DeSantis Is Dropping Off Illegal Immigrants At Biden's Delaware Home

What Sheriff are you talking about, stupid old woman? You have Sheriff capitalized, like we only have one Sheriff in Texas. Are you smoking your yorkie's turds again?

Keep focusing on President Trump.... meanwhile DeSantis is your worst nightmare. He's blowing loads in your face and it seems to have made you dizzy.... I mean dizzier than usual.

Exposing the shit-eating rodents for their "theoretical" support of illegals (as opposed to ACTUAL support) is becoming an Olympic sport. I can't get enough of it.... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Why don't you google it FuckBoi.

DeSantis isn't my nightmare at all. He's just another Republican authoritarian. He'll never be elected in a general. Of course if he's voted out of the governorship, he can focus on his presidential run.
I'm sorry this is complicated for you, but it's really not that hard to understand.

These immigrants are awaiting their day in court. When Biden's DHS processes them, they set up court dates within the immigration court system. The immigrants need to make their court dates or they lose by default and lose their chance to stay in the country.

The courts know they're in San Antonio so they have court dates in San Antonio.

DeSantis flying them from San Antonio to Massachusettes is going to make it pretty hard for them to make their court dates in San Antonio.

How do you not get this?

Yet you're completely ignoring my point, or you're too stupid to understand it. I've asked you pointed questions, that you refuse to answer.

How is an illegal getting their court date in Philly having arrived there on a Biden plane?

In addition, you expect thousands of illegals to remain in San Antonio to get a court date?

So again, we're back to the fact that it's okay for Biden to ship them to where ever he wants them to go, but a state governor who is over loaded cannot? That's completely unethical and immoral, how do you not get this???
Why wouldn't they consent to go to Philly?

I already explained that this little trip jeopardizes their immigration proceedings. Two or three times in fact. Somehow you don't seem to understand that court dates matter.

You haven't explained anything. So Biden is also jeopardizing their proceedings by shipping them all over the country?
Here is the flight which is planned for today....

It's the same plane that was used to deposit migrants in Martha's Vineyard, where the woke Dem locals put up with the Venezuelans for a whole 44 hours before calling in the military to deport them.

The flight is flying from Texas to Florida, and then on to Delaware.

Makes one wonder where DeSantis is getting all of these illegals, since the border is secure.

Should be fun to watch!
I will say this, doing this has brought attention to the matter, just after Kamala Harris said the border was secure.
It's being pointed out that people on the previous flights were told lies.

I am calling BS from greedy Dem lawyers.

"Migrants said they didn’t know they were bound for the island, and had been promised jobs and assistance."

You have to have a green card or similar to legally work in the US. DeSantis did not promise them jobs in Massachusettes. That would be silly, but you fell for it.
Yet you're completely ignoring my point, or you're too stupid to understand it. I've asked you pointed questions, that you refuse to answer.

How is an illegal getting their court date in Philly having arrived there on a Biden plane?

In addition, you expect thousands of illegals to remain in San Antonio to get a court date?

So again, we're back to the fact that it's okay for Biden to ship them to where ever he wants them to go, but a state governor who is over loaded cannot? That's completely unethical and immoral, how do you not get this???
I've answered these questions several times. I don't know how you haven't gotten the answers through your head. In fact, these answers were in the post you quoted.

They get court dates because DHS coordinates with the immigration court. Immigration court isn't actually part of the judiciary. It's an administrative court run by the executive branch. Everyone who has been processed by DHS gets a court date. That's what processing means.

DeSantis isn't coordinating with the immigration court. He's just shipping people across the country.

What is unethical or immoral about what Biden is doing?

Because I can definitely tell you what is unethical and immoral about DeSantis lying to vulnerable people in order to use them as a political stunt.
Thats a legal loophole that globalist libs are abusing

Another Congressional failure.

Biden is giving these people a chance at staying in the country.

DeSantis is using them as political pawns against their will.

If you don't want to be vilified, don't be a villain.
Oh, god.

Take your stupid sanctimony and shove it up your cum-stained ass.

You don't think Biden was political footballing these poor fools all over the country?

Please never vote.
Another Congressional failure.

Biden has exceeded the legal limit by millions
I'm sorry this is complicated for you, but it's really not that hard to understand.

These immigrants are awaiting their day in court. When Biden's DHS processes them, they set up court dates within the immigration court system. The immigrants need to make their court dates or they lose by default and lose their chance to stay in the country.

The courts know they're in San Antonio so they have court dates in San Antonio.

DeSantis flying them from San Antonio to Massachusettes is going to make it pretty hard for them to make their court dates in San Antonio.

How do you not get this?
Dickwads like you get to say that when there's things you don't want to believe.

Intellectually, you are nothing more than a weak little bitch.

We're going to CONTINUE sending you all these FUCKING ILLEGALS and you bitches will deal with them. NOT US.

Now, kill yourself, KUUUNT!!!!
What lies did DeSantis tell to get them to board the planes?

Did he tell them he was just going to drop them off in the middle of nowhere with no support or did he promise them jobs, housing and cash payments?
He is shipping them to sanctuary cities, where they are suppose to be taken care of. Or is that another lie told by liberals?
I'm waiting for the Sheriff in Texas to start laying charges against DeSantis.

Apparently DeSantis' approval rating among Hispanics in Florida is dropping like a stone. The group he sent to Martha's Vineyard were all Venezuelan and there is a large population of former Venezuelans living in Florida. DeSantis just lost their vote.

This is backfiring bigly against DeSantis.
Actually he is proving how racist you loons really are.

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