DeSantis, Once a ‘No’ on Storm Aid, Petitions a President He’s Bashed

Why do you hate great leadership tied with great fiscal responsibility? Unless, of course, you support the nightmare we have today.
Fiscal responsibility? Are you kidding?

DiSantis Isn’t asking for fiscal responsibility now that it’s him on need.

He just wants the money
You NEED high gas prices politically huh?

Need? Where'd that idiot comment come from?

California always has higher gas prices than the rest of the country

No shit, Sherlock.

But that doesn't mean their prices don't get factored into the average...

And gas runs around $3/gal give or take fifty cents. Which is right where it is now on average

You gonna call me a liar because i paid 10 cents less than the asshole Beagle?

Did you even bother to look at the table I linked to?

The average price of gas is not $3-$3.50 a gallon. Continuing to insist otherwise only shows how willfully ignorant you are...
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Fiscal responsibility? Are you kidding?

DiSantis Isn’t asking for fiscal responsibility now that it’s him on need.

He just wants the money

He's already said that he would want any aid package offered to Florida to be fiscally sound.

You really need to look into things a bit more before you post. You're making yourself look like a fool...
I said that gad was in the $3.40 range and you call me a liar because you paid to cents more than that?

Are you ill? On drugs? Just an asshole?
Grow up!

Why do you work so hard to look so foolish?

All it takes is for me to post the FACTS.

Today’s Gas Prices By State

Kelly Anne Smith
Kelly Anne Smith
Forbes Advisor Staff
Korrena Bailie
Reviewed By
Korrena Bailie
Updated: Sep 30, 2022, 8:22am

Today’s average price of gas in the U.S. is $3.80 per gallon, up $0.02 from yesterday, up $0.11 from last week and down $0.05 from last month.

The rise in gas prices comes after a few months of straight declines. A flurry of issues have contributed to higher gas prices this year, including rebounding demand in gasoline after Covid lockdowns, lower supplies and sanctions on Russian gas imports across the globe.

While gas prices may have not returned to their peak, they remain high. The average price of a gallon of gas one year ago today was $3.19.

He's already said that he would want any aid package offered to Florida to be fiscally sound.

You really need to look into things a bit more before you post. You're making yourself look like a fool...
Like the political hack he is.
Why do you hate great leadership tied with great fiscal responsibility? Unless, of course, you support the nightmare we have today.
You didn't have to ask that question, because the answer is clear by his positions taken. These people are experts at deflection, excuse making, and undermining this country for their destructive wants and needs.
No laughing at you bringing up crap a far right nutter group runs from.
No one's running from anything except for you cult loyalist. The same way y'all ran from the lap top that belonged to none other than your favorite painter Hunter Biden. Keep digging your hole boy, everyone's laughing at you.
He is a blustery showman, just like Orange Jesus. Nothing more and maybe less.
Who knew someone could be so desperate and petty?

Governor DeSantis is doing a remarkable job and you whine. The only reason you're whining is that you know he is going to be in the Oval Office come 2024 and will begin to fix the disaster caused by Democrats.

Tough to be you.
As usual this whole thing is based on misinformation.

Republican's voted against this bill because it was unconsciously high, contained all manner of "side bar" spending that totaled $9.7 billion. The Democrats never let a disaster go to waste, so they piled up favors, pork and other initiatives in the bill they called "NY storm relief".
ALSO - Republicans stated that the bill is not needed because there is a $63.4 Billion allotment already set aside for Hurricane relief so why do we need additional spending? All that was needed to was to increase the amounts FEMA could take due to flooding from that $63.4 Billion. Not a whole other spending bill on top of that.
But, as usual, the Democrats call Republicans evil for not helping people...and refusing to spend money on disaster relief - when THER WAS ALREADY MONEY ASIDE FOR IT.
As a freshman congressman in 2013, Ron DeSantis was unambiguous: A federal bailout for the New York region after Hurricane Sandy was an irresponsible boondoggle, a symbol of the “put it on the credit card mentality” he had come to Washington to oppose.

“I sympathize with the victims,” he said. But his answer was no.

Nearly a decade later, as his state confronts the devastation and costly destruction wrought by Hurricane Ian, Mr. DeSantis is appealing to the nation’s better angels — and betting on its short memory.

The present circumstances have inspired a less swaggering posture toward a leader whom Mr. DeSantis has long called “Brandon” as a recurring troll, aimed at the man he might like to succeed. “Dear Mr. President,” the governor’s request for a major disaster declaration and federal assistance began on Wednesday.

“Ironically,” said David Jolly, a former Republican congressman from Florida, “there’s nobody in America that Ron DeSantis needs more than Joe Biden.”

Some Northeastern lawmakers, including Republicans, have not forgotten how Mr. DeSantis and some of his peers responded when the New York area was under duress. “Year after year, we had given them billions of dollars,” said Peter King, a former Republican congressman from Long Island, alluding to aid packages for Southern states and calling the resistance to Sandy relief his angriest moment in office. “Every one of them comes to New York to raise money. They either go to the Hamptons or they go to Manhattan. And both areas were devastated by Sandy.”

I just heard this discussed on the radio, and as I suspected, this whole thread is a gigantic LIE cooked up by Fagnus.

Previously DeSantis was arguing about the merits of how to deal with the issue, not that it shouldnt be dealt with. As always, democrats just want to throw a bucket of money at a problems and hope a few of the dollars do a little bit of good. DeSanitis said, No, that is not the way to deal with this issue.

Today, it is an entirely different matter. Today he is actually doing his job as governor applying for the disaster aid. Its an application, not a discussion of the mechanics of how aid is paid for and delivered.

Once again, we have another lying sack of shit Democrat spewing out fake news propaganda.
Who knew someone could be so desperate and petty?

Governor DeSantis is doing a remarkable job and you whine. The only reason you're whining is that you know he is going to be in the Oval Office come 2024 and will begin to fix the disaster caused by Democrats.

Tough to be you.

DeSatan is a mini me tRump, only even more of a coward. Sux to be you worshipping this weak child.

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