DeSantis Consistently Fights Conservative Battles And MAGA Continues to Tarnish His Reputation

Blaming the customer is for demoncrats.

Why not blame the voters? They're the ones who are going to voting for Trump or Biden. They don't elect themselves.

Annnnnd still you couldn't beat him.....That says more than anything else about your plan -or lack thereof- to win people over to your side.

The majority wins. And the majority of the Trump voters don't know how socialistic and race baited his Platinum plan was. Or how $8 trillion in 4 years helped create the 8% inflation we seen in Biden's first years. They still think a RINO is a Republican that don't like Trump.

They're retards.

It's not left/right at the current time...How many times do you need to be told this before it sinks in?...Are you so fucking retarded that you don't understand plain English?

What are you saying? That I should coddle and play nice with left leaning Republicans? F that. I'm not their daddy.

Be told what? That I should coddle RINO's because they can't see how far left of center Trump really is?
I'm well aware. I've made repeated posts about Trump's left wing record as president and even positions he's endorsed afterwards. Predictably, the responses have been "FAKE NEWS!!" "TDS!!" "LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!"

They are a cult. That's the bottom line. The Republican Party is no longer a party of conservative, intellectual adults. It's a party of screaming, crying man children who worship at the altar of The Don and believe every kook conspiracy that crosses their computer screen and they claim you're the one who has the problem.

Here's how retarded they are. When a conservative brings up spending, the debt & the deficit, and shows how Trump had a major problem with those, They get called a Biden supporter.

One of them actually said "I could never vote for a conservative RINO." LMAO... As if there was such a thing.
Why not blame the voters? They're the ones who are going to voting for Trump or Biden. They don't elect themselves.

The majority wins. And the majority of the Trump voters don't know how socialistic and race baited his Platinum plan was. Or how $8 trillion in 4 years helped create the 8% inflation we seen in Biden's first years. They still think a RINO is a Republican that don't like Trump.

They're retards.

What are you saying? That I should coddle and play nice with left leaning Republicans? F that. I'm not their daddy.

Be told what? That I should coddle RINO's because they can't see how far left of center Trump really is?
Entire govt shut the coyntry down. THE PAUSE. Then dolled out money to sit on asses and bilk the system.

Your saying just his fault is BS and TDS.

We shut down over a freaking bug that has been around for over a hundred years.

WHOLE WORLD DID. But you only play BUT TRUMP
Here's how retarded they are. When a conservative brings up spending, the debt & the deficit, and shows how Trump had a major problem with those, They get called a Biden supporter.

One of them actually said "I could never vote for a conservative RINO." LMAO... As if there was such a thing.


Where is this MYSTICAL Candidate that could actually win??

Why not blame the voters? They're the ones who are going to voting for Trump or Biden. They don't elect themselves.
Because it removes the responsibility for communicating from you....It's the lazy asshole's way out...I'm somewhat shocked that you'd resort to it.
The majority wins. And the majority of the Trump voters don't know how socialistic and race baited his Platinum plan was. Or how $8 trillion in 4 years helped create the 8% inflation we seen in Biden's first years. They still think a RINO is a Republican that don't like Trump.

They're retards.
What are you saying? That I should coddle and play nice with left leaning Republicans? F that. I'm not their daddy.

Be told what? That I should coddle RINO's because they can't see how far left of center Trump really is?
The Trumpsters aren't focused on left/right, that's what I am saying and have been saying the whole time...That fact has yet to permeate your skull, hence your insistence on dragging everything back to "conservation v. liberal"...Pull you head out.
Because it removes the responsibility for communicating from you....It's the lazy asshole's way out...I'm somewhat shocked that you'd resort to it.

Suddenly I'm responsible for 80 million people who don't know what an actual conservative is?

Yeah na.

The Trumpsters aren't focused on left/right, that's what I am saying and have been saying the whole time...That fact has yet to permeate your skull, hence your insistence on dragging everything back to "conservation v. liberal"...Pull you head out.

Trumpsters are focusing on their revenge fantasy. Because they're retards.

Where is this MYSTICAL Candidate that could actually win??


There is none. The GOP outlawed that sort of thinking decades ago.
Entire govt shut the coyntry down. THE PAUSE. Then dolled out money to sit on asses and bilk the system.

Your saying just his fault is BS and TDS.

We shut down over a freaking bug that has been around for over a hundred years.

WHOLE WORLD DID. But you only play BUT TRUMP

Trump only vetoed 1 spending bill in 4 years. Out of all the spending bills he sign, only a few of those were about avoiding a government shut down.

Only 1. <<<That's important.
Suddenly I'm responsible for 80 million people who don't know what an actual conservative is?

Yeah na.
No, you're responsible for you...If others don't react favorably to you, that's on you....You lack requisite variety.
Trumpsters are focusing on their revenge fantasy. Because they're retards.
That's why you fail at communicating with them....You think you're better than them, and people fucking HATE snobs.
And mainly during Covid BS. Our economy was cruising before hand. Not to mention we were still at War
And if guys like you quit making cheap excuses for him, then bridges can be built.

When Ryan and McTurtle sandbagged him with the '17 budget, he vowed never to sign another one like it...He then signed three more just like it....All the cheap-assed excuses for the moral cowardice of failing to veto those budgets, don't add up to a lump of shit.
No, you're responsible for you...If others don't react favorably to you, that's on you....You lack requisite variety.

Well, I'm not a politician.

That's why you fail at communicating with them....You think you're better than them, and people fucking HATE snobs.
BTW, how's your "influencing" going? You haven't convinced me of anything.
And if guys like you quit making cheap excuses for him, then bridges can be built.

When Ryan and McTurtle sandbagged him with the '17 budget, he vowed never to sign another one like it...He then signed three more just like it....All the cheap-assed excuses for the moral cowardice of failing to veto those budgets, don't add up to a lump of shit.
And? Who in any recent history have stood up and stopped the Swamp who have done this forever??

Last time was Newt.
All that covid money was just a slush fund. The citizens didn't get even half of all that money.
And? We should have never shut down. I said it then.


But you only focus in Trump.

Again where is this Magical leader to vote for that would have done this??

Its a fairy Tale.
Entire govt shut the coyntry down. THE PAUSE. Then dolled out money to sit on asses and bilk the system.

Your saying just his fault is BS and TDS.

We shut down over a freaking bug that has been around for over a hundred years.

WHOLE WORLD DID. But you only play BUT TRUMP
He could have said but one word...."no".
No excuse for moral cowardice.

Newt was and still is a prop player....Beside that, he slunk out of the District of Criminal like a whipped little pussy simp.
So you Spew at me over it...Im not ib office. So where is this Fantasy Guy to save us all??

He diesnt exist.

The WEF is taking us to a global reset. Hell will follow.

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