores showed the baboons that they can do opportunist, preemptive racism and violence with impunity. If it was Chinese fentanyl, it was communist fentanyl as the communist virus ate America.
Minnesota Court Reinstates Third Degree Murder Charges Against Officer Chauvin as Second-Degree Murder Case Implodes
Breaking: Minnesota Court Reinstates Third Degree Murder Charges Against Officer Chauvin as Second-Degree Murder Case Implodes (
11 Mar 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Minneapolis is reportedly spending $36 million to protect the city from leftist rioters during and after the trial of Officer Derek Chauvin who is accused of killing George Floyd last year during a police arrest.
The death of George Floyd resulted in mass riots and damages into the billions. Hundreds of Minneapolis businesses and homes were destroyed by the leftist rioters.
** The murder trial of Officer Derek Chauvin is set to begin on March 8 when a jury is selected.

Following his death, the local medical examiner believed Floyd had a “fatal lethal” level of fentanyl in his body at the time of his death.
In October the third-degree murder charge against the police officer involved in the death of George Floyd was dropped by a Hennepin County judge.
ABC 7 reported at the time, “Under the state’s sentencing guidelines, a conviction on unintentional second-degree murder carries a presumptive sentence of 12.5 years. But a judge can order a sentence ranging up to 15 years without departing from the guidelines. For second-degree manslaughter, the guidelines call for four years in prison, or a discretionary range up to 4.75 years.”
But on Thursday the Hennepin judge reinstated third-degree murder charges against Officer Chavin after the state’s Supreme Court ordered him to do so.
They must be worried that they are already losing.
And this is after nearly a full year of the fake news media lies about his death!

Regardless of the results and outcome of the trial, Antifa/BLM are going to burn the area down. That's why the courthouse has 4 layers of fencing around it. They'll burn it all down again and we will be told how "Fiery, But Mostly Peaceful" it will be. Get ready for the "Summer of love 2021". :laughing0301::flameth:
Come on man!!!. If NFL and NBA players can take a knee why can't cops?
As it stands, the evidence shows that Chauvin and his fellow LEO's will likely be acquitted of the charges....
Perhaps we should all consider this.... If a black cop (still un-named) can shoot and kill an unarmed white woman in the neck and not be charged at all, a white cop can certainly kneel on the neck of a large black felon overdosing on drugs and resisting arrest.
This is interesting.

The judge reinstated the third degree murder charge on the man who murdered George Floyd.

They're going to keep adding charges til there is no choice but to find him no guilty.

Like they did with Zimmerman.

Zimmerman was grossly overcharged.

Are you referring to that "White Hispanic Racist" as describe by the Quisling Media New York Slimes?
I'd have to disqualify myself from being on that jury. Sure, it will be a really interesting trial, but time consuming and dangerous if MAGA-hatter types learn your identity. Also, I'd have to admit that I already consider Chauvin guilty as hell.

If that jury finds him guilty those people on the jury run the risk of being harassed, stalked and threatened for years to come.

It shouldn't be that way but when dealing with trump supporters violence is a very real probability.
People that accept that kind of challenge to do their duty are just wonderful people, in my book.
Anyone stupid enough to serve on a jury is too stupid to decide a case. I get called every year and have always avoided actually sitting on a jury.
This is interesting.

The judge reinstated the third degree murder charge on the man who murdered George Floyd.

first question to the coroner, what was the cause of floyd's death, answer, not asphyxiation. hmmmm then how is it murder? Oh and Floyd complained about not being able to breathe while being placed in the car before anyone put him on the ground? Guess what the first signs of fentanyl overdose is? you got it, one can't breathe. Doh!!!!!! this case ain't even got feet let alone legs to walk.

Oh and the training taught in Minneapolis to apprehend a belligerent suspect is? knee on head. Doh! again.
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I'd have to disqualify myself from being on that jury. Sure, it will be a really interesting trial, but time consuming and dangerous if MAGA-hatter types learn your identity. Also, I'd have to admit that I already consider Chauvin guilty as hell.

If that jury finds him guilty those people on the jury run the risk of being harassed, stalked and threatened for years to come.

It shouldn't be that way but when dealing with trump supporters violence is a very real probability.
People that accept that kind of challenge to do their duty are just wonderful people, in my book.

I agree.

I've been called to jury duty a couple of times.

My concern is that if they find this man guilty the people on that jury may face harassment and threats from white supremacists.

I hope it doesn't happen but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

My concern is that if they find this man guilty the people on that jury may face harassment and threats from white supremacists.

and if they don't find him guilty, there will be [B]urning, [L]ooting, and general [M]ayhem.

He won't be found guilty. You can always find at least one cop loving racist on every jury.
why would he be found guilty? Floyd didn't die from asphyxiation. so how did the cop murder him? you know how it went down so tell us.
I'd have to disqualify myself from being on that jury. Sure, it will be a really interesting trial, but time consuming and dangerous if MAGA-hatter types learn your identity. Also, I'd have to admit that I already consider Chauvin guilty as hell.

If that jury finds him guilty those people on the jury run the risk of being harassed, stalked and threatened for years to come.

It shouldn't be that way but when dealing with trump supporters violence is a very real probability.
People that accept that kind of challenge to do their duty are just wonderful people, in my book.
Anyone stupid enough to serve on a jury is too stupid to decide a case. I get called every year and have always avoided actually sitting on a jury.
I have pretty well done my duty, serving on two separate calls to jury duty. I was always salaried, so it did no cost me, and did not actually tie me up for more than a day or two on either occasion. It is just citizenship at the basic level.
I'd have to disqualify myself from being on that jury. Sure, it will be a really interesting trial, but time consuming and dangerous if MAGA-hatter types learn your identity. Also, I'd have to admit that I already consider Chauvin guilty as hell.

If that jury finds him guilty those people on the jury run the risk of being harassed, stalked and threatened for years to come.

It shouldn't be that way but when dealing with trump supporters violence is a very real probability.
People that accept that kind of challenge to do their duty are just wonderful people, in my book.

I agree.

I've been called to jury duty a couple of times.

My concern is that if they find this man guilty the people on that jury may face harassment and threats from white supremacists.

I hope it doesn't happen but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
They will be fine.
I'd have to disqualify myself from being on that jury. Sure, it will be a really interesting trial, but time consuming and dangerous if MAGA-hatter types learn your identity. Also, I'd have to admit that I already consider Chauvin guilty as hell.

If that jury finds him guilty those people on the jury run the risk of being harassed, stalked and threatened for years to come.

It shouldn't be that way but when dealing with trump supporters violence is a very real probability.
People that accept that kind of challenge to do their duty are just wonderful people, in my book.

I agree.

I've been called to jury duty a couple of times.

My concern is that if they find this man guilty the people on that jury may face harassment and threats from white supremacists.

I hope it doesn't happen but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

My concern is that if they find this man guilty the people on that jury may face harassment and threats from white supremacists.

and if they don't find him guilty, there will be [B]urning, [L]ooting, and general [M]ayhem.
Would not surprise me if there were riots burning looting, etc, either way it goes, in anger or celebration. Dumb asses are just like that, now.
mob justice. didn't know we were back in the wild west and people lynched because they were mad. too fking hilarious the stupidity of BLM. The dude wasn't killed accept by his own hand dropping drugs in his system. oops. who they gonna blame now. Coroner, Floyd did not die from asphyxiation.
I'd have to disqualify myself from being on that jury. Sure, it will be a really interesting trial, but time consuming and dangerous if MAGA-hatter types learn your identity. Also, I'd have to admit that I already consider Chauvin guilty as hell.

If that jury finds him guilty those people on the jury run the risk of being harassed, stalked and threatened for years to come.

It shouldn't be that way but when dealing with trump supporters violence is a very real probability.
People that accept that kind of challenge to do their duty are just wonderful people, in my book.
Anyone stupid enough to serve on a jury is too stupid to decide a case. I get called every year and have always avoided actually sitting on a jury.
I have pretty well done my duty, serving on two separate calls to jury duty. I was always salaried, so it did no cost me, and did not actually tie me up for more than a day or two on either occasion. It is just citizenship at the basic level.
accept when someone is threatening to kill you if you don't convict no matter the evidence. oops

BTW, since when in our country do we mandate verdicts?
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This is interesting.

The judge reinstated the third degree murder charge on the man who murdered George Floyd.

They're going to keep adding charges til there is no choice but to find him no guilty.

Like they did with Zimmerman.

Zimmerman was grossly overcharged.

and they are doing the same with Chauvin.

Nope - Either second or third degree is correct. Adding a 3rd as an option was smart.
Zimmy's prosecution was a joke. One horrible decision after the next and the lawyers SUCKED.
Manslaughter would have been the correct approach.
No way Chauvin can be afforded any benefits of the doubt.
I hope he gets off and goes right back to stopping black scum.
I think there will be people on that jury who will convict Chauvin no matter what the evidence and testimony is. What I do not know is if there are also people who will not convict Chauvin no matter what either. Do they require all 12 jurors to convict? What if at least one person says no? I would not be surprised if at least one juror tells the judge he/se was threatened by somebody and wouldn't vote either way. Could be a hung jury or a mistrial and this thing drags on for awhile. Personally, I just don't think a fair trial can be had for Chauvin in Minneapolis.
I'd have to disqualify myself from being on that jury. Sure, it will be a really interesting trial, but time consuming and dangerous if MAGA-hatter types learn your identity. Also, I'd have to admit that I already consider Chauvin guilty as hell.

If that jury finds him guilty those people on the jury run the risk of being harassed, stalked and threatened for years to come.

It shouldn't be that way but when dealing with trump supporters violence is a very real probability.
Once again, the libber gets it exactly backwards. Your ilk gives lessons on how to burn down cities looney.
I'd have to disqualify myself from being on that jury. Sure, it will be a really interesting trial, but time consuming and dangerous if MAGA-hatter types learn your identity. Also, I'd have to admit that I already consider Chauvin guilty as hell.

If that jury finds him guilty those people on the jury run the risk of being harassed, stalked and threatened for years to come.

It shouldn't be that way but when dealing with trump supporters violence is a very real probability.
People that accept that kind of challenge to do their duty are just wonderful people, in my book.

I agree.

I've been called to jury duty a couple of times.

My concern is that if they find this man guilty the people on that jury may face harassment and threats from white supremacists.

I hope it doesn't happen but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
They will be fine.
I'd have to disqualify myself from being on that jury. Sure, it will be a really interesting trial, but time consuming and dangerous if MAGA-hatter types learn your identity. Also, I'd have to admit that I already consider Chauvin guilty as hell.

If that jury finds him guilty those people on the jury run the risk of being harassed, stalked and threatened for years to come.

It shouldn't be that way but when dealing with trump supporters violence is a very real probability.
People that accept that kind of challenge to do their duty are just wonderful people, in my book.

I agree.

I've been called to jury duty a couple of times.

My concern is that if they find this man guilty the people on that jury may face harassment and threats from white supremacists.

I hope it doesn't happen but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

My concern is that if they find this man guilty the people on that jury may face harassment and threats from white supremacists.

and if they don't find him guilty, there will be [B]urning, [L]ooting, and general [M]ayhem.
Would not surprise me if there were riots burning looting, etc, either way it goes, in anger or celebration. Dumb asses are just like that, now.
mob justice. didn't know we were back in the wild west and people lynched because they were mad. too fking hilarious the stupidity of BLM. The dude wasn't killed accept by his own hand dropping drugs in his system. oops. who they gonna blame now. Coroner, Floyd did not die from asphyxiation.
You kidding? Some people riot,burn and steel crap now, even when their team wins in the finale of a sports season. Some people just weren't raised any better. I think it is like getting their own trophy to remember the occasion. Go figure.
You kidding? Some people riot,burn and steel crap now, even when their team wins in the finale of a sports season. Some people just weren't raised any better. I think it is like getting their own trophy to remember the occasion. Go figure.
threatening to burn cities is all antifa and blm. sorry fella.
I'd have to disqualify myself from being on that jury. Sure, it will be a really interesting trial, but time consuming and dangerous if MAGA-hatter types learn your identity. Also, I'd have to admit that I already consider Chauvin guilty as hell.

That and you don't live in Minnesota.
You kidding? Some people riot,burn and steel crap now, even when their team wins in the finale of a sports season. Some people just weren't raised any better. I think it is like getting their own trophy to remember the occasion. Go figure.
threatening to burn cities is all antifa and blm. sorry fella.
Yeah, right.
I'd have to disqualify myself from being on that jury. Sure, it will be a really interesting trial, but time consuming and dangerous if MAGA-hatter types learn your identity. Also, I'd have to admit that I already consider Chauvin guilty as hell.

If that jury finds him guilty those people on the jury run the risk of being harassed, stalked and threatened for years to come.

It shouldn't be that way but when dealing with trump supporters violence is a very real probability.

Yep, that would be reason alone not to serve. Racist white nationalist militia types would be ruthless in their pursuit to out jurors.

It shouldn't be that way and it has not been that way for a long time.

The problem is that the first and go to reaction of those people is violence.

"Those" people? Sounds like some stereotyping and bigotry at work.

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