DeSantis, Once a ‘No’ on Storm Aid, Petitions a President He’s Bashed

Record inflation
Record gas prices
Record energy prices
Record consumer demands
Record number of illegals crossing the border
And the worst stock market in history.

Remember awhile back how the left touted the markets? They're a disaster
Record inflation
Record gas prices
Record energy prices
Record consumer demands
Record number of illegals crossing the border
And the worst stock market in history.
Inflation has been considerably higher

Gas is almost back to normal price. Certainly not record at $3.40/gal

What "energy prices are you talking about?

"Consumer demands"?

WTF are you babbling about

record number crossing? Nope

Worst stock market? What planet are you on?

You are insane

None of which has to do with the hypocrisy of bitching about Federal aid for other states and then begging for it for your state
As a freshman congressman in 2013, Ron DeSantis was unambiguous: A federal bailout for the New York region after Hurricane Sandy was an irresponsible boondoggle, a symbol of the “put it on the credit card mentality” he had come to Washington to oppose.

“I sympathize with the victims,” he said. But his answer was no.

Nearly a decade later, as his state confronts the devastation and costly destruction wrought by Hurricane Ian, Mr. DeSantis is appealing to the nation’s better angels — and betting on its short memory.

The present circumstances have inspired a less swaggering posture toward a leader whom Mr. DeSantis has long called “Brandon” as a recurring troll, aimed at the man he might like to succeed. “Dear Mr. President,” the governor’s request for a major disaster declaration and federal assistance began on Wednesday.

“Ironically,” said David Jolly, a former Republican congressman from Florida, “there’s nobody in America that Ron DeSantis needs more than Joe Biden.”

Some Northeastern lawmakers, including Republicans, have not forgotten how Mr. DeSantis and some of his peers responded when the New York area was under duress. “Year after year, we had given them billions of dollars,” said Peter King, a former Republican congressman from Long Island, alluding to aid packages for Southern states and calling the resistance to Sandy relief his angriest moment in office. “Every one of them comes to New York to raise money. They either go to the Hamptons or they go to Manhattan. And both areas were devastated by Sandy.”

No matter about what he did in the past. He bashing Joe is the patriotic thing to do.
Record inflation

Actually it's not - worst since the late 70s maybe but certainly not the worst.

Record gas prices

Okay, how did that happen? He's also used the SPR to bring prices down, btw.

Record energy prices

Same shit.

Record consumer demands

Because they have money and jobs.

Record number of illegals crossing the border

Refugees. They're here legally.

And the worst stock market in history.

I guess you're 10 years old then and don't remember 2008.
As a freshman congressman in 2013, Ron DeSantis was unambiguous: A federal bailout for the New York region after Hurricane Sandy was an irresponsible boondoggle, a symbol of the “put it on the credit card mentality” he had come to Washington to oppose.

“I sympathize with the victims,” he said. But his answer was no.

Nearly a decade later, as his state confronts the devastation and costly destruction wrought by Hurricane Ian, Mr. DeSantis is appealing to the nation’s better angels — and betting on its short memory.

The present circumstances have inspired a less swaggering posture toward a leader whom Mr. DeSantis has long called “Brandon” as a recurring troll, aimed at the man he might like to succeed. “Dear Mr. President,” the governor’s request for a major disaster declaration and federal assistance began on Wednesday.

“Ironically,” said David Jolly, a former Republican congressman from Florida, “there’s nobody in America that Ron DeSantis needs more than Joe Biden.”

Some Northeastern lawmakers, including Republicans, have not forgotten how Mr. DeSantis and some of his peers responded when the New York area was under duress. “Year after year, we had given them billions of dollars,” said Peter King, a former Republican congressman from Long Island, alluding to aid packages for Southern states and calling the resistance to Sandy relief his angriest moment in office. “Every one of them comes to New York to raise money. They either go to the Hamptons or they go to Manhattan. And both areas were devastated by Sandy.”

Happens all the time...

People bash the spending of money when it's not their own people suffering...

People bash political opponents when time and circumstances permit...

Then they turn around and cooperate (or seek cooperation) in times of trouble...

Dog Bites Man.

Not exactly news...

Heck... by today's poor standards, it's not even hypocrisy...

Dog Bites Man.
Then it's time to change the asylum laws and processes so that they are NOT here legally, and so that we can easily deport them.

We need both parties to stop ignoring reality. I agree we can't take in every man, woman, and child who wants to come from south of the border - it's unsustainable in the long run. But for most of the past 2 years we've had a major labor shortage that could have been partially filled with immigrant labor.
LOL Helping people affected by natural disasters is pork? Well then, we should apply the same rationale to Florida.

Lucky for you idiots, the president and the Dems are honorable people and won't play politics.
You’re dreaming….Florida, an important state in elections, will not be ignored. Neither will your callous attempt to deny help for your fellow citizens.
Inflation has been considerably higher

Gas is almost back to normal price. Certainly not record at $3.40/gal

What "energy prices are you talking about?

"Consumer demands"?

WTF are you babbling about

record number crossing? Nope

Worst stock market? What planet are you on?

You are insane

None of which has to do with the hypocrisy of bitching about Federal aid for other states and then begging for it for your state
Every bit of that is true. Biden is the worst president ever.
We need both parties to stop ignoring reality. I agree we can't take in every man, woman, and child who wants to come from south of the border - it's unsustainable in the long run. But for most of the past 2 years we've had a major labor shortage that could have been partially filled with immigrant labor.

The old "labor shortage" argument... now augmented by post-pandemic sluggishness to re-engage in the workforce.

Pay American workers more and introduce more automation into low-end worker-bee -type jobs.

I will pay my fair share of "more" as a consumer.

Worker-Bee Visas are OK too... but only as very temporary seasonal permits with close monitoring of whereabouts and enforced exit times.

We are a nation of 330,000,000+ souls... that's a third-of-a-billion.

There is no need for even one single new immigrant for years to come.

If we cannot find what we need amongst our existing human talent-pool then we don't need it.

It's time to declare (and vigorously enforce) a 10- or 20-year moratorium on ALL immigration and to choke-off all but a limited No. of asylum applications.
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He was NEVER a "No" on storm aid.

He was a "NO" on political payoff known as "pork".
Exactly. Dems never miss an opportunity to load up a bill with extra crap and paint anyone against it as against what is supposed to be the reason for the bill. DeSantis is unafraid of that tactic and does not play that game.
Actually it's not - worst since the late 70s maybe but certainly not the worst.

Okay, how did that happen? He's also used the SPR to bring prices down, btw.

Same shit.

Because they have money and jobs.

Refugees. They're here legally.

I guess you're 10 years old then and don't remember 2008.
You can say what you want but Americans see exactly what I'm saying. Your lies won't work any longer.
Andrew had a 17 foot surge at the Burger King HQ on Old Cutler and a 110 foot ship was pushed 1/2 mile inland.

I lived it, so suck a fat bag of dicks, you liar.

Global warming did not cause Ian. You dumb motherfucker.
That's one of the goofiest responses I've seen here in quite a while.

Ian is still a hurricane and you're belly aching about which was worse?

As Hillary has said, what difference does it make.

Grow up.
We need both parties to stop ignoring reality. I agree we can't take in every man, woman, and child who wants to come from south of the border - it's unsustainable in the long run. But for most of the past 2 years we've had a major labor shortage that could have been partially filled with immigrant labor.
No labor shortage, just a labor shift... American's aren't wanted for labor any longer, because they have been destroyed in the leftist brainwashed Utopic world thinking of "my little Johnny and Susie won't ever have to work like I did in life", so I'm supporting the bringing in of million's of low skilled, low wage expecting labourers so my little Johnny and Susie will be able to have them slave for them whist they sit a top of the heap.

Problem is little Johnny and Susie didn't find a quick slot in that Utopic world that was being created for them, and so they with million's of other's fell by the wayside, getting caught up in everything the evil one had quickly laid as a trap for them. Otherwise the Utopic plan has failed, and now a huge surge in illegal migrants to slave away for the rich will come in and find a machine running without it's past operator's on station. Lucky them, because where they come from anything is good to them, but first those spoiled rotten young Americans had to be either destroyed in order to make it all work or be coddled by their parents generational wealth that will protect them till it's gone or they become the next generation of metaphorical plantation owners who will be using cheap migrant labor for many of the job's that American's once did with pride and a purpose, but have been replaced now by lying greed loving traitor's at the top who want their cheap labor instead. No one should be fooled by what has been going on at this point in time.

The traitorous activities of Americans undermining their own countrymen and women for an idiot greed driven agenda that has undermined the strength and unity of this country within, should be met with stern penalties if a multitude of trial's we're to begin taking place concerning such traitorous activities.
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