DeSantis activates state guard as migrants flow into Florida

true but the Gov of Fl can’t enforce federal immigrantion laws. That’s your dear leader xiden who should be impeached for his betrayal

He can enforce mandatory e-verify but he decided to give business a free pass to hire anyone they want.
He can enforce mandatory e-verify but he decided to give business a free pass to hire anyone they want.
no he didn’t…it’s illegal to knowingly hire illegals. i can assure you he didn’t vote for xiden who relfuses to enforce immigrantion law
I hope DeSantis is sending these government employees to assist the new arrivals. I know as a general rule we don't want people from shit hole countries coming to America, but in the past Cubans have become patriotic Americans loyal to the cause.
Indeed, several varieties of Caribbean folks are that way...and have made some of the best soldiers we've had fighting on our side.

Yeah, it's RFD with him instead of FRD like it is with Joe Biden. DeSantis is a total badass. 😎
Shoot 'em in the head.
Bomb their boats.
Hydroplane over their rafts.

Keep it up until the get the message and stop coming here.

The Cubans are ok. They are actually allies.

Leave them alone.
If you're fleeing a repressive Communist dictatorship in Cuba...I get it man...come on in.

If you're fleeing Mexico...hell...we are shipping our factories down there!!!

What exactly are you fleeing?
westwall sounds like that they're coming here illegally so that doesn't make them allies.
You need the Cuban vote to keep Florida red and you can't keep the Cuban vote while mistreating Cuban refugees. This is the reason I'm not really concerned about Florida being red in the long run because it also means cuck whites having to acquiesce to their own demographic replacement. 😆
Oh. I thought that you were talking about just plain Cubans. I can't really tell you if you're right or wrong though because I don't know much about that.
I was born in Miami. Cubans for the longest time enjoyed a unique position among immigrants since they benefitted from the policy of wet food dry foot which basically allowed any Cuban who made it to shore eligible for legal status. The law might have changed (under Obama) but if DeSantis violates the spirit of that elevated status he might find his Cuban support waning. Janet Reno's been dead for I don't know how long and they still haven't forgiven her for sending back Elian Gonzalez.
I was born in Miami. Cubans for the longest time enjoyed a unique position among immigrants since they benefitted from the policy of wet food dry foot which basically allowed any Cuban who made it to shore eligible for legal status. The law might have changed (under Obama) but if DeSantis violates the spirit of that elevated status he might find his Cuban support waning. Janet Reno's been dead for I don't know how long and they still haven't forgiven her for sending back Elian Gonzalez.
wow yeah who can forget how the demafasict sent armed stormtroopers to get that kid and send him back to their pal Castro
What I really want to know is why on earth is Ron DeSantis doing more for this country than our sitting president and even vice president? Has everybody else (at least on the left) overlooked that? I mean Biden literally decided to take a vacation.
they stole him from his family and sent him back to castro to live in oppression and tyranny
They took him from his great uncles house and returned him to his father. You look like a complete coward by not being able to admit was is a basic historical fact.

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