DeSantis says Parkland shooter should have gotten the death penalty

Russia and S Korea have not used the death penalty in 25 years
Japan rarely uses it

It the U.S., most states either have abandoned it or rarely use it. Only Republican led states insist on it
For very good reason. Letting killers remain alive is incurring RISK.
DeSantis is doing all he can to ensure that he next sick SOB who wants to massacre school children will have free access to the weapons of his choice
To go to all the schools and other Gun Free Zones, sending the invitation to come right in and shoot up the place.
I am opposed to the death penalty, but if the law is on the books, this is definitely a case where it should be applied, if for no other reason that the total lack of remorse shown by the shooter.

THIS is the ultimate expression of "white privilege". He the shooter had been black, he'd already be dead.
Whites (especially cops) are being thrown in jail, who didn't even commit a crime, as long as the "victim" was black. All to keep the black community pacified, and prevent riots. Also to appeal for vote, in black majority constituencies.
A. Really???? So this notion that other first world countries aren't like the USA because they don't have large non-white populations is bullshit????

B. Executing killers isn't about "preventing one murder" because if that's what it was about, you'd have banned/restricted hand guns years ago. AR style weapons would be permanently banned because of the damage they do. And abortion would be fully legal everywhere.
AR weapons are same as handguns. (semi-automatic)
And I've yet to hear of a killer who murdered 30 people with his bare bands.
Who murdered 30 people with a gun ?

On the other hand, lots of people with a gun, have prevented themselves from being murdered BY 30 people. And it usually would require a large magazine.

Who here agrees?

Here is what one of the fathers of one of the victims said after the gunman shot dead 17 kids in school

"I'm disgusted with our legal system. I'm disgusted with those jurors," said Dr. Ilan Alhadeff, whose daughter Alyssa was one of the murder victims. "What do we have the death penalty for?"

I hear that it is even cheaper to house such criminals for life than it is to put them through the process of killing them if they do agree to the death penalty.

And even though the legal system says the shooter will never get out, in the back of your mind you just know their is a Fetterman like democrat just waiting to reverse that decision and let them out.
In the strictest sense, I agree with the father. Insantis may feel that way but he also may be just playing to the base. You can't trust republicans to stand on principles...they have zero principles, character, or backbone--the democrats only slightly more.

As for what the father said...yeah; if we're going to have the death penalty...what in the hell are we holding back for when you have school kids getting murdered?
I would have agreed with your post if you hadn't included that bullshit about the Clintons in there. Why can't you people post without lying about a Democrat. Is this a requirement for all idiot posts - "Must defame and slander a Democrat"???

Are you that stupid?????
Clintons are one of America's to serial killers. Not lies. Evidence abounds.
Half of all of the illegal guns in Canada are smuggled in from the USA. Your nation is literally a menace to countries bordering it.
It is a victim to countries bordering it (especially Mexico). Want to talk about Fentanyl ? Remittances ? Human trafficking ?

Who here agrees?

Here is what one of the fathers of one of the victims said after the gunman shot dead 17 kids in school

"I'm disgusted with our legal system. I'm disgusted with those jurors," said Dr. Ilan Alhadeff, whose daughter Alyssa was one of the murder victims. "What do we have the death penalty for?"

I hear that it is even cheaper to house such criminals for life than it is to put them through the process of killing them if they do agree to the death penalty.

And even though the legal system says the shooter will never get out, in the back of your mind you just know their is a Fetterman like democrat just waiting to reverse that decision and let them out.
Liberals care morexabout the perps and their 'rights' than they do about the victims.

They even create these mass shooting events, as was the case recently when failed 'Zero Bail' policy allowed a criminal who should have been in prison for murder to be out free, during which time he committed a 'mass shooting'.

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