Desantis signs bill into LAW to not teach sex ed to children 5-8 years old in Florida

For the most part number 2. Do you have a point with this?
Absolutely I do, because you avoided #3.

you keep labeling (or your RWI friends) that I, as a MS math teacher, am grooming students to lean towards pedo or Trans activities and this doesn’t happen Ray and I’m sick of you accusing me of such.
Absolutely I do, because you avoided #3.

you keep labeling (or your RWI friends) that I, as a MS math teacher, am grooming students to lean towards pedo or Trans activities and this doesn’t happen Ray and I’m sick of you accusing me of such.
Are you sure?

There aren't any controversially worded math problems on your tests?
Except they were against the law in this country up until 1969. NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE. Like, WITHIN MY LIFETIME. Yes, it sounds amazing that we would have such laws, but we did.

I noticed you avoided the issue of how interracial relationships freak you out.
Nobody is going to "make your kid gay" because they acknowledge gay people in school.

My dad was an 18 year old kid who got drafted, and was thrown into a meat grinder. (He was a combat medic). Probably watching his friends get blown up during Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge had an effect on him, as did liberating the Concentration camp at Nordhausen.

Despite all that, he came back, started a family, worked very hard all his life until he died of lung cancer at 56 because some corporate douchebag told him the asbestos he was working with was perfectly safe.
Only in democrat dominated states.
Ohara? Did she look Irish to you? The plot line was that aliens were forcing them to kiss, but she had feeling for Kirk he couldn't act on because he was the captain.

Obviously, there were limits to how they did shows in the 1960's, as you often had no connections between episodes. You had 26 different writing teams all working on scripts that had nothing to do with each other than using the same characters. Starting with Deep Space Nine, the dynamic kind of changed in that it was one of the first shows that had story arcs across a season, that would usually pay off in the season finale. That's kind of the norm for most dramas now.

I have mixed feelings on Discovery, because in many ways, it isn't Star Trek. Wokeness isn't the problem because they have a few characters bigots wouldn't understand.

That scene upset me about as much as getting an Icee at Allsup's.

The twitter guy is a teacher, and one of the people bitching about the law. Also it's pretty good evidence of 99% of this shit being kids just wanting acceptance from their peers.

I am giving a reference, not citing anything.
Why do teachers need to be educating kids under 10 anything about sex or sexuality at all other than the biological basics taught in science classes?
And why is that? what about two people who love each other being of different skin colors offends you so much that you can't bear to watch it?

So instead of having a professional who will give them guidance, you want them to figure it out by logging on to PornHub?

There is no God. Those are just the voices in your head. We have medications for that now.
You are an idiot.

Teaching young kids about sex and sexuality is the job of the parents not the schools.

Keep your perversions to yourself and your kids of you choose to groom them to follow in your footsteps but leave the rest of our kids alone.
Oh Ray..... My oh My.

Where did you learn your sex ed Ray?
You can select MORE than one answer.
1). Your parents actually sat you down and discussed fucking how babies arrive.
2). You heard it from peers, starting in MS (earlier ray?) and then in HS.
3). Your teachers held lessons and that is where you learned about Sex.
Breeding was daily fare at our table conversations. We knew how babies were made because we watched the process over and over and over and even helped to deliver a whole lot of those babies.
Breeding was daily fare at our table conversations. We knew how babies were made because we watched the process over and over and over and even helped to deliver a whole lot of those babies.
And it’s still the same today
With the awkward conversation for you about Gays. Which happened in your time too, but students didn’t talk about it
They do now, and that totally fucks with your mind, even though the exact same thing happened in your time, but people didn’t want to come “out of the closet “
And it’s still the same today
With the awkward conversation for you about Gays. Which happened in your time too, but students didn’t talk about it
They do now, and that totally fucks with your mind, even though the exact same thing happened in your time, but people didn’t want to come “out of the closet “
Why is it you feel the need to make shit up and pull it out of your ass?

Discussing gays was never uncomfortable for me.
Big reach there.
How about this?

3x -2y = 10
5x+ 3y = 80

Pretty controversial huh?
No I'm talking about this

And this.

And this.

"Despite claims to the contrary, K–12 educators are applying the racial prejudice of critical race theory (CRT) to school lessons. In recent months, parents and policymakers around the country have objected to CRT’s mischaracterization of American history in the academic subjects of history and civics. Critical race theorists, however, have also applied the theory’s racially biased principles to math and science. Some educators have redesigned math and science curricula to incorporate CRT’s racially discriminatory ideas to these technical subjects, replacing a focus on mastery of mathematical and scientific processes with racial bias. Parents, educators, and policymakers should reject racial prejudice in every subject, and educators and policymakers should prohibit any instructional material from requiring children to affirm, believe, or practice racial discrimination in their schoolwork".

CRT is just like the trans gender issue. Same difference. It's partisan leftist political bullshit being foisted on our children with public money.


Makes them grow up thoroughly incompetent so's they can't add 2 and 2

The racist fucking leftards are creating STUPID CHILDREN with their bullshit, and the black kids suffer most of all.
I can't bear to watch brainwashing. I'm intelligent and logical enough to know when somebody is trying to manipulate me.

How is portraying interracial couples 'brainwashing' or 'manipulating' you? Or that your revulsion at such a sight is "logical" or "intelligent".

Professionals? What professionals? A teacher has very limited education in that field. It's their own personal problems or beliefs they want to thrush on our children to try and brainwash them before they are even near old enough to understand it. It's like Dr. Carlson said tonight on Laura's show I believe: You don't give a first grader algebra problems. They are not prepared enough to understand them.

How many kids are using Algebra after High School? Wow, talk about a bad analogy.

Most teachers are required to get master's degrees and take extensive courses in child psychology. They are probably better equipped to handle delicate questions than most parents are.

You of all people are recommending that somebody else take medication?

Yup, because thinking a guy who whines about welfare constantly taking a check is hypocrisy is clearly just the same as thinking there's an imaginary fairy in the sky who wants you to abuse people
CRT is just like the trans gender issue. Same difference. It's partisan leftist political bullshit being foisted on our children with public money.


Makes them grow up thoroughly incompetent so's they can't add 2 and 2

The racist fucking leftards are creating STUPID CHILDREN with their bullshit, and the black kids suffer most of all.

That scene upset me about as much as getting an Icee at Allsup's.

Still got the name of the character wrong.

Why do teachers need to be educating kids under 10 anything about sex or sexuality at all other than the biological basics taught in science classes?

Because kids don't exist in a vacuum. They are going to live in a world where they are already getting that information from TV, movies and the internet.

You are an idiot.

Teaching young kids about sex and sexuality is the job of the parents not the schools.

And if their parents are homophobic bigots?

Keep your perversions to yourself and your kids of you choose to groom them to follow in your footsteps but leave the rest of our kids alone.
Teaching kids not to be bigots isn't "grooming".
Teachers do not need to discuss their sex life with Kindergarteners.

The cult is lying about the bill. They refuse to even read the bill.

People have read the bill, and it makes it possible for any Karen to sue any school district for any reason, without clearly defining what can or cannot be talked about.

The problem is you think being gay is just about sex. A gay teacher who has a picture of her wife could be sued under this law. A straight teacher who has a picture of her husband cannot.
The children do not belong to the state.

The cult thinks they do.

How about teaching kindergarteners about guns? Its in the constitution as a right to own a gun. How about we teach children about how to defend themselves against totalitarians with guns?
People have read the bill, and it makes it possible for any Karen to sue any school district for any reason, without clearly defining what can or cannot be talked about.

The problem is you think being gay is just about sex. A gay teacher who has a picture of her wife could be sued under this law. A straight teacher who has a picture of her husband cannot.

Pure Communist propaganda bullshit. The bill restricts teachers from TEACHING sex in the classroom. That's all it does.
And if their parents are homophobic bigots?

Then they are. It's their children and they have the right to teach them what they desire. You Communists think that children belong to the state and the parents are nothing more than the providers.

Teaching kids not to be bigots isn't "grooming".

It's brainwashing.

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