DeSantis, Once a ‘No’ on Storm Aid, Petitions a President He’s Bashed

As a freshman congressman in 2013, Ron DeSantis was unambiguous: A federal bailout for the New York region after Hurricane Sandy was an irresponsible boondoggle, a symbol of the “put it on the credit card mentality” he had come to Washington to oppose.

“I sympathize with the victims,” he said. But his answer was no.

Nearly a decade later, as his state confronts the devastation and costly destruction wrought by Hurricane Ian, Mr. DeSantis is appealing to the nation’s better angels — and betting on its short memory.

The present circumstances have inspired a less swaggering posture toward a leader whom Mr. DeSantis has long called “Brandon” as a recurring troll, aimed at the man he might like to succeed. “Dear Mr. President,” the governor’s request for a major disaster declaration and federal assistance began on Wednesday.

“Ironically,” said David Jolly, a former Republican congressman from Florida, “there’s nobody in America that Ron DeSantis needs more than Joe Biden.”

Some Northeastern lawmakers, including Republicans, have not forgotten how Mr. DeSantis and some of his peers responded when the New York area was under duress. “Year after year, we had given them billions of dollars,” said Peter King, a former Republican congressman from Long Island, alluding to aid packages for Southern states and calling the resistance to Sandy relief his angriest moment in office. “Every one of them comes to New York to raise money. They either go to the Hamptons or they go to Manhattan. And both areas were devastated by Sandy.”

Gee; fancy wanting a President to do their job??? Whodathunkit??

As a freshman congressman in 2013, Ron DeSantis was unambiguous: A federal bailout for the New York region after Hurricane Sandy was an irresponsible boondoggle, a symbol of the “put it on the credit card mentality” he had come to Washington to oppose.

“I sympathize with the victims,” he said. But his answer was no.

Nearly a decade later, as his state confronts the devastation and costly destruction wrought by Hurricane Ian, Mr. DeSantis is appealing to the nation’s better angels — and betting on its short memory.

The present circumstances have inspired a less swaggering posture toward a leader whom Mr. DeSantis has long called “Brandon” as a recurring troll, aimed at the man he might like to succeed. “Dear Mr. President,” the governor’s request for a major disaster declaration and federal assistance began on Wednesday.

“Ironically,” said David Jolly, a former Republican congressman from Florida, “there’s nobody in America that Ron DeSantis needs more than Joe Biden.”

Some Northeastern lawmakers, including Republicans, have not forgotten how Mr. DeSantis and some of his peers responded when the New York area was under duress. “Year after year, we had given them billions of dollars,” said Peter King, a former Republican congressman from Long Island, alluding to aid packages for Southern states and calling the resistance to Sandy relief his angriest moment in office. “Every one of them comes to New York to raise money. They either go to the Hamptons or they go to Manhattan. And both areas were devastated by Sandy.”

So you are against politicians changing their minds on issues and believe they should be forced to stick with their original positions no matter what...?!

Got it...thanks.
So you are against politicians changing their minds on issues and believe they should be forced to stick with their original positions no matter what...?!

Got it...thanks.

It's also not a direct comparison. DeSantis voted against the bill providing re-building funds, not the immediate aid he is currently getting from the Feds. The current aid is part of FEMA's standard mission and funding.
I beg you to do a complete comparison of Trump and Biden, and don't leave out the diary... Go.
I would ask that, in a thread about DeSantis, all Trump-haters and would-be thread hijackers bugger off and start their own thread comparing Trump to Biden...GO!
So you are against politicians changing their minds on issues and believe they should be forced to stick with their original positions no matter what...?!

Got it...thanks.
Oh I see...DiSantis "changed his mind" about Federal aid to states in an emergency...Oh

Woulda been nice if he had done it when HE was not going to be the beneficiary of that aid huh?

Nah...he (and virtually the entire GOP) was against it when it was for Dems states that needed it and now that Florida needs it...he "changed his mind".

Wanna bet he'd change it back again the next time a Dem state (or what he considers to be a RINO state) needs Federal aid?
So long as universal theft from productive people in the form of taxation is going to exist it is not hypocritical to want some of it back to make repairs.
I said that gad was in the $3.40 range and you call me a liar because you paid to cents more than that?

Are you ill? On drugs? Just an asshole?

The average price for a gallon of regular unleaded in California is $6.29.

The average cost is over $4 a gallon in 12 states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington.

But even at $3.40 a gallon, that represents an increase of more than a dollar then when Biden took office. Biden saw steady increases in gas prices for the first 10 months of his presidency. The price dipped about 9¢ a gallon in December of 2021, and then it climbed steadily for three months before dropping down about 10¢ in April of this year. By July, the average price was up to $5.03 per gallon.

U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)

It's funny to watch ignorant liberals lauding the fact our gas prices are in the mid 3's, when that still represents a substantial increase since Biden took office. Idiot libs want us to be impressed with our current prices.

Well, get gas prices down to where they were per-Biden, take some ownership for helping to cause the problem, and then I'll be impressed, and not a minute sooner...
The average price for a gallon of regular unleaded in California is $6.29.

The average cost is over $4 a gallon in 12 states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington.

But even at $3.40 a gallon, that represents an increase of more than a dollar then when Biden took office. Biden saw steady increases in gas prices for the first 10 months of his presidency. The price dipped about 9¢ a gallon in December of 2021, and then it climbed steadily for three months before dropping down about 10¢ in April of this year. By July, the average price was up to $5.03 per gallon.

U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)

It's funny to watch ignorant liberals lauding the fact our gas prices are in the mid 3's, when that still represents a substantial increase since Biden took office. Idiot libs want us to be impressed with our current prices.

Well, get gas prices down to where they were per-Biden, take some ownership for helping to cause the problem, and then I'll be impressed, and not a minute sooner...
You NEED high gas prices politically huh?

California always has higher gas prices than the rest of the country

And gas runs around $3/gal give or take fifty cents. Which is right where it is now on average

You gonna call me a liar because i paid 10 cents less than the asshole Beagle?
Inflation has been considerably higher

Gas is almost back to normal price. Certainly not record at $3.40/gal

What "energy prices are you talking about?

"Consumer demands"?

WTF are you babbling about

record number crossing? Nope

Worst stock market? What planet are you on?

You are insane

None of which has to do with the hypocrisy of bitching about Federal aid for other states and then begging for it for your state

I'm just curious, why do you seemingly take such pride in your ignorance? Is it real or do you really know better but love being a troll?

This explains our inflation to you. I'm sure you'll squeal, whine, and play the fool, but this is the real world.


Damn that Biden. He must have that power Trump has. All he has to do is think about something to make it happen. And now he's causing inflation in Europe too.

Trump didn't have high inflation, and Europe is making the same mistakes as Biden with the same outcome, imagine that.
I can't stand DeSatan, but that should have absolutely nothing to do with it. Those people are in need and should get whatever help the Fed gubnit can give them.
Why do you hate great leadership tied with great fiscal responsibility? Unless, of course, you support the nightmare we have today.

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