Desantis signs bill into LAW to not teach sex ed to children 5-8 years old in Florida

Core American values, principles and what is normal was established in this nation for this society long ago. This shit isn’t normal and it should never be considered normal. A family unit consists of one man and one woman...and possibly children.
This is nothing new, the Left has been trying to tear down and rewrite the unwritten rules for this society for sick fucks won’t give up on pushing anything and everything abnormal, indecent, immoral and filthy…it’s why good, real core Americans long for the day when Leftists are contained to Auschwitz type concentration camps. (I'll volunteer to be the gasser)

You might have a point there. By why just go with the list you hate.

At various times, this country - the "Good core Americans" as you call them, hated Catholics, Jews, Germans, Italians, Irish. My German Grandfather was called a Kraut and worse when he came to this country. (He changed his name from Ludwig to Louis to sound less German, and how he pronounced the family name.)

At the end of the day, we find that we all have more in common than we have different. As much as you go hysterical about gays, they really just want all the same things you want. The ironic thing is you spend time hating on them, Mexicans, blacks instead of being worried about the rich who are the ones screwing you over and making you a "Broke Loser".

The good news for you is; nutless conservatives will continue to allow you to shove whatever you want up their pussified asses...You just have to be patient, let them pretend to resist for a short period...they always fall into full me, they do.

They inevitably do because at the end of the day, your bigotries are kind of ugly and no one wants to be associated with them. The real problem is that the one percent have no longer found your homophobia to be politically useful.
Purging thousands of black people from the rolls in 2000. Rolling back voting rights for ex-convicts after the people of Florida voted to restore them. I could go on, but why bother.

Democracy terrifies you.
I’m sure only minorities were purged.
Any other bullshit you’d like to post?

How about Cuomo’s Criminal Reform?
Kill Whitey and pay a $150.00 fine.
I’m sure only minorities were purged.
Any other bullshit you’d like to post?

How about Cuomo’s Criminal Reform?
Kill Whitey and pay a $150.00 fine.

I'd ask you if you had a link to the person who only got a $150.00 fine, but it's probably some shit you are distorting.

Yes, the focus of Jeb Bush's purge was to get minorities off the voting rolls...
I'd ask you if you had a link to the person who only got a $150.00 fine, but it's probably some shit you are distorting.

Yes, the focus of Jeb Bush's purge was to get minorities off the voting rolls...
NYS Law.
I'd ask you if you had a link to the person who only got a $150.00 fine, but it's probably some shit you are distorting.

Yes, the focus of Jeb Bush's purge was to get minorities off the voting rolls...
BTW, the new DA in NYC won’t prosecute any crimes.
Maybe it’s you.
So is being straight just about sex? You must think there's a lot of sex going on out there.

Because kids have questions...

You do realize that homosexuality and bisexuality exist in the animal Kingdom, right? What doesn't exist in the animal Kingdom is homophobia. Animals just don't care.

November is coming. Then REpublicans will remind everyone how crazy they are, and Biden will get re-elected. Just like Clinton and Obama did.

Duly noted that you couldn't answer the question. You guys insisted that gay marriage would "Destroy the family'. Well, Gay marriage happened. Families were not destroyed. Imagine that.

Why is accepting other people a bad thing. As far as exploring, kids will explore. 1 in 8 men and 25% of women ADMIT to have tried gay sex at some point. And that's the ones who will admit it. The actual numbers are probably a lot higher.
Mental illness in the US is also on the rise........
And there you go again---admitting that the reason why gays want/are obsessing about getting to access young kids is to manipulate them into being gay or trying gay. "By accepting other people" you mean being gay which means more young sexual partners for the old fairies. Don't you realize that this would cause psychological issues for the kids? Leave the kids alone.
Purging thousands of black people from the rolls in 2000. Rolling back voting rights for ex-convicts after the people of Florida voted to restore them. I could go on, but why bother.

Democracy terrifies you.
Democracy doesn’t scare us, it’s how people like you are bastardizing it.
I turned on FOX (of course!) for the latest headlines and saw the governor of Florida happily signing that law.

The merits or demerits of that law aside, the saddest thing was to see little children who had been brought in to stand around the governor as he signed his name.

It is simply a fact that at least some of those children themselves will grow up to be gay or bisexual.

It was downright cruel to have used little children as props for the signing ceremony.
You mean like this? Plus look at the idiots! The ones that most likely have COVID and would die NO MASK... while having the kids who As of 3/16/22 made up less than 921 deaths. Less than 0.0012446%! And it is downright cruel right? Forcing THEM to wear masks while attending the signing by Biden!
Screen Shot 2022-04-03 at 9.26.23 AM.png
Really, when I grew up, we asked teachers about stuff we saw on TV all the time. And that's when we only had three channels to watch.

I don't recall ever having any personal or social conversations with teachers until I was a teen. But of course back in the day of three channels, we didn't have any questions because all the people on our television shows were normal.
I'd ask you if you had a link to the person who only got a $150.00 fine, but it's probably some shit you are distorting.

Yes, the focus of Jeb Bush's purge was to get minorities off the voting rolls...
I'd ask you for a link where someone on the right thinks gay people have sex 24x7.

or a link where the bill SAYS DON'T SAY GAY.

But those strawman only exist in your own hate.
What a surprise that JoeB thinks that teaching 5 YEAR OLDS about transgenderism and homosexuality is just A-OKAY…

He‘s not only deep into anti-Semitism , he’s also a triple A pedophiliac in his spare time.

November is coming Joe, You and your fellow perverted woketards are going to be in for a surprise.

Not too much of a surprise according to polls and the enthusiasm gap. Why do you suppose they are trying to pass a bill to fix the elections so they almost never lose? We know Democrats can't compete with Republicans in a fair election.
Mental illness in the US is also on the rise........
And there you go again---admitting that the reason why gays want/are obsessing about getting to access young kids is to manipulate them into being gay or trying gay. "By accepting other people" you mean being gay which means more young sexual partners for the old fairies. Don't you realize that this would cause psychological issues for the kids? Leave the kids alone.

Actually, no it isn't on the rise, we are just getting better at identifying it.

For instance, I suspect my late father suffered from PTSD due to his experiences in WWII. But they really didn't have a name for it in the 1970's, much less how to look for it.

Nobody is going to make your kid gay. Either they are going to be gay or they are going to be straight. no one gets up one morning and decides their sexual orientation. Being more accepting means accepting who you are and accepting who other people are. That's actually a GOOD thing.

Most gay kids are going to be gay with people their own age, for the same reason most straight people are going to be straight with people their own age.
I'd ask you if you had a link to the person who only got a $150.00 fine, but it's probably some shit you are distorting.

Yes, the focus of Jeb Bush's purge was to get minorities off the voting rolls...

How could he do that if the minorities responded to the request? Are you saying minorities are too stupid to return a postage paid card indicating they still want to stay on the voter rolls even though they didn't vote for a while?
Actually, no it isn't on the rise, we are just getting better at identifying it.

For instance, I suspect my late father suffered from PTSD due to his experiences in WWII. But they really didn't have a name for it in the 1970's, much less how to look for it.

Nobody is going to make your kid gay. Either they are going to be gay or they are going to be straight. no one gets up one morning and decides their sexual orientation. Being more accepting means accepting who you are and accepting who other people are. That's actually a GOOD thing.

Most gay kids are going to be gay with people their own age, for the same reason most straight people are going to be straight with people their own age.
well then, if they are going to be there of their own ambitions, no need to teach it in school.
Not too much of a surprise according to polls and the enthusiasm gap. Why do you suppose they are trying to pass a bill to fix the elections so they almost never lose? We know Democrats can't compete with Republicans in a fair election.

A fair election is "guy who gets the most votes, wins." Republicans live in mortal terror of that.

I don't recall ever having any personal or social conversations with teachers until I was a teen. But of course back in the day of three channels, we didn't have any questions because all the people on our television shows were normal.

Actually, you are the same age I am, and what I remember was the nuns ranting in class about what was on TV.

When they televised Bonnie and Clyde, (with Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway) the nuns decided they had to tell us that these were REALLY REALLY BAD PEOPLE who weren't pretty and didn't deserve to have a movie about them.

I also remember they organized a protest about the Helter Skelter mini-series, which was about about as dry as you could get as a legal procedural. Seriously, episodes of Law & Order are more exciting

Every week the Catholic Newspaper would issue a weekly list of movies on TV and at the theater with grades on them on what we weren't allowed to watch. Some of the picks were truly bizarre, like Universal's 1943 comedy "The Invisible Woman", which they condemned for reasons I can't figure out. I guess because she was naked when she was invisible. Who knows.
How could he do that if the minorities responded to the request? Are you saying minorities are too stupid to return a postage paid card indicating they still want to stay on the voter rolls even though they didn't vote for a while?

You read every bit of junk mail that comes through your mailbox? I don't. The method they used was intended to remove minorities from the rolls. You know it. I know it.

Seriously, you could see a Klansman lynch a black guy, and you'd be excusing it. I don't think I've ever seen you take the side of a black guy, once, ever.
I don't give a fuck about the purpose of the Bill.

But I HATE it because it restricts free speech.

I doubt this bill will survive a trip to the SCOTUS.
I don't give a fuck about the purpose of the Bill.

But I HATE it because it restricts free speech.

I doubt this bill will survive a trip to the SCOTUS.

Why wouldn't it? You mean there are constitutional protections of what you're allowed and not allowed to say at work?

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