DeSantis Likes to Call His War on Workers War on Wokeness/For These Same Workers, Hospitals Have Become the New Steel Mills — Minus the Strong Unions

School choice, or school fraud? The Great Charter School Scam

Another part of the scam involved working with private schools. A3 would approach, for instance, a small Catholic school. The students at the school would be added to A3’s attendance rolls. The state’s public education system would dispense money to A3 for each of those students. A3 would then give some of that money to the private school – some of them were struggling financially – and pocket the rest. Good luck with that.
Meanwile Union Janitors in filthy ass Union kissing New York City make $150K a year and only work 20 hours a week.
Few..... Let's be honest eh. They were all over tik tok celebrating their perverse ideas.
Let’s be honest.

There are 4,007,908 teachers in the US. How many teachers are “all over” Tik Tok?
Ron DeSantis’s crusade against “woke ideology” was always a thinly disguised assault on the rights of Florida teachers and their unions. His recent “Teacher’s Bill of Rights” only makes it explicit.

say you’re a politician angling for the White House while trying to pursue what would be a deeply unpopular campaign against teachers and unions. How do you do it without losing the ability to posture as pro-worker? Or without alienating the disaffected independents and even liberal-leaning voters who you’ll eventually want to peel off?

DeSantis’s “anti-woke” legislation has often ended up not so much curtailing wokeness (which even his office can’t seem to define), as much as it has undermined the basic workplace and constitutional rights of teachers — say, by denying their most basic right of self-expression under threat of firing, or muzzling their teaching, which one Florida judge already flatly ruled violated the First Amendment.

Sure, this often bigoted agenda isn’t particularly popular either. But it’s not quite as politically toxic as picking a fight with a group of workers who polling shows most Americans like and believe deserve better pay, including in Florida.

Now DeSantis is taking this campaign to the next level, more explicitly targeting teachers’ unions with his misleadingly named Teacher’s Bill of Rights, in what DeSantis’s office paints as legislation to “protect teachers from overreaching school unions,” and what Fox News frames as an assault on “union bosses” — a favorite term for corporate “populists” who want to weaken worker power without looking like obvious hypocrites.

DeSantis has put forward a slate of measures under the rubric of “paycheck protection” that are meant to make life much harder for unions in the already anti-union state: mandated reminders that teachers don’t have to join a union and how much it costs if they do, no handing out union literature at work, and no automatic deduction of union dues from paychecks, to name a few. That last one is particularly menacing in a state where, as of 2018, unions get officially disqualified from collective bargaining if less than 50 percent of their members don’t pay dues.

DeSantis would also bump up the requirement for unions to represent at least 50 percent of eligible employees to 60 percent, a provision that seems clearly motivated by the fact that the United Teachers of Dade — whose former president was his recent opponent’s running mate — has a 50.7 percent representation rate. More menacingly, the outline also proposes annual audits for unions, and allows state investigations into them over not just allegations of fraud, but the much broader and more easily politically massaged causes of “waste and abuse.”

This is why corporate-funded politicians like DeSantis have an ideological commitment to weakening unions, given the fact that their financiers view unions as one of the chief threats to their power and wealth. But there are also practical, political reasons that DeSantis himself specifically sees these attacks on teachers’ unions as a priority.

With Florida’s Democrats in a shambles, its teachers’ unions are one of the only remaining institutions that can mount a political challenge to someone like DeSantis, and in a state that has successfully cut the legs out from under workers’ ability to unionize no less. As the right-wing Manhattan Institute has griped, “despite the fact that Florida’s teachers’ unions operate at a comparative disadvantage” to those in some liberal states, “they appear to more than overcome the dual headwinds of on-cycle elections and a more conservative-friendly electorate,” with union-backed candidates hitting at least a 60 percent win-rate in all but one election before 2022. In fact, unions’ ability to win school board elections may well have motivated the provisions in DeSantis’s “Teacher’s Bill of Rights” shortening school board term limits by four years.

DeSantis is clearly a canny politician, but there’s no guarantee his latest salvo against teachers and their unions will work at a time when both unions and teachers are enjoying historic favorability. Wherever the chips fall, no one should talk about DeSantis’s efforts in the state as if they’re part of some war against wokeness. This is an anti-worker crusade, pure and simple.

Sure...most people love teachers....according to Huffington Post. That's your first fail.

Second fail: teachers only have a VERY limited right to self-expression on the job. I'm not going to curse, for example, or tell my students things not fit for minors. I'm not going to "self-express" by wearing inappropriate clothing, or a shirt that says EFF OFF or something.

The children we teach are NOT our children. If liberal teachers cannot handle that truth, they should get out now.
Workers don't want to join the Union & pay dues? No problem. Then they can forgo all the benefits negotiated by the union & the contract signed with the company. Anti union idiots who don't join shouldn't recieve the same benefits as the union member working beside them who pays dues.

The scabs can pay for their own benefits out of their own pockets.

Well, when I left the NEA, I asked if I could just pay the portion of the dues that go to directly support my job--the local chapter. The NEA told me no. So I told them, byeeee
That's of course bullshit.

The God Given Right-to-work recognizes the right of non-union people to work and Florida is a Right to Work state.

Further, the settled law of the Janus Decision recognizes this basic civil right to all government employees. And of course, when a union is just getting its toe into a workplace, the employees have to be muscled to voluntarily join the union at that point in time.

The gid given right to compete for top kiss ass for less money and no benefits and fired at will for no apparent reason?

That's your idea of the ideal workplace?

I'll bet your nose is so brown there is a permanent shit stain on it.
There's definitely a reasonable debate to be had about whether Trump or DeSantis would make the best President. There is NO debate that any Democrat will run this country into the dirt. The new radical, totalitarian Democrat party isn't good for anyone but the politicians themselves.
you try keeping said he had no experience but yet he had just about the same congressional time as obama did,something you did not mention in your post 15....there is no difference there....
You never even looked you, moron.
OR, like most republicans, can't comprehend.

Post 10
What is the difference, between DuhSantis and a union thug?
A union thug went through apprenticeship, to learn a trade.
DuhSantis just got elected with NO experience at governing, yet people hired the wannabe Trumpster, retard.

Post 15
Barack Obama served three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2005, when he was elected to the United States Senate. During this part of his career, Obama continued teaching constitutional law part time at the University of Chicago Law School as he had done as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004.

Harris, the same.
Born in Oakland, California, Harris graduated from Howard University and the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. She began her career in the Alameda County District Attorney's Office, before being recruited to the San Francisco District Attorney's Office and later the City Attorney of San Francisco's office. In 2003, she was elected district attorney of San Francisco. She was elected Attorney General of California in 2010 and re-elected in 2014.

Born in Jacksonville, DeSantis spent most of his childhood in Dunedin, Florida. He graduated from Yale University and Harvard Law School. DeSantis joined the United States Navy in 2004 and was promoted to lieutenant before serving as a legal advisor to SEAL Team One; he was deployed to Iraq in 2007. When he returned to the U.S. a year later, the U.S. Department of Justice appointed DeSantis to serve as a Special Assistant U.S. attorney at the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Middle District of Florida, a position he held until his honorable discharge in 2010.

Meanwile Union Janitors in filthy ass Union kissing New York City make $150K a year and only work 20 hours a week.
Why do you object to janitors earning more pay?

Average salary $39,478 for a highschool janitor

Meanwhile the average CEO salary in NYC: $510,000 to 1.5M.

No wonder they need a Union.
What is the difference, between DuhSantis and a union thug?
A union thug went through apprenticeship, to learn a trade.
DuhSantis just got elected with NO experience at governing, yet people hired the wannabe Trumpster, retard.

Yep. No union electrician I know will take a job in that loser of a state with the lowest wages in the country. The average wages all over the country right now for union JW's is $37-$47 hourly, with 10-17% directly paid by the contractor into the pension fund, and all health insurance fully paid.

And no asshole anti union conservative can fire you for any reason.

With 30 years in, with your NEBF, SERF, and Social Security, most of these guys will retire with paid for homes, $500K-$1mil in SERF, and $3000-$5000 a month retirement income for life.

And what does some suck ass nonunion loser in Florida end up with?

Their god given right to be another loser in Florida.
Yes, but you are flagrantly retarded.
Sure, idiot,
No, wonder why Trump loves his cult, they're dumber than he is, by a long shot.
So, it makes sense to spend Florida taxpayer $$$, to fly immigrants from Texas to Massachusetts?

Teabaggers love their moron grifters.
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DeSantis wants to cripple teacher unions so he can bully them into bowing to his deranged anti woke bullshit as he keeps them under his thumb with threats & intimidation to bow down to his extreme right wing ideas.

The guy is a fucking bully & a power hungry lowlife. And we have Trump to thank for that asshole.
Yup. And the result is 5,300 vacant positions and 100,000 students do not have a full time teacher.
Sure, Q-NUT.
The only retards are DuhSantis and his even, dumber cult.

December 28 2922
Gov. Ron DeSantis’ top safety official helped write language that helped a former legal client secure a state contract to oversee a controversial program to fly migrants from the southern border to Martha’s Vineyard.

In the process, the official, Larry Keefe, used a non-public email address that made it appear that emails were coming from “Clarice Starling,” the main character from “The Silence of the Lambs” novel.

The newly released records show that Keefe, who served as a U.S. Attorney in the Trump administration, used encrypted messaging apps and a private email address from “Clarice Starling” when communicating with James Montgomerie, CEO of Vertol Systems, a Destin, Fla.-based company the administration paid at least $1.5 million to coordinate the migrant flights. They also show Keefe helping Vertol, who he represented when in private legal practice, draft invoice language the company used when submitting its proposal to the Florida Department of Transportation.
Along with being sued over public records requests, the administration still has not released the Vertol contract or specifically how the $1.5 million was spent.

Legislative leaders have vaguely said they support DeSantis’ focus on immigration when asked about the money for the flights, which amounts to about $50,000 per migrant.

FOR a ONE WAY flight, per person?


I see you geniuses are now starting to direct your vitriol toward DeSantis, which means he is becoming a problem. You believe you have to begin the training for your sheep now in preparation for 2024. Your herd isn’t too bright for certain, therefore, you believe it takes quite a bit of repetition to get them to follow along, which, in general, is most certainly the case. But don’t worry, I truly believe they are trained well enough with regards to voting, in large part due to the public education system you so fervently support, to simply vote for the candidate with the “(D)” beside their name. Nothing else really matters to Democratic trained sheep.
public sector unions, like teacher unions, are an assault on democracy

Exactly the point.

With teachers' unions and Left wing school boards that they negotiate with, there is no adversarial relationship.

Both sides are interested in shaking down the taxpayers for as much moolah as possible.

Its a scam to launder tax dollars to help lib politicians raise money to keep control.

And if some old ladies are forced to eat cat food so they have the money to pay their taxes, both sides say "tough shit". Maybe the broads can get their grown sons to buy them a new can opener for Mothers' Day.
Meanwile Union Janitors in filthy ass Union kissing New York City make $150K a year and only work 20 hours a week.

Yeah, these types fall into the highly paid category as they make more money that many engineers in other parts of the country. Exorbitant pay for the work/skill provided, perpetrated by Unions, is the only reason there isn’t an even bigger discrepancy in salaries among Democrats and Republicans. A non-Union worker making 150k+/yr is by far and away more likely to be a Republican(well known fact which I refuse to post again for you lazy, brain-dead Democrats), as he/she will be a successful professional as opposed to a over paid janitor, garbage truck driver from a Union shop.
I see you geniuses are now starting to direct your vitriol toward DeSantis, which means he is becoming a problem. You believe you have to begin the training for your sheep now in preparation for 2024. Your herd isn’t too bright for certain, therefore, you believe it takes quite a bit of repetition to get them to follow along, which, in general, is most certainly the case. But don’t worry, I truly believe they are trained well enough with regards to voting, in large part due to the public education system you so fervently support, to simply vote for the candidate with the “(D)” beside their name. Nothing else really matters to Democratic trained sheep.
Yeah, democrats usually direct "Vitriol" towards criminals.
Republicans, defend them.
Is that why Democrats support allowing convicted felons to vote, cashless bail, etc.? You are one confused puppy.

It really depends on the criminal and whether or not he is considered socially friendly or not.

Someone like Stone or Manafort who are first time non-violent offenders, senior citizens with clean records- lock them up in solitary and throw away the key, and hope they are subject to Gay Rape.

OTOH, young thugs in politically important minority groups, if they get caught selling crack and mugging old ladies, let them out on cashless bail
Is that why Democrats support allowing convicted felons to vote, cashless bail, etc.? You are one confused puppy.
You're the one confused.
The people of Florida voted on that, it's an amendment.

In November, Florida voters overwhelmingly approved a state constitutional amendment that automatically gives people who have committed felony offenses, except for murder and sex crimes, the right to vote once they complete their prison sentence as well as parole or probation.

But teabaggers overwhelmingly support a felon, that runs for congress and for president.


You're the one confused.
The people of Florida voted on that, it's an amendment.

In November, Florida voters overwhelmingly approved a state constitutional amendment that automatically gives people who have committed felony offenses, except for murder and sex crimes, the right to vote once they complete their prison sentence as well as parole or probation.

But teabaggers overwhelmingly support a felon, that runs for congress and for president.



Trump is a felon? Who knew?

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