DeSantis Likes to Call His War on Workers War on Wokeness/For These Same Workers, Hospitals Have Become the New Steel Mills — Minus the Strong Unions

How exactly are they evil?
They force people to join
They pay on seniority and not merit.
They don't like or want any innovation
They back every left wing cause under the sun
They don't want parents involved in education
They also don't want teachers to tell parents what's going on in the classrooms
They donate exculsively to the democrat party against the wishes of the teachers
I don’t who you mean by “you guys” but I don’t feel that way about police either. The bad apples however, need to be fired, not passed on.
That's great, we agree, the you guys is lefties and they do have that as a position.
Most incoherent thread headline of the day award winner.
They force people to join
They pay on seniority and not merit.
They don't like or want any innovation
They back every left wing cause under the sun
They don't want parents involved in education
They also don't want teachers to tell parents what's going on in the classrooms
They donate exculsively to the democrat party against the wishes of the teachers
Where does it say they are forced to join?

Where is the proof of these claims you make? I've never heard of these policies coming from Unioins? Show me the policy and procedure manual. For someone to know all this, you'd have to have some kind of policy manual that you have access to? Right?
Meanwile Union Janitors in filthy ass Union kissing New York City make $150K a year and only work 20 hours a week.
If you've got a legal case against them, show us. In the meantime, I've already proven my case against the filth, the disgust, and the stealing coming from private schools.
So, in typical republican logic, it's a good move for DuhSantis, to charge Florida taxpayers $1.5 million to fly immigrants from Texas to Massachusetts, for Texas immigrants?
FYI, the US taxpayer will still have to pay for them, except instead of returning them to Mexico, it will cost even more, because they're in MASSACHUSETTS.
Of course, it will cost less the DuhSantis paid, a first class, one way ticket from Boston to Juarez is only $700.
More than 3 times less than DuhSantis paid.
DuSantis =DuStupid.
The gid given right to compete for top kiss ass for less money and no benefits and fired at will for no apparent reason?

That's your idea of the ideal workplace?

I'll bet your nose is so brown there is a permanent shit stain on it.
He's another indoctrinated idiot.
I see you geniuses are now starting to direct your vitriol toward DeSantis, which means he is becoming a problem. You believe you have to begin the training for your sheep now in preparation for 2024. Your herd isn’t too bright for certain, therefore, you believe it takes quite a bit of repetition to get them to follow along, which, in general, is most certainly the case. But don’t worry, I truly believe they are trained well enough with regards to voting, in large part due to the public education system you so fervently support, to simply vote for the candidate with the “(D)” beside their name. Nothing else really matters to Democratic trained sheep.
We hope you run DeSantis because he is some more kind of DeStupid.
Where does it say they are forced to join?

Where is the proof of these claims you make? I've never heard of these policies coming from Unioins? Show me the policy and procedure manual. For someone to know all this, you'd have to have some kind of policy manual that you have access to? Right?
Oh my bad, the Supreme Court change this. It only went on for decades....and yes the would force teachers to join the took a SUPREME COURT RULING
The Supreme Court ruling in Janus v. AFSCME on June 27, 2018 means teachers nationwide are no longer required to be part of a teachers union in order to keep their jobs. You can stay a member if you'd like, but you are also now free to resign from your teacher union and stop paying dues

And look who didn't want to stop it:
DissentKagan, joined by Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor

So shut the fuck up, the left wants to force you into unions.......and they have for a long time (40+ years according to the dissent).......thank God Republicans and conservatives believe in freedom!
Exactly the point.

With teachers' unions and Left wing school boards that they negotiate with, there is no adversarial relationship.

Both sides are interested in shaking down the taxpayers for as much moolah as possible.

Its a scam to launder tax dollars to help lib politicians raise money to keep control.

And if some old ladies are forced to eat cat food so they have the money to pay their taxes, both sides say "tough shit". Maybe the broads can get their grown sons to buy them a new can opener for Mothers' Day.
In the meantime;
The Great Charter School Scam

In One of the Largest Charter School Scams in History, No One Will Serve Jail Time

The ringleaders and others behind a scam that raided millions of dollars from the state will not spend a single day behind bars. Here’s where their pleas and sentences stand.

Oh my bad, the Supreme Court change this. It only went on for decades....and yes the would force teachers to join the took a SUPREME COURT RULING
The Supreme Court ruling in Janus v. AFSCME on June 27, 2018 means teachers nationwide are no longer required to be part of a teachers union in order to keep their jobs. You can stay a member if you'd like, but you are also now free to resign from your teacher union and stop paying dues

And look who didn't want to stop it:
DissentKagan, joined by Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor

So shut the fuck up, the left wants to force you into unions.......and they have for a long time (40+ years according to the dissent).......thank God Republicans and conservatives believe in freedom!
You were the one posting misinformation and got made, so I sure as hell ain't shutting up dick head. You should consider it.
Oh my bad, the Supreme Court change this. It only went on for decades....and yes the would force teachers to join the took a SUPREME COURT RULING
The Supreme Court ruling in Janus v. AFSCME on June 27, 2018 means teachers nationwide are no longer required to be part of a teachers union in order to keep their jobs. You can stay a member if you'd like, but you are also now free to resign from your teacher union and stop paying dues

And look who didn't want to stop it:
DissentKagan, joined by Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor

So shut the fuck up, the left wants to force you into unions.......and they have for a long time (40+ years according to the dissent).......thank God Republicans and conservatives believe in freedom!
By the way goober, anyone who is dumb enough to think your employer gives two fucks about you, with or with out the protections of Unions, is a willful idiot.
By the way goober, anyone who is dumb enough to think your employer gives two fucks about you, with or with out the protections of Unions, is a willful idiot.
No shit sherlock.....who does? What do you think a job is? Your boss is not your daddy.......Jesus you guys think like a 12 year old
If you've got a legal case against them, show us. In the meantime, I've already proven my case against the filth, the disgust, and the stealing coming from private schools.
You stupid Moon Bats always go into your denial mode when confronted with Libtard greed.

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