DeSantis Consistently Fights Conservative Battles And MAGA Continues to Tarnish His Reputation

And? We should have never shut down. I said it then.


But you only focus in Trump.

Again where is this Magical leader to vote for that would have done this??

Its a fairy Tale.

Trump bashed DeSantis for opening up his state too soon.

I focus on Trump and the GOP because they're the ONLY supposed opposition to the left. And they're not opposing enough, in reality.
Trump bashed DeSantis for opening up his state too soon.

I focus on Trump and the GOP because they're the ONLY supposed opposition to the left. And they're not opposing enough, in reality.
So you are going to hand Biden the WH again and let another 10 million illegals in?
Ron DeSantis routinely proves his conservative credentials not only by fighting battles others won't, but many times winning them. Just this week Disney and the DeSantis governing board reached an agreement in a year's long fight in which he took on the corporation over its "woke" culture, and he also won the state's redistricting case. This is in addition to other battles he's won, including eliminating DEI from universities, abortion restrictions at six weeks, ending squatters rights, all things conservatives have wanted. Yet despite these victories, Donald Trump continues to rip on him during speeches and social media, his minions on social media, like Laura Loomer, et al, continue slandering him, and the so-called conservative media routinely ignores DeSantis's accomplishments, instead focusing on Donald Trump's personal and legal issues as if they are the most important things to have ever happened and are the greatest injustices in human history.

The conservative media and the Republican Party are a joke that is no longer in any way about advancing conservative goals.
Translation: Trump is winning so I want to post another anti-Trump thread.
One of them actually said "I could never vote for a conservative RINO." LMAO... As if there was such a thing.

In a sense, they're correct. The conservatives have become the RINOs because the Republican Party is no longer a conservative Party. It's a "Whatever Donald Trump Says It Is" populist party which changes by the day and he admitted he's not a conservative. Crickets from talk radio, conservative pundits, et al, of course, when he uttered that statement.

DeSantis has literally been fighting and sometimes winning every battle these people have been screaming for and they hate him for having the "audacity" to challenge their golden calf, a proven repeated loser, for the nomination.
In a sense, they're correct. The conservatives have become the RINOs because the Republican Party is no longer a conservative Party. It's a "Whatever Donald Trump Says It Is" populist party which changes by the day and he admitted he's not a conservative. Crickets from talk radio, conservative pundits, et al, of course, when he uttered that statement.

DeSantis has literally been fighting and sometimes winning every battle these people have been screaming for and they hate him for having the "audacity" to challenge their golden calf, a proven repeated loser, for the nomination.

A conservative and a RINO are polar opposites. They can't be one in the same.
Ron DeSantis routinely proves his conservative credentials not only by fighting battles others won't, but many times winning them. Just this week Disney and the DeSantis governing board reached an agreement in a year's long fight in which he took on the corporation over its "woke" culture, and he also won the state's redistricting case. This is in addition to other battles he's won, including eliminating DEI from universities, abortion restrictions at six weeks, ending squatters rights, all things conservatives have wanted. Yet despite these victories, Donald Trump continues to rip on him during speeches and social media, his minions on social media, like Laura Loomer, et al, continue slandering him, and the so-called conservative media routinely ignores DeSantis's accomplishments, instead focusing on Donald Trump's personal and legal issues as if they are the most important things to have ever happened and are the greatest injustices in human history.

The conservative media and the Republican Party are a joke that is no longer in any way about advancing conservative goals.
If Trump is elected on his one day as a dictator DeSantis will have a night of the long knives moment. None can challenge The Leader..
I love these cartoon comment , talking about woke ( which of course they have no clue whats it's meaning is). The only way these clowns make words like woke and communist/socialist work for them is if they define what it means themselves. problem is these words already have definitions and those definitions says their definitions are stupid. You just have to laugh!
I love these cartoon comment , talking about woke ( which of course they have no clue whats it's meaning is). The only way these clowns make words like woke and communist/socialist work for them is if they define what it means themselves. problem is these words already have definitions and those definitions says their definitions are stupid. You just have to laugh!
No shit Sherlock. Who is Fairy Tale Hero im supposed to vote For?
Who to vote for wasn't the point....The point is that, for better or worse, the spending and the shutdowns aren't your top criteria....When your excuses got painted into the logical corner, you surrender the argument and go to "well, who am I going to vote for?"

That's not right or wrong, mind you...It just is a demonstration of what I've been talking about.
Who to vote for wasn't the point....The point is that, for better or worse, the spending and the shutdowns aren't your top criteria....When your excuses got painted into the logical corner, you surrender the argument and go to "well, who am I going to vote for?"

That's not right or wrong, mind you...It just is a demonstration of what I've been talking about.
What LOGICAL CORNER? You bitching at me over explaining the REALITY of the world at the time.

Now WHO DA FUCK IS THIS MIRACLE CANDIDATE you want me to vote for?

He DOESNT EXIST. IM VOTING TRUMP as are Most if you havent noticed. Thats the deal. So will you let BIDEN IN or prevent him from getting in?

The border is my #1 issue right now. I dont see this FANTASY CANDIDATE OF YOURS ANYWHERE.
What LOGICAL CORNER? You bitching at me over explaining the REALITY of the world at the time.
When confronted with the reality that the word "no" could have been invoked, you tacitly surrendered the argument by then going with the "who am I supposed to vote for?" bailout....That lets me know those weren't your top concerns, that's all.
Now WHO DA FUCK IS THIS MIRACLE CANDIDATE you want me to vote for?

He DOESNT EXIST. IM VOTING TRUMP as are Most if you havent noticed. Thats the deal. So will you let BIDEN IN or prevent him from getting in?

The border is my #1 issue right now. I dont see this FANTASY CANDIDATE OF YOURS ANYWHERE.
Strawman argument...I never claimed to have the "miracle candidate"....In fact, I've been asking a number of the libertarians types who they got, and nothing has yet come back.

If the border is your #1 issue, then I accept that...Go with it...As I said, there aren't any right or wrong answers.
When confronted with the reality that the word "no" could have been invoked, you tacitly surrendered the argument by then going with the "who am I supposed to vote for?" bailout....That lets me know those weren't your top concerns, that's all.

Strawman argument...I never claimed to have the "miracle candidate"....In fact, I've been asking a number of the libertarians types who they got, and nothing has yet come back.

If the border is your #1 issue, then I accept that...Go with it...As I said, there aren't any right or wrong answers.
You are attacking me like Im your enemy. I gave the whole world shut down for not SAYING NO. I would have said NO, and during the Planned demic said the same.

49 governors went with it. Perhaps we should yell at them too.

The REALITY IS he couldnt really SAY NO. The Swamp and WEF rule and even now plan to reset us. Its coming and you know it.

No miracle candidate is there to stop it.
You are attacking me like Im your enemy. I gave the whole world shut down for not SAYING NO. I would have said NO, and during the Planned demic said the same.

49 governors went with it. Perhaps we should yell at them too.
Trump still could have said "no", but didn't....That is the fact....How is that an attack on you?

The governors who shut down and stayed so are on the hook for their fool decisions.
The REALITY IS he couldnt really SAY NO. The Swamp and WEF rule and even now plan to reset us. Its coming and you know it.

No miracle candidate is there to stop it.
He could have said no, but didn't for some reason...Also not an attack.

The permanent bureaucratic/administrative swam is a real legit problem....Obviously also high up on your list...Again, nothing wrong with that.....If those are your chief reasons for supporting with that, then go with them.

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