Zone1 In the Old Testament, you were to be killed even if you ATTEMPTED murder. Today... all freaks live!

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Since you could tell the child whatever you wanted, there would be no problem.
The only problem would be that if they learned the truth, then they would know their real parents were murdered so that their land could be stolen.
In which case then the child should revenge for their parents by killing the murderers.
And that would be justice.
There was no excuse at all for Joshua to invade Jericho.
It was murder and theft.

Saul disobeyed God, and didn't kill the one whose offspring came close to wiping out the Jews in Persia. Thanks to the guts of Esther, he was finally killed.
Yeh, I was reading my trusty Douay Rheims Bible the other day and found this in the Old T, how God told the Israelites, once the Chosen People, to put to death someone who even attempts (but fails) to murder someone.

Today, everyone is a wimp, a liberal idiot who says Let Everyone live--except those pesky children in the womb. They have to GO!

There was a story in the news about a guy who raped a 3 year old... could barely type those words. This time the system worked and he was given the death penalty. But there was a little problem in him actually getting put to death by the state. I need to read up on this story, but I know this one thing:

he was put to death by someone else, probably prisoners, because he died in prison recently. I'm going to get the link for this.

But it's amazing how people are liberal about... just any old criminal being able to live, and yet the same sicko party of which I speak doesn't have a problem mutilating and putting to death the most INNOCENT among us.

Well what did you expect? A primitive moral code invented by a primitive, ignorant people.
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