Desantis signs bill into LAW to not teach sex ed to children 5-8 years old in Florida

You read every bit of junk mail that comes through your mailbox? I don't. The method they used was intended to remove minorities from the rolls. You know it. I know it.

Seriously, you could see a Klansman lynch a black guy, and you'd be excusing it. I don't think I've ever seen you take the side of a black guy, once, ever.

Why is that, because I'm not pandering to your non-stop lies? Show some evidence this was Jeb's intent. You make this shit up in your head and expect somebody.......anybody to believe it without a hint of evidence.

Voter purges are to remove dead people, people who moved out of the district, or people without the ability to vote off the rolls. They send the same cards to white people as they do any other race.
A fair election is "guy who gets the most votes, wins." Republicans live in mortal terror of that.

Actually, you are the same age I am, and what I remember was the nuns ranting in class about what was on TV.

When they televised Bonnie and Clyde, (with Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway) the nuns decided they had to tell us that these were REALLY REALLY BAD PEOPLE who weren't pretty and didn't deserve to have a movie about them.

I also remember they organized a protest about the Helter Skelter mini-series, which was about about as dry as you could get as a legal procedural. Seriously, episodes of Law & Order are more exciting

Every week the Catholic Newspaper would issue a weekly list of movies on TV and at the theater with grades on them on what we weren't allowed to watch. Some of the picks were truly bizarre, like Universal's 1943 comedy "The Invisible Woman", which they condemned for reasons I can't figure out. I guess because she was naked when she was invisible. Who knows.

Even if they did, it was at a time before liberals destroyed entertainment with their perversion so all shows were innocent. In our school they taught math, English, science and things kids needed to learn about. We didn't have shows or ads of Sally loves Sally. People had some morality back then. Liberals destroyed that.
Why wouldn't it? You mean there are constitutional protections of what you're allowed and not allowed to say at work?

First - NO ONE fucking tells me what to say at work. I have worked for myself since I was 25.
Second - they are not work related.
These are government restrictions on free speech.
A TOTALLY different thing.

Also, the Bill/law is vague.
The Constitution does not like 'vagueness'.
It likes specificity.

I am not going to argue this point...we will see.

But I would be very surprised if this bill/law survives the inevitable challenge in the SCOTUS.
First - NO ONE fucking tells me what to say at work. I have worked for myself since I was 25.
Second - they are not work related.
These are government restrictions on free speech.
A TOTALLY different thing.

Also, the Bill/law is vague.
The Constitution does not like 'vagueness'.
It likes specificity.

I am not going to argue this point...we will see.

But I would be very surprised if this bill/law survives the inevitable challenge in the SCOTUS.

I doubt they'll even hear any case brought to them. I can't go to work tomorrow and tell my boss his wife is an ugly pig. He will fire me and there is nothing I could do about it. Government is not stopping free speech of any teacher, just restricting free speech while being paid as an employee of the taxpayers. They can leave that classroom and talk about whatever they desire on their own time. If they thought there was such a case, they would have filed it the minute DeSantis signed the bill.
Voter purges are to remove dead people, people who moved out of the district, or people without the ability to vote off the rolls.

Keep in mind that Incel Joe is (or at least claims to be) from SHITcago, a city that, long before voter fraud was in vogue in the rest of the country, was notorious for it, and especially for fraud that involved votes cast on behalf of the dead. SHITcago's history of voter fraud goes back almost a century.

Keep in mind that Incel Joe is (or at least claims to be) from SHITcago, a city that, long before voter fraud was in vogue in the rest of the country, was notorious for it, and especially for fraud that involved votes cast on behalf of the dead. SHITcago's history of voter fraud goes back almost a century.

Democrats won't teach kids about democracy and the value of freedom of choice but
they will eagerly teach Bobby and Susie what the willy is for and how to use it.
Keep in mind that Incel Joe is (or at least claims to be) from SHITcago, a city that, long before voter fraud was in vogue in the rest of the country, was notorious for it, and especially for fraud that involved votes cast on behalf of the dead. SHITcago's history of voter fraud goes back almost a century.

It's difficult to have intelligent discussions when your adversary turns every single thing into race. Like Jeb or anybody else is going through the names trying to determine what the race is of the name they are looking at.
I'd ask you if you had a link to the person who only got a $150.00 fine, but it's probably some shit you are distorting.

Yes, the focus of Jeb Bush's purge was to get minorities off the voting rolls...
No you lying shitstain. It was to remove the DEAD from the rolls. Something your fellow morons fought tooth and nail to STOP from happening. Your lies, misogyny, and pure bullshit are getting old. Follow a man’s wife into the bathroom in front of him yet coward?
Actually, no it isn't on the rise, we are just getting better at identifying it.

For instance, I suspect my late father suffered from PTSD due to his experiences in WWII. But they really didn't have a name for it in the 1970's, much less how to look for it.

Nobody is going to make your kid gay. Either they are going to be gay or they are going to be straight. no one gets up one morning and decides their sexual orientation. Being more accepting means accepting who you are and accepting who other people are. That's actually a GOOD thing.

Most gay kids are going to be gay with people their own age, for the same reason most straight people are going to be straight with people their own age.
Mental illness is on the rise--------
You are wrong about PTSD btw pumpkin, I remember seeing brochures for PTSD in the mid 90's in the base doctor offices wondering why everyone thought that it was such a grand new thing following the gulf. (For those that don't know---the bases put up a lot of miscellaneous brochures on different medical conditions, morale and welfare etc type brochures and place them in racks around the bases.)

No you won't turn my kid gay, but they will certainly try and then do as the libs do now when you don't follow their mentally ill mantras and attack. ERgo kids who are highly suspectible to peer pressures such as the low self-esteen will submit to it thusly messing them up for life. I remember the 70's and how the communists (bisexual ones) operated---they would brag that if they could control one's sexuality that they knew they controlled them completely. SEE Charlie Manson and JIm JONES for reference.

Kids accepting what is wrong is a big issue that will mess with their morals and psyche for life.

Leave the kids alone you old pervert---if you actually believed that they will be what they are meant to be you wouldn't be obsessed with sexually manipulating them when they are young.
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Why is that, because I'm not pandering to your non-stop lies? Show some evidence this was Jeb's intent. You make this shit up in your head and expect somebody.......anybody to believe it without a hint of evidence.

Voter purges are to remove dead people, people who moved out of the district, or people without the ability to vote off the rolls. They send the same cards to white people as they do any other race.

Except Bush removed people who had been living at those addresses for years.

Even if they did, it was at a time before liberals destroyed entertainment with their perversion so all shows were innocent. In our school they taught math, English, science and things kids needed to learn about. We didn't have shows or ads of Sally loves Sally. People had some morality back then. Liberals destroyed that.

Showing people as they are is "peversion"? Hey, check this scene out... this is a scene that happened in our lifetimes and it was considered controversial. It involved a white man kissing a black woman.


And yes, people like you were outraged by it.

I doubt they'll even hear any case brought to them. I can't go to work tomorrow and tell my boss his wife is an ugly pig. He will fire me and there is nothing I could do about it. Government is not stopping free speech of any teacher, just restricting free speech while being paid as an employee of the taxpayers. They can leave that classroom and talk about whatever they desire on their own time. If they thought there was such a case, they would have filed it the minute DeSantis signed the bill.

Here's the problem. Teachers don't work for the State. They work for their individual school districts.
You are wrong about PTSD btw pumpkin, I remember seeing brochures for PTSD in the mid 90's in the base doctor offices wondering why everyone thought that it was such a grand new thing following the gulf. (For those that don't know---the bases put up a lot of miscellaneous brochures on different medical conditions, morale and welfare etc type brochures and place them in racks around the bases.)
My dad passed in 1981... long before PTSD became a watch-word and even then, mostly to describe vets of Vietnam, not WWII.

No you won't turn my kid gay, but they will certainly try and then do as the libs do now when you don't follow their mentally ill mantras and attack. ERgo kids who are highly suspectible to peer pressures such as the low self-esteen will submit to it thusly messing them up for life. I remember the 70's and how the communists (bisexual ones) operated---they would brag that if they could control one's sexuality that they knew they controlled them completely. SEE Charlie Manson and JIm JONES for reference.

You are working on the assumption that sexual orientation can be programmed. If that were the case, no kids who ever grew up in a strictly religious household would ever grow up to be gay, and we know that simply isn't the case.

Why go back to the 1970's... All through history there have been cults that have preyed on the weak minded, but it's not like we are going to ban religion.

What I remember about the 70's is that the Priests and Brothers in the Catholic Church had a reputation and you never wanted to be left alone with one of them. But the Church kept moving the bad actors around when they got caught.

Kids accepting what is wrong is a big issue that will mess with their morals and psyche for life.

Except you really haven't told me why being gay is "wrong".

So why is being gay wrong, other than you think it's icky and your imaginary fairy in the sky says it's wrong.
Keep in mind that @Incel Joe is (or at least claims to be) from SHITcago, a city that, long before voter fraud was in vogue in the rest of the country, was notorious for it, and especially for fraud that involved votes cast on behalf of the dead. SHITcago's history of voter fraud goes back almost a century.

How can you tell when a Mormon is lying? It's lips are moving.

Chicago had no more voter fraud than any other part of the country. What it USED to have is a machine that was very effective in getting out the vote.

For instance, my Dad was pretty much a Nixon Republican (back in the old days before the Religious crazies took over the GOP). Yet he voted Democratic in all the local elections? Why? Because the precinct captain made sure he had a good relationship with him and got out the vote. He followed up with people in the neighborhood to make sure that city services were getting to them as needed, such as clearing trees or making sure that garbage cans were replaced.
The state should not teach about sex and sexual choices to children 5-8 years old.


DeSantis is a great governor. You left wingnut cultists cant stay out of my state...why is that?

He is a piece of shit and the GOP are monsters
Except Bush removed people who had been living at those addresses for years.

If they didn't return their card, yes, they were removed, just like people of any race who didn't return their card. Did you look at your link? Hardly what anybody would consider evidence.

Showing people as they are is "peversion"? Hey, check this scene out... this is a scene that happened in our lifetimes and it was considered controversial. It involved a white man kissing a black woman.

Yes, a lot of people were (are) disgusted by such things, but it's still man and woman.

Here's the problem. Teachers don't work for the State. They work for their individual school districts.

Who ever said they work for the state? I said they are employees of taxpayers. I know this because I'm one of them.
Parents pretty much refuse to talk to their kids about sex. If they do it turns out they are terribly misinformed as well. It's why sex education exists in the first place. Most parents were overjoyed to delegate "the talk" to others so they can keep pretending their kids are innocent little angels.
A five year old doesn’t need the talk and the only thing they should know is no one should ever touch them down there unless it is medical reason only and that goes for a six, seven and eight year old…

They don’t need to know you prefer the same sex and if a parent want to talk to their kid at that age then that is their damn choice but anyone at a school should not be doing this at that age!
Yes, a lot of people were (are) disgusted by such things, but it's still man and woman.

Why do I get the feeling that you were one of the people who was upset when Captain Kirk kissed Lt. Uhura?

Ironically, Actress Nichelle Nichols, who played Uhura, wanted to leave the show because they weren't giving her enough to do. Dr. Martin Luther King talked her out of it, because it was a groundbreaking role, even a minor one.

25 years later, Star Trek Deep Space Nine premiered, with Avery Brooks- a black man - as the lead. My opinion, it was the best Trek show produced up to that point or since. It featured one of the first same sex kissed on TV.


Today, you have Star Trek Discovery, which is generally an awful show, but it does include a Gender Fluid character as well as several gay characters.
What exactly is he protecting anyone from??????? DeSantis has completely lost his fucking mind, and needs to leave for the home now.
He is protecting 5-7 year old children from the degenerates who want to force their sexual views on them, Shitstain.

Why don't you worry about your shithole fascist dictatorship up there in Kanada and butt out of things that don't concern you, Fuckwit?

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