DeSantis, Once a ‘No’ on Storm Aid, Petitions a President He’s Bashed

Oh, he'll be back. Won't back up his statements but he will be back to troll. That's all these idiots are good for.
Yea, he'll be back, but not to answer the question. They troll around on other threads until the dust settles, waiting until we forget.
Maybe y'all lefties should wait for the federal response to damage assessment before you accuse DeSantis of hypocrisy.
Damage is damage right? What specifically is the pork DeSantis was referring to with Sandy? That other goober couldn't answer. Maybe you can?
Wrong. The wind damage of Andrew might have been worse, but as anyone with an IQ over room temperature knows, floods kill more people than wind. This storm surge probably killed more Floridians than Andrew.

NO SURGE? This is the ship that was pushed inland by Andrew.

From the Atlantic.

So shut the fuck up, you dumb fuck.
Andrew had a 17 foot surge at the Burger King HQ on Old Cutler and a 110 ship was pushed 1/2 mile inland.

I lived it, so suck a fat bag of dicks, you liar.

Global warming did not cause Ian. You dumb motherfucker.
Are you a scientist? :laughing0301: :abgg2q.jpg: :spinner: :aargh: 🤪 :banana2: :auiqs.jpg:
As a freshman congressman in 2013, Ron DeSantis was unambiguous: A federal bailout for the New York region after Hurricane Sandy was an irresponsible boondoggle, a symbol of the “put it on the credit card mentality” he had come to Washington to oppose.

“I sympathize with the victims,” he said. But his answer was no.

Nearly a decade later, as his state confronts the devastation and costly destruction wrought by Hurricane Ian, Mr. DeSantis is appealing to the nation’s better angels — and betting on its short memory.

The present circumstances have inspired a less swaggering posture toward a leader whom Mr. DeSantis has long called “Brandon” as a recurring troll, aimed at the man he might like to succeed. “Dear Mr. President,” the governor’s request for a major disaster declaration and federal assistance began on Wednesday.

“Ironically,” said David Jolly, a former Republican congressman from Florida, “there’s nobody in America that Ron DeSantis needs more than Joe Biden.”

Some Northeastern lawmakers, including Republicans, have not forgotten how Mr. DeSantis and some of his peers responded when the New York area was under duress. “Year after year, we had given them billions of dollars,” said Peter King, a former Republican congressman from Long Island, alluding to aid packages for Southern states and calling the resistance to Sandy relief his angriest moment in office. “Every one of them comes to New York to raise money. They either go to the Hamptons or they go to Manhattan. And both areas were devastated by Sandy.”

Yep. Rhonda Santa’s will have to cater to Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer for that money.

Dear America:
"Please tread on Florida.
I know. I know. This isn’t the message you’ve been hearing from us on the $25 T-shirts for sale on the Gov. Ron DeSantis re-election site.
But we here in Florida are temporarily suspending all criticisms of federal handouts and any other form of socialism. And as for those “Don’t Tread on Florida” T-shirts, ball caps and flags, we’re not in a go-it-alone mood anymore"

"Maybe we could just unload that outdated-messaged merchandise as rags for the relief workers from other states who will come here to help us in our time of need. You see, Hurricane Ian has temporarily washed away our bootstraps with the storm surge. And now we can’t pull them up on our own. So, what we really need right now is to rejoin the United States of America so we can rely on the all-for-one ethos of this country, an ethos we’ve suddenly become fond of"

Now that is telling the people of Florida.
Damage is damage right? What specifically is the pork DeSantis was referring to with Sandy? That other goober couldn't answer. Maybe you can?
We really don't know, do we at this stage? Maybe when it is determined that DeSantis has done a surperb job and that Biden wasn't aware, we will be able to make a comparison of agenda.
LOL Helping people affected by natural disasters is pork? Well then, we should apply the same rationale to Florida.

Lucky for you idiots, the president and the Dems are honorable people and won't play politics.

Also, the aid he is requesting from the feds right now has already been paid for and appropriated, what he voted against was a bill for the post disaster repairs.
Andrew was worse in 1992. Seems like these storms are getting less intense.
Your Sharpie is wrong, but nice try.
He was NEVER a "No" on storm aid.

He was a "NO" on political payoff known as "pork".
Don't worry, Dark Brandon will step up, leave politics aside & save Ronny Boy's sorry ass so that he doesn't have to hurt his head trying to figure things out.

Dear America:
"Please tread on Florida.
I know. I know. This isn’t the message you’ve been hearing from us on the $25 T-shirts for sale on the Gov. Ron DeSantis re-election site.
But we here in Florida are temporarily suspending all criticisms of federal handouts and any other form of socialism. And as for those “Don’t Tread on Florida” T-shirts, ball caps and flags, we’re not in a go-it-alone mood anymore"

"Maybe we could just unload that outdated-messaged merchandise as rags for the relief workers from other states who will come here to help us in our time of need. You see, Hurricane Ian has temporarily washed away our bootstraps with the storm surge. And now we can’t pull them up on our own. So, what we really need right now is to rejoin the United States of America so we can rely on the all-for-one ethos of this country, an ethos we’ve suddenly become fond of"

Now that is telling the people of Florida.
"WE THE PEOPLE" only applies for special occassions. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: The "don't tread on me/pull yourself up by the bootstrap" crowd doesn't exist today.

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