DeSantis Orders Biden to Keep His Federal School Board Cops Out of Florida

This is why the Patriot act was voted into law, for this very reason.

And you fools cheered when it was.
Many did not. But tell us who to vote for. Yu guys in blue areas promote freedom to destroy in high tax areas. Leaving the criminal codes opened to destroy citizens wh0 follow the rules and laws.
Many did not. But tell us who to vote for. Yu guys in blue areas promote freedom to destroy in high tax areas. Leaving the criminal codes opened to destroy citizens wh0 follow the rules and laws.

who to vote for is easy, anyone that does not have an (R) or (D) by their name on the ballot.
The local cops can handle threats and violence at school boards.

I don’t want to see the FBI tied up investigating hundreds of parents who are upset that the school systems their children are attending are teaching critical race theory Marxist socialism or promoting sex change for young children. The FBI should have more important people to investigate.

Thugs who are threatening public officials is important. Investigating terrorism attacks are the FBI's business.
DeSantis can NOT legally be, Trump's VP. The VP and President, can NOT be from the same State.
What????...............You better delete that post before you get laughed off

Where did I mention Trump in my post. You imagine it or sumpin?
The FBI has been directed to investigate THREATS and VIOLENCE, not some parents who are upset about some curriculum item. Who does this DeSantis think he is? He apparently fancies himself to be some sort of Big Fat Mighty Whitey. Disgusting. He needs for somebody to smack him silly.

Keep this up! You're killing liberalism!
The FBI is not investigating these upset parents. It is investigating threats and violence. Today we are facing what occurs on on the internet, non-local circulation of money and formation of conspiracies. Nothing is "local" anymore. For example, there is some some dust-up about the supposed teaching of "CRT" in Louden County, Va., schools, which should be a local issue, but people outside of Louden County are getting involved and interfering. Money and agitators are coming in from outside the county to fuel the fire.

The FBI has the ability to trace outsiders, track people throughout the United States, and uncover interstate conspiracies. I live in northern Virginia. In the days before Jan. 6 people were coming here from other states bringing weapons with them and stockpiling them in hotels in our neighborhoods! We didn't know that these vermin were gathering here.
Kinda like the way blm goes across the country to towns demanding confederate statues? Even vandalizing them? There hasn't been any threats, if there were. The media would be all over it.
The FBI has been directed to investigate THREATS and VIOLENCE, not some parents who are upset about some curriculum item. Who does this DeSantis think he is? He apparently fancies himself to be some sort of Big Fat Mighty Whitey. Disgusting. He needs for somebody to smack him silly.
The FBI is too busy trying to arrest peaceful protesters to be messing with silly local issues like this....but that's what Garland wants them to do.
Claiming that angry parents are terrorists while supporting BLM & ANTIFA......that rich.
The FBI has been directed to investigate THREATS and VIOLENCE, not some parents who are upset about some curriculum item. Who does this DeSantis think he is? He apparently fancies himself to be some sort of Big Fat Mighty Whitey. Disgusting. He needs for somebody to smack him silly.
As you know, there has been no violence. These are parents objecting to what is being shoved down their kids throats. It is.called Freedom of Speech.

Meanwhile, murder and violent crime is skyrocketing and our Southern border remains open.

We're in deep trouble and President Biden's priority are parents protesting their kids forced curriculum.

What is he doing to get the rest of our citizens out of Afghanistan?
So are there lots of arrests being made of people threatening school board members?
That's what President Biden has ordered his radical DOJ to do. In a unconstitutional effort to stop the protests against the Far Left's Socialist agenda.
The FBI has been directed to investigate THREATS and VIOLENCE, not some parents who are upset about some curriculum item. Who does this DeSantis think he is? He apparently fancies himself to be some sort of Big Fat Mighty Whitey. Disgusting. He needs for somebody to smack him silly.

Counterpoint: in this day and age disagreeing and not wanting to follow along is considered violent. "Words are violence" that's an actual phrase people toss out when someone disagrees with them.

People today use extreme language to describe non extreme situations all the time.

Don't want to date a tranny? You're a transphobe hater.

Protest and disagree with the government? You're a terrorist dissented and you're "a threat".

Think black criminals should be prosecuted for crimes? You're a racist.

Don't want to wear a mask? You should be denied healthcare and you're killing people.

I take their words as meaningless without actual real proof. Because anytime anyone doesn't like something they go from 0 to 100. Even the fact they ran right to the president of the united states shows they go to immediate extremes. And they want the fbi involved? Jesus, they probably would want to call in a nuclear strike if they had a wasps nest on their home.

The letter they wrote the president was all completely all strong and extreme language used to describe a worst case scenario. You'd think they were being threatened, beaten and murder by the dozens everyday as if they are literally under siege by thousands and thousands of people every minute of their lives.

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