DeSantis Orders Biden to Keep His Federal School Board Cops Out of Florida

what the fuck does that have to do with the PATRIOT Act you fucking moron?

are you truly this stupid or is it just an act for the internet?
The Patriot Act is tyranny towards citizens. Just as Homeland Security and the TSA. Progs did not get rid of this. Prog helped to expand it. When parents complain to school boards are being called domestic terrorists then you know we are a nation of tyranny. And Progs are right there in the forefront. When it is over, all the social justice rights will be removed or reduced. For a much poorer nation will have to have nuclear families pushed for some sense of survival and economy. The other way was having freedom and doing the responsible things needed to keep it. Who knows? Maybe people will start burning down the schools. And there is precedent for it. As the BLM and Antifa domestic terrorists were allowed to do it. You remember that. For months and years. Over and over and over.
Counterpoint: in this day and age disagreeing and not wanting to follow along is considered violent. "Words are violence" that's an actual phrase people toss out when someone disagrees with them.

People today use extreme language to describe non extreme situations all the time.

Don't want to date a tranny? You're a transphobe hater.

Protest and disagree with the government? You're a terrorist dissented and you're "a threat".

Think black criminals should be prosecuted for crimes? You're a racist.

Don't want to wear a mask? You should be denied healthcare and you're killing people.

I take their words as meaningless without actual real proof. Because anytime anyone doesn't like something they go from 0 to 100. Even the fact they ran right to the president of the united states shows they go to immediate extremes. And they want the fbi involved? Jesus, they probably would want to call in a nuclear strike if they had a wasps nest on their home.

The letter they wrote the president was all completely all strong and extreme language used to describe a worst case scenario. You'd think they were being threatened, beaten and murder by the dozens everyday as if they are literally under siege by thousands and thousands of people every minute of their lives.

A threat is a threat. Violence is violence. We seemingly are being inundated by chronological adults who obviously were not brought up well, were not taught manners, and do not know how to restrain their behavior in public. I'm glad that my parents aren't around to see these ill-bred people. People are making threats all over the place now, not just toward school-board members. And running around in combat gear. And running around with guns. They are not innocent and they are not to be trusted by normal people.

The "examples" you gave prove nothing. You can protest all you want, but don't make threats if you don't want to be labeled a terrorist. I've done some protesting myself. I even made my own signs and marched in downtown Washington. If you don't want to date a transgendered person, then don't. Whom you date is your business. I don't know why you are singling out black criminals as opposed to criminals of all races and colors. I think that all criminals should be prosecuted. Moreover, which black criminals have not been prosecuted while criminals of other races have been? People who refuse to wear a mask should be treated as deliberate disease spreaders who, when they come down with Covid, hog hospital beds that should be given to decent people who have acted responsibly to protect our society. These people not only choose their fate, but endanger others.

There is no reason for the FBI to waste its resources on people who merely raise objections at school-board meetings. They do get a turn to speak. The FBI is only going after threats and violence, as it should.
The FBI is too busy trying to arrest peaceful protesters to be messing with silly local issues like this....but that's what Garland wants them to do.
Claiming that angry parents are terrorists while supporting BLM & ANTIFA......that rich.

As usual you demonstrate what a shitass you are. Jan 6 was not peaceful. There is nothing peaceful about tasering a police officer. Or attacking another with a hockey stick. Or House members barricading the doors to the House chambers. You are clearly a terrorist.
They were protestors, not terrorists, drama queen. Your posts are ludicrous.

They attacked numerous police officers with anything they could get their hands on. House members were forced to barricade the doors to the chamber. This was a terrorist attack.

Conflict of interest.

No conflict of interest. Investigating threats against any government officials is one of the FBI's functions.
The Patriot Act is tyranny towards citizens. Just as Homeland Security and the TSA. Progs did not get rid of this. Prog helped to expand it. When parents complain to school boards are being called domestic terrorists then you know we are a nation of tyranny. And Progs are right there in the forefront. When it is over, all the social justice rights will be removed or reduced. For a much poorer nation will have to have nuclear families pushed for some sense of survival and economy. The other way was having freedom and doing the responsible things needed to keep it. Who knows? Maybe people will start burning down the schools. And there is precedent for it. As the BLM and Antifa domestic terrorists were allowed to do it. You remember that. For months and years. Over and over and over.

When parents are threatening school boards, they are domestic terrorists. We know that Trump supporters are tyrants as you condone these threats.
What is that? Using the Patriot act to harass Americans exercising their rights?
Federal law is the supreme law of the land.

Federal authorities are at complete liberty to enforce Federal laws at the state and local level.

And there’s nothing Republican tyrants like DeSantis can do about it (see Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).
I will always wonder what people like trump, deSantis, and Abbott want. To dominate the rest of Americans? For what reason? Were they done some sort of harm by the rest of us?
I will always wonder what people like trump, deSantis, and Abbott want. To dominate the rest of Americans? For what reason? Were they done some sort of harm by the rest of us?
Why do you think that kind of projection means anything at all? Are you stupid? Rhetorical question.
Why do you think that kind of projection means anything at all? Are you stupid? Rhetorical question.
No. I wonder what is the source of their sickness. They want to order everyone around. What have they suffered that makes them this way? They enjoy the same rights and freedoms as all Americans do, and they are forcing us to fight to keep them.

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