DeSantis rebukes Nikki Fried calling him a "tyrant" after being prodded by Fox & Friend's Steve Doocy

DeSantis does appear to be pushing the envelope to gain attention of the most extremists in his audience. Even moreso than does Trump himself.,,

I would be watching DeSantis very closely for signs of him promoting the cause of the FBI/DOJ, as the plot against Trump continues to gel.
You have to know what a resistance to you is before their doom if that is to occur.
I don't think he has anything to fear from Nikki "The Joker" Fried.


The governor of the best run state is called a "despot" because he responded (sniff sniff) to criticism while the carnage goes on in big democrat run cities like Chicago, L.A. and NYC. No surprises from lefties who would rather have our kids taught by drag queens.
DeSantis does appear to be pushing the envelope to gain attention of the most extremists in his audience. Even moreso than does Trump himself.,,

I would be watching DeSantis very closely for signs of him promoting the cause of the FBI/DOJ, as the plot against Trump continues to gel.

There is no "plot against Donald Trump". There is merely Trump, bumbling through life in his usual criminal fashion, but coming up against people who are calling him on his lies, and his crimes. As Trump continues to decline into a state of mental confusion and paranoia, the bill for the piper is coming due.
None if you talking about Whitmer and Cuomo.
None, are you a fucking moron? Of course you are, 10s of thousand of elderly and infirm died because those twits in Michigan and New York put diseased Kung Flu people in with them.

The current governor beat an African American male gay drug addict person who was caught in a motel room with a gay prostitute. DeSantis only won by forty thousand votes or so. Do you understand civilizations living and dying? Do you believe East Asia puts up with this? I know...Snoop Dog will lead you to the promised land. He is of the ending of an empire.

The former President of the United States is a self-admitted sex deviant who assaults women without even asking for consent. He's been sued by one of Jeffrey Epstein's victims who said that Donald Trump beat and raped her when she was 13 years old.

Matt Gaetz is being investigated for child sex trafficking.

Are you trying to claim that Republicans have higher moral standards than Democrats???? Seriously????
None, are you a fucking moron? Of course you are, 10s of thousand of elderly and infirm died because those twits in Michigan and New York put diseased Kung Flu people in with them.

These aren't credible sources at all. You need sources that can pass a fact check, Skippy.

It is called Liberty, Moon Bat.

You stupid Moon Bats define Liberty as despotism.

DeSantis is the best Governor in the US. He will make a great President.

You Moon Bats can't stand greatness. Just look at the last three Democrat Presidents: Slick Willy, The Worthless Negro and Potatohead.

Slick Willy balanced the budget and got the American economy back on the rails after 12 years of unemployment, higher user fees, and wage stagnation under the Republicans.

President Obama save the world's economy after W crashed it completely, and built the most successful econom the nation has ever seen - so much so that Trump took full credit for everything Obama did, and then ran his economy into a tree.

President Biden has just run circles around Donald Trump and restored some of the mess Trump made, but is well on his way to rebuilding a much stronger nation for working people.

And you want to restore the Donald Trump racism and revenge tour. Stupid is as stupid does.

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