Desantis signs bill into LAW to not teach sex ed to children 5-8 years old in Florida

Except that instruction can include anything said in the classroom. So little Timmy asks why little Sally has two mommies, and that could be considered instruction.

Yes, so she doesn't tell him. Just say "I don't know."

Yes, these are the last desperate gasps of the racists and homophobes, who have already lost the culture war.

It must be true. I've been hearing about it for over 30 years now.
Anyone who doesn't agree with a leftist is either a racist or a homophobe or both.

The stupid idiot lefties are trivializing real racism.

A fact which has now been impressed on the 20 million soccer moms in this country.

Sane thinking people outnumber lefties at LEAST two to one.
Our previous Governor, a leftist pushing CRT in the schools, actually proposed paying black teachers on a higher pay scale than white teachers - and said that any white objecting to it was a racist. I’m sure that contributed to his defeat by a Republican (and in a blue state!).

The degree to which this country is rejecting the racism promoted by Democrats will be apparent in November.
The bully is causing disruption in school and that needs to be addressed by either the teacher or administration. If the bully does his thing either after school or on weekends, it's none of the teachers business.

If the bully were picking on a kid because of his race or religion, this wouldn't be an issue. They sit his little ass down and set him straight.

That's because you only had one place to get an answer and that was your parents. We didn't have the internet to look it up. Today if a perv teacher starts talking about sex and doesn't provide details, curious kids will find what they are looking for on the internet. That's the problem.

No, guy, it's only a problem if you are a deranged person who thinks sexual orientation can be learned or chosen. So, when did you "decide" to be straight? You didn't. You just figured out that you were attracted to girls some time after puberty.

Now, imagine you are a kid who goes through puberty and realizes he likes the same sex, but no one ever told him that was possible.

Of course if the teacher keeps her personal business personal, she doesn't plant that seed of curiosity. The child will grow up like all children should thinking about what's new in cartoons.

Um, yeah, here's the thing. When I was a kid back in the 70's, we all had our secret stash of porn magazines the adult thought they had thrown away.

Kind of amusing, my brother had his stash my mom found, and my mother, being an art teacher, wanted to explain nudity in itself wasn't bad, but porn was. She talked about Michaelangelo painting nudes in the Sistine chapel, to which I snarked "NObody caught him." (Which actually, is kind of historically accurate. Those old bishops had no idea what he was up to until he finished.)

Yes, so she doesn't tell him. Just say "I don't know."

So you are saying she should LIE to the kid. The honest answer is "sometimes people have two moms instead of a mom and a dad, but they still love each other."

See. Not a fucking thing about sex in there, but still against the "Don't Say Gay" laws.
Filthy, disgusting Libs are all pissed off about this Bill…they know the Lib Mind Virus uses sexual deviance as the gateway for programming. Sick fucks!
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You've confused "libs"
The Church
The Boy Scouts
The Olymics trainers
Oh, and of course, the GOP

If the bully were picking on a kid because of his race or religion, this wouldn't be an issue. They sit his little ass down and set him straight.

WTF does his race or religion have to do with it? Kids get picked on for a variety of things. You made up some phony scenario that won't even happen because of this law.

No, guy, it's only a problem if you are a deranged person who thinks sexual orientation can be learned or chosen. So, when did you "decide" to be straight? You didn't. You just figured out that you were attracted to girls some time after puberty.

Now, imagine you are a kid who goes through puberty and realizes he likes the same sex, but no one ever told him that was possible.

Then let him or her discuss that with their parents. Kids at the age of 7 don't know or care about sexual orientation nor should the commies be forcing it down their throats. As the Pink Floyd song goes, Leave Our Kids Alone.

Um, yeah, here's the thing. When I was a kid back in the 70's, we all had our secret stash of porn magazines the adult thought they had thrown away.

Kind of amusing, my brother had his stash my mom found, and my mother, being an art teacher, wanted to explain nudity in itself wasn't bad, but porn was. She talked about Michaelangelo painting nudes in the Sistine chapel, to which I snarked "NObody caught him." (Which actually, is kind of historically accurate. Those old bishops had no idea what he was up to until he finished.)

Children in single digit ages could care less about porn or nudity. Apples and oranges again.

So you are saying she should LIE to the kid. The honest answer is "sometimes people have two moms instead of a mom and a dad, but they still love each other."

See. Not a fucking thing about sex in there, but still against the "Don't Say Gay" laws.

Yes, lie to the kid. Let the child discuss the issue with his parents and not some strange teacher. Then the teacher doesn't have to worry what the laws are.
WTF does his race or religion have to do with it? Kids get picked on for a variety of things. You made up some phony scenario that won't even happen because of this law.

Quite right. If little Billy picks on Jamal for being black or little Moshe for being a Jew, they are going to sit his ass down and straighten him out. But if he picks on little Sally because she has two mommies, they are prohibited from having any talk with him about it.

Then let him or her discuss that with their parents. Kids at the age of 7 don't know or care about sexual orientation nor should the commies be forcing it down their throats. As the Pink Floyd song goes, Leave Our Kids Alone.

Wow, you missed the point of that song entirely. Then again, you probably think the lyrics about "Are there any Queers in the Theater Tonight" was a cry to morality.

Children in single digit ages could care less about porn or nudity. Apples and oranges again.

Really? I remember all the boys had their porn stashes in grammar school... so not so much. They would play doctor or post office with little Sally.

Yes, lie to the kid. Let the child discuss the issue with his parents and not some strange teacher. Then the teacher doesn't have to worry what the laws are.

So that's what you are really worried about, teachers interfering in the parents right to raise their kids to be homophobic haters.
We have states rights.

Why are you cult members so concerned about this?

If you want to teach 5 years olds about sex and homsexuality and the entire LQBTQAA++++ stuff then go right ahead. It should not be part of the STATE cirriculum.

Read the bill, then stop lying.
Kindergardeners should be taugh how to use 22 caliber rifles in school. It should be in the school cirriculum of every state.

Its for safety. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
Quite right. If little Billy picks on Jamal for being black or little Moshe for being a Jew, they are going to sit his ass down and straighten him out. But if he picks on little Sally because she has two mommies, they are prohibited from having any talk with him about it.

What the school does is stop bullying for any reason. They don't need to explain it other than the fact they don't tolerate violence on school property.

Really? I remember all the boys had their porn stashes in grammar school... so not so much. They would play doctor or post office with little Sally.

Why would kids have stashes of anything they had no interest in? Yes, at 11,12,13 or so they did, but not at six years old.

So that's what you are really worried about, teachers interfering in the parents right to raise their kids to be homophobic haters.

Right, because without leftist teachers, that's what their parents would be telling them about

A parent may feel that their child doesn't need to know anything about sex or weirdos until an age they deem appropriate. That is their right, not the right of any perv teacher. And if they decide not to talk about it at all with their children, that is also their right--not the teacher.
That's crap. You are either not a parent or you don't know any

Or they're an orphan which that's really sad if they are, but they are obviously completely oblivious. Oh and for the record I cannot begin to understand what's the use to talking to kids who are way too young to get pregnant (or father a child) and are nowhere near that age anyways about sex education.
What the school does is stop bullying for any reason. They don't need to explain it other than the fact they don't tolerate violence on school property.

Again, you are really stretching here, Ray. You certainly do tell the bully why his bullying is wrong.

Why would kids have stashes of anything they had no interest in? Yes, at 11,12,13 or so they did, but not at six years old.

But we aren't just talking about six year olds... we are talking up to third grade, which would be about nine.

You also work on the assumption that everyone learns at the same level. For instance, I have a niece who is nine, but she is reading at the seventh grade level right now, including Harry Potter books.

The thing is, I trust education professionals who have gotten masters degrees in how to handle children to make appropriate decisions.

Right, because without leftist teachers, that's what their parents would be telling them about

A parent may feel that their child doesn't need to know anything about sex or weirdos until an age they deem appropriate. That is their right, not the right of any perv teacher. And if they decide not to talk about it at all with their children, that is also their right--not the teacher.

The only people who think saying "Gay people are a thing" is "perv" probably have some issues of their own to work out.
It actually does a lot more than that.

Parents could sue a school district if they believe there is a violation of any of these requirements or restrictions. Parents may also request a special magistrate to determine facts relating to the dispute and to recommend a solution to the State Board of Education.

The costs to do that would be the responsibility of the district, according to the legislation.
The bill does not define sexual orientation or gender identity. Polsky proposed an amendment to establish that the bill would restrict curriculum on all sexual orientations and gender identities -- including heterosexual and cisgender identities.

"If we're going to go so far as to ban any instruction of these concepts in K-3 and elsewhere, if not appropriate, then we should at least know what we're talking about," said Polsky during the March 7 debate.

Defining those terms, including "heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality" and "gender-related identity, appearance or behavior," could clear up what the bill would ban, she said.

Uh, no, not really. Hey, did you hear about the White Supremacist who named his son "Adolf Hitler"? The state intervened in that case when they found it was an unhealthy environment for a child. More of that, please.
Oh look, another moron Dimwinger who can’t define simple terms like “sexual orientation”.
Ah, you keep avoiding the subject. WHY does an interracial couple "disgust" you. (Not many, we are just talking about you, Ray, as you said you turn off the TV if the characters are in an interracial relationship."

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This makes you mad, doesn't it?

I have teachers in my family. Now, you have to get a masters degree just to teach grade school...
Link us up to this requirement of a Masters to teach grade school.
If Timmy asks why Sally has two Mommies, the teacher should not impart her leftist position onto a child and instead, realizing that it is beyond her purview, tell Jimmy to ask his parents when he gets home. That way, the child thinks the way he parents want, and not the way the Marxist government wants. The kid can change his mind if he wants when he’s older.
Joetard won’t like that answer.
Oh, are you back to not ignoring me, Karen558?

Okay, so little Timmy goes home, and his homophobic parents tell him that Little Sally's moms are going to burn in Hell forever and ever, and he comes back and says that to the rest of the class the next day and little Sally is in tears.

Little Timmy eventually grows up to commit Hate Crimes against gays because no one ever told him that was wrong.

It's shameful the right is so committed to it's homophobia that they want to censor teachers from even talking about it.

The funny thing is that Corporate American used to use racism and homophobia to keep stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests, but even they are backign away from it and you guys can't help yourselves.

You mean you'll win the midterms and remind everyone how crazy you are?
You have quite the imagination.
So the fact that we have so much teenage pregnancy would tell me parents aren't doing a very good job of explaining clearly how the sperm and eggs get together.

Teachers are also responsible for the social development of kids, to see how they interact with others. For instance, identifying the class bully and making sure he gets some correction. So by your logic, if the parents are the ones teaching him to be the class bully, that's fine with you. Just teach the math, and if little Timmy is picking on little Sally because she has two mommies, and makes jokes about Turkey Basters, well, heck, not the school's problem.
So letting a teacher tell 5 year old kids he likes it up the pooper will cut down on teen pregnancy?

Got a link to your data on that?
How many of you discussed your teachers’ sex lives with them when you were in kindergarden?

My 5th grade teacher was a lesbian. Ms Connor. Best teacher I ever had. I never even considered her sexuality, she was just a great teacher.

She didnt tell the class about her weekend munching box with her partner.

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